Ep.903: Does God Really Keep His Promises?
Tracing the context and surety of God’s promises
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Theme Scripture: Psalms 89:34
What kind of image comes to your mind when you think about someone who makes promises but never keeps them? Is that a person you feel comfortable with, a person that you can count on, or is that a person who you think twice about, they conjures up doubt and even suspicion in your mind? How about someone who always keeps their promises? Is that a person whose word is “money good” to you – a person who you would want in your corner and a person you feel you can deeply and freely trust? What a difference between the two!
Which person best describes your perception of God? Is He that promise keeper who is so trustworthy or is He that other kind of friend? For many, God does not fit the description of admiration and trust; rather, He comes across as One who has talked a good game throughout the Bible and its promises of care, help and deliverance but has left us to suffer through life while He is resoundingly silent. What do we do with this?
What we do is we investigate. A listener wrote in with this very challenge to God’s integrity and cited several Scriptures where He promises care and blessing but does not seem to deliver. We went through every Scripture raised, figured out the context of the promise and then were able to put together a series of “Promise Lessons” to help with our understanding. One such lesson is that God promises us deliverance through times of testing but not from them. This can be a tough one, because so often when the going gets tough we just want to get out. But that is how God promises His help.
Check out “Does God Really Keep His Promises” our Christian Questions broadcast from January 31, 2016, to see what the principles and conditions of God’s promises are and how we can learn to really trust Him - even when He seems to be silent. God’s word is his bond! (By the way, did you ever wonder where the phrase “my word is my bond” comes from? You’ll be surprised!)