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April 26, 2021

Ep.1175: Did God Make Heaven and Hell Humanity’s Destiny (Part II)

Unpacking the true meaning of hell and Judgment Day in Scripture

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Play Part I


What's the real story with the fires of hell? Should we be afraid?

Is the Day of Judgment a time to fear?

What is the biblical destiny of those who never accepted Jesus in their lifetime?

Theme Scripture: Matthew 6:10

God does have a plan for the destiny of humanity. He always has. Think about it – God created man as the crowning feature of the earth’s system of life. Man was given dominion over the planet, sin entered and the whole thing seemed ruined. The thing is, God knew sin would enter. He knew man would fall. The journey through sin was to be part of an eternal education experience for all of humanity. In Part I of our series, we established that the Bible teaches the earth not only abides forever, but it will be housing humanity throughout that eternity. We also established that the pathway to heaven is available by invitation only. Walking that path requires life-long faith, sacrifice and obedience. While acknowledging we are sinners and loving Jesus are wonderful steps to take, they don’t get us to heaven. While these scriptural truths are enlightening, they raise MANY questions about the afterlife. What about hell? And what are all those unsaved people doing on earth? What about Judgment Day?

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Where will most of humanity end up in the afterlife?

The concept of an eternal burning hell of torment is a massive question when considering the  destiny of humanity. There are several scriptures in the teachings of Jesus that certainly seem to support it. But think about this concept it relates to the rest of the Bible. If hell is the destiny for those who disobey God, why did God tell Adam that the penalty of sin was death? Did God not tell the truth? If eternal torture is factual, then why was it not described at all outside of Jesus words and two symbolic scriptures in Revelation? Why did the Apostle Paul emphatically state “the wages of sin is death”? Why does the rest of the New Testament not seem to care about such a dramatic consequence?

If we take these questions and investigate the Scriptures in question with diligence and integrity, this whole issue begins to reveal itself. What we find is biblical logic and doctrine that debunks this false teaching. While this may be a relief, it adds more questions. Once you take away the belief that unbelievers will be eternally tortured, what do you do with them? Are they simply able to exist with out consequences? How fair would that be?  Do they just cease to exist? How could that be fair for those who never heard the name of Jesus?

Enter the Day of Judgment!

Understanding the biblical reality of how this period of time works solves all of these issues. Check out our April 26, 2021 podcast, “Did God Make Heaven and Hell Humanity’s Destiny? (Part II)" for more. On top of giving clear biblical direction on the hell of torment issue, we define what Judgment Day is and what it is not. We review the scriptural perspective on what really happens in the afterlife to all the unbelievers throughout history. The result is a crystal-clear picture of how God’s plan will treat believers and unbelievers in the future. Don’t miss how all the details fit together and reveal an inspirational and God-glorifying picture!

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Why the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge?

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April 19, 2021

Ep.1174: Did God Make Heaven and Hell Humanity’s Destiny? (Part I)

Uncovering who goes to heaven and what happens to planet Earth

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Play Part II


Does the Bible say the earth will be burned up?

What does heaven look like for the followers of Jesus?

Who exactly goes to heaven and who doesn't?

Theme Scripture: Matthew 6:10

The general consensus in Christianity is that there are two paths, two destinies that await humanity. First, there is the heavenly bliss of being with Jesus. After all, Jesus himself said he was preparing a place for his followers in heaven and that he would bring us there. Second, there is the fiery torturous eternal existence of hell. This is reserved for everybody else who did not follow Jesus. While this “two destiny” approach may sound simple, it does not stand the test of scrutiny. For starters, the fact is the vast majority of humanity has not known or accepted the name of Jesus. Does this mean God’s careful creation of humanity “in His image” was a resounding failure? And what about planet Earth? If it is doomed for a fiery end, then why did Jesus tell us to pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth? These are just the beginning of some big questions, so let’s see if we can find big biblical answers!

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Is the earth burned up or not?

To best comprehend the eternal destiny of humanity, we need to look carefully at Bible prophecy beginning with earth. Some scriptures seem to indicate the earth will be burned up and every living thing upon it will be destroyed. While this sounds disturbing, the good news is that it is simply not true. On the contrary, we believe the earth will be an eternal habitation in a perfected state in the future. How can we say this when 2 Peter 3:10 reads “…the earth and its works will be burned up.”?

The key is understanding what is literal and what is figurative in Scripture. How would we respond to the skeptic who says we can determine something to be figurative to make it fit our narrative? The answer here is to have integrity. Not just personal integrity. We also absolutely need to maintain the clear and consistent teachings of God’s word from beginning to end. The Bible tells us what is true if we allow its message to surface!

Check out our April 19, 2021 podcast, “Did God Make Heaven and Earth Humanity’s Destiny? (Part 1)” for more. We dig into several Old Testament prophecies written at different times, in different places by different prophets. We find is a crystal-clear narrative that explains not only what will happen to earth, but why it will happen. These biblical texts are an absolute key in understanding the destiny of humanity in God’s plan.

How do you REALLY get to heaven?

With the question of earth settled, we next take a scriptural look at heaven.  Who goes to heaven, why do they go and what do they have to do to qualify? The bottom line is: If we want to know where the righteous and unrighteous of humanity go for eternity, we need to understand what is real and what is not according to the Bible. Join us for this revealing two-part discovery series!


