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Showing 1-12 of 157 episodes
Doctrine Episode #1280

Is God an Angry God?

Uncovering God’s true character through a specific set of scriptures
Development of Character Episode #1233

VIDEO: What is self-control?

Do cookies always seem to be calling you right before dinner? Do you feel that frustration rising when something doesn't go your way? Self-control to the rescue!
CQ Kids Episode #1229

VIDEO: What is reverence?

It might not be a word we use every day, but it certainly applies to what we should feel regarding our Heavenly Father.
Character Episode #1221

How Do We Keep Hope Alive?

What hope does for us and what we need to do for it to keep it vibