February 26, 2024

Ep.1322: Have We Lost Our Ability to Honor One Another? (Part II)

The how and why of giving and receiving true respect for one another

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Play Part I


Honor is an important standard. How do we apply it to those around us?

How do we apply honor to those in our Christian fellowship?

How does God honor US?

Theme Scripture: Romans 12:9-10

Honor and respect. These seem like simple enough words but try and find them actively functioning in everyday life and you will find that they are surprisingly rare. As we speculate about why this is, we may conclude that we as a social order simply don’t perceive a need for them. The further we go down the road of each of us primarily answering to only ourselves, the less important honor for others becomes. While this may now be socially acceptable, it is far from being scripturally authorized. On the contrary, as Christians, we are solidly instructed to be people who exemplify honor in every aspect of our lives. As we began laying the “how to” groundwork in Part I, we began to see what a difference this practice of giving honor can make in everyday life.

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February 26, 2024

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Driven Direction

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Practical applications of humanistic versus biblically based morality
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It's a quality Jesus had that we want to copy!

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Driven Direction

Properly managing our varied Christian perspectives of right and wrong
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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

Practical applications of humanistic versus biblically based morality
morality personal choices

VIDEO: What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

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It's a quality Jesus had that we want to copy!

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The spiritual and earthly reasons for and impact of Jesus’ obedience
February 19, 2024

Ep.1321: Have We Lost Our Ability to Honor One Another? (Part I)

Biblical examples of how honor can and should permeate our lives

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Play Part II


What is the biblical comparison of natural crops of food to our own spiritual maturity in Christ?

How highly do esteem the precious promises God gives to those who follow His will?

Am I pausing to consider the spiritual lessons of what God considers to be precious and honored?

Theme Scripture: Romans 12:9-10

Our society is in trouble. In many ways, it seems that we have lost our way, and we no longer have a general sense of societal respect. Maybe it’s just me, but when I was a kid, I was clearly shown the importance of valuing others. We were taught to respect those in charge, and respect those who enforced the law and kept order. We were taught to have high esteem for parents and educators. We were taught to appreciate and value all who did whatever their part was, be it big or small. Now it seems we are taught respect should be demanded from others and not given. Our go-to approach encourages disrespecting and demeaning any who don’t fit our personal perceptions of how we think life should look. Interestingly, the Bible has a lot to say about how honor and respect should work!

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Driven Direction

Properly managing our varied Christian perspectives of right and wrong
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VIDEO: What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Given Direction

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

Practical applications of humanistic versus biblically based morality
morality personal choices

VIDEO: What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Driven Direction

Properly managing our varied Christian perspectives of right and wrong
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VIDEO: What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Given Direction

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

Practical applications of humanistic versus biblically based morality
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It's a quality Jesus had that we want to copy!

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The spiritual and earthly reasons for and impact of Jesus’ obedience
February 12, 2024

Ep.1320: Can My Marriage Be a “Happily Ever After”?

Understanding how to adjust perspective to make a marriage strong

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How can we stay positive during the challenging points in our marriage?

How does our marriage commitment based on our honor and respect for God help us to see our spouse in a different way?

How often do we notice the way our spouse fills in the gaps of what we lack or how they see what we cannot?

Theme Scripture: Genesis 2:23-24

It would seem that most entering into marriage do so with high expectations of a life of happiness, fulfillment and companionship. Unfortunately for far too many, these expectations are foreign to their reality. Excluding marriages that end in divorce, how many are truly happy and fulfilled, and how many are simply going along to get along? These are hard things to look at. In order to do so in a positive and growth-oriented way, we need to establish two basic truths for our conversation. First, let’s understand that “Happily ever after” is a fairy tale ending. The feelings it ignites of an everyday bliss-filled life are unfair and not real. Second, let’s understand that our marriages CAN be happy, fulfilled and full of companionship, IF we know what we’re striving for and are willing to put in the effort!

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Every genuinely successful marriage has a few things in common. With each of these things, there is always a continual need to focus and refocus as life can relentlessly get in the way. Let’s start with the one thing that most of us think of as obvious - love. We “fall in love” and develop a powerful connection. We cannot imagine that connection ever changing or waning, as it is so strong and binding. We get married. Maybe we have kids. Maybe we have demanding careers. Maybe we have trauma or family issues or sickness or loss. Maybe we grow apart from one another. We wake up one day and realize that our once seemingly indestructible connection is blurred or foggy. Are we done? Is it over?

Can perspective help?