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VIDEO: Did God Make Heaven and Hell Humanities Destiny? (Part I)

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Revealing the assurance of the “fear not” message in the gospel
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April 12, 2021

Ep.1173: How Do I Cope With Overwhelming Loneliness?

Discovering five practical and scriptural ways to combat loneliness

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How can we break the pattern of loneliness shutting us down?

Is being lonely a sin?

Should we measure the value of our lonely feelings against other things that are important to God?

Theme Scripture: John 16:32

No one wants to be lonely. It is a sad and painful state of being that daily grows more and more common. There is a major difference between being alone and being lonely. To be alone is to be without anyone to engage with. This can be a productive place to be when in the right frame of mind. On the other hand, we can feel isolated in a crowded room or when we are with family and friends. We can be lonely at work, at play and even at church. Perhaps we are lonesome when with our spouse or when engaged in social media. Loneliness is not dictated by outward circumstances, rather it is driven by our interpretations of our experiences and our perceptions of our environment. To be lonely is to feel unimportant. It is to be convinced we do not belong and that we in some way, are unacceptable and even unwanted. Loneliness can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are ways to combat it!

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If we are stuck in a lonely corner of our lives, the last thing we want to do is to let others know. Such an action is far too risky, as it brings on the anxiety of a further sense of rejection. We don’t want to hear, “Pull yourself together!” or "Get out there and meet someone!” While these statements may be meant as encouragement, they feel like judgment and enhance our fear of failure. Loneliness, therefore, is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Feeling lonely provokes actions of loneliness and expectations of continued isolation. How do we begin to  break down this destructive pattern?

Approach #1: Prayer

We suggest five action steps for Christians. The first is prayer. Why? Prayer is a private experience. No one needs to know about it which relieves us from the ever-present sense of judgment we feel. Think about this – God ALREADY knows we are desperately lonely. He ALREADY knows how we arrived at such a state of mind. The purpose of approaching God through Jesus about our isolation is not to inform God of what is happening but to say it. The purpose is to humbly admit to our heavenly Father the extent of our misery and to place our experience into His eternally-capable hands. We begin to seek His will in coping with it.

While taking such a first step requires the courage to be honest and humble before God, its benefits can be dramatic. Understanding ourselves through the lens of God’s mercy and love can help us develop the fortitude for the next steps. Check out our April 12, 2021 podcast, “How Do I Cope With Overwhelming Loneliness?” for more. We round out the approach to and benefits of prayer.  The next four steps are introduced, seeing how steps two and three are basically private and therefore less daunting. Don’t miss this opportunity for profound and practical insight. Loneliness does not have to rule our daily life if we learn how to cope with it!


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Learning what God’s call to discipleship is and what it is not
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Why the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge?

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April 05, 2021

Ep.1172: How Did Jesus’ Resurrection Change Both Heaven and Earth?

Uncovering the far-reaching effects of Jesus' sacrifice

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How did the spirit realm dramatically change after Jesus was raised?

What is the future of the spirit realm relating to the battle between good and evil?

As a result of Jesus’ sacrifice, what will planet earth look like in the future?

Theme Scripture: Philippians 2:10

As Christians, we unequivocally herald the death and resurrection of Jesus as being the absolute centerpiece of our faith. Further, we claim that the entire purpose of our Holy Bible is focused on these events as its primary message. These descriptions are overwhelmingly accurate. But why? Many Christians will answer that we are saved as a result of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and this is true. Others will say these events are proof of God’s loving plan for humanity, and this is true as well.  Let’s now take the time to look at these spectacular events through a different lens. Let’s observe them through the lens of change. What changed and will change in heaven as a result of Jesus’ death and resurrection? What changed and will change on earth? The answer on both counts is...plenty!

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Shocking change

What if I told you the death and resurrection of Jesus were the greatest change agents in all of the history of all of God’s creation? Would that seem like a stretch? In this recent podcast we examined the effects of these events from four very specific standpoints. We found a staggering amount of scriptural evidence to support this claim.

Sons of God

The first of the four areas the death and resurrection of Jesus dramatically changed is focused on our world today. Before these events, God dealt exclusively with His chosen people of Israel. Their relationship with Him was based on His sovereignty over them. Israel had to follow the rites and rituals of the Law to maintain His favor. After Jesus, a new way opened up. It is a way that enables us to be called "sons of God." This change is far more dramatic than most give it credit for. Previously, Adam and Jesus were the only humans to ever be called God’s sons. But now because of Jesus’ faithfulness, God’s spirit can dwell within us. That opens the door to sonship.

Further, remember that the gospel call became an invitation that could be heard worldwide. The name of Christ stands for positive influence, even though it has been tarnished and misused by powerful denominations over time. Think of how much better a place the world is as a result of true Christianity.

These things just scratch the surface of the changes that the death and resurrection of Jesus brought to our world today. We haven’t even considered the changes that have occurred within the spiritual realm. There is a present spiritual battle between good and evil raging everyday. Jesus stands right in the middle of it! Check out our April 5, 2021 podcast, “How Did Jesus’ Death and Resurrection Change Both Heaven and Earth?” for more. We outline how both the earthly and spiritual realms are different. More importantly, we look into the future and see how both will change in the future because of Jesus. Don’t miss this conversation, as it will deepen your reverence for our Lord and Master!

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