It certainly doesn't have to be, as there are MANY things we can do to rebuild, revive and reconnect. One principle to begin with is perspective. As we observe what has happened or is happening in our marriage, we need to realize we have the power to set our perspective. Most often we feel the pain or sorrow or regret or confusion of what is happening, and those emotions drive our conclusions. This natural and emotional approach can easily end in disaster. However, there is another way. We absolutely need to feel what we feel, but it is important to ask ourselves one important question. This question can open the door to strong, revitalizing possibilities.

How am I seeing my marriage challenges?

Is the glass "half empty" or is the glass "half full"? The fact is, when we see any situation as a “glass half empty” scenario, we are framing it as a loss. Studies have shown that once we frame something this way, it is very hard to reframe it as a gain, as a "glass half full" conclusion. Understanding this simple life equation can change everything. Check out our February 12, 2024 podcast, “Can Marriage be a Happily Ever After?” for more. We delve into the power of perspective and apply it to the foundational building blocks of marriage. Join us for answers - real practical and marriage-enhancing answers!

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Driven Direction

Properly managing our varied Christian perspectives of right and wrong
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VIDEO: What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Given Direction

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

Practical applications of humanistic versus biblically based morality
morality personal choices

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It's a quality Jesus had that we want to copy!

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What Does “The Smoke of Their Torment Rises Up Forever” Mean? (Hellfire Series Part V)

Unraveling the symbolism in two often misunderstood Revelation texts
smoke of their torment

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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Driven Direction

Properly managing our varied Christian perspectives of right and wrong
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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

Practical applications of humanistic versus biblically based morality
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It's a quality Jesus had that we want to copy!

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The spiritual and earthly reasons for and impact of Jesus’ obedience
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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Driven Direction

Properly managing our varied Christian perspectives of right and wrong
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What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

Practical applications of humanistic versus biblically based morality
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VIDEO: What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices

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VIDEO: What is compassion?

It's a quality Jesus had that we want to copy!

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The spiritual and earthly reasons for and impact of Jesus’ obedience
February 05, 2024

Ep.1319: What Did Jesus Really Think of the Pharisees? (Part II)

What we can learn from the deep hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees

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Play Part I


The fifth woe compares the Pharisees to dirty dishes! What does that mean?

The sixth woe compares the Pharisees to whitewashed tombs! What does that mean?

The seventh woe is about crimes of their ancestors! What does that mean?

Theme Scripture: Matthew 23:27

Jesus was at odds with the scribes and Pharisees. They stood for traditions that had been built upon the foundation of the Jewish Law but were not part of the already complex rules and guidelines God had commanded through Moses so many generations before them. No, these traditions were fabrications, and were likely in place to separate the ruling class from the people. Meanwhile, Jesus stood for the people. He stood for those who were less educated, less fortunate and less prominent, as they were the ones most likely to be open to God’s grace and mercy. This division came to a head shortly before Jesus was crucified, as he directly confronted these leaders with their hypocrisy. In Part I, we began to address the seven powerful "woes" Jesus had proclaimed to them.

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It is important to realize how Jesus presented the seven woes to the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23. First, he was in a mixed crowd and began by telling the average people about the danger their spiritual leaders were bringing to them. Jesus said some hard things, and he said them right in front of those very spiritual leaders. Next, Jesus turned to those leaders and proceeded to tell them the depth of their failures.


He did this for several reasons:

  1. All he said was true and necessary.
  2. He knew that his crucifixion was imminent, that he was out of time.
  3. He loved those religious leaders as members of God’s chosen nation, and he grieved over their fall from God’s favor.

The first three woes Jesus proclaimed to Israel’s religious leaders revealed hard truths about their lives. Jesus began by describing them as hypocrites. They claimed Moses’ authority even though it was far beyond their reach. They sought to convert others to be of the “ruling class” like them, while leaving the average people of Israel without the guidance they were tasked to give. They blindly added confusion to the sacredness of worship in the Temple so the average Jew could not measure up.

"Hypocrites and blind guides!"

Jesus did not stop there. Oh no, there were four more of these woes, and each one dramatically captured their hypocrisy and deeper and deeper failures to truly uphold God’s Law. Check out our February 5, 2024 podcast, “What Did Jesus Really Think of the Pharisees? (Part II)” for more. We walk through the painful realities of these last four woes and focus in on the reasons for Jesus’ blunt approach.

These leaders had proudly and publicly obsessed over tiny details of the Law. They intentionally hid their craft and corruption beneath a shiny, clean appearance. They systematically proclaimed themselves better than everyone else both past and present. Join us for this remarkable journey as we observe Jesus calling out hypocrisy, self-imposed blindness to truth, corruption and devilish behavior. There is SO much we can learn by knowing what NOT to do!


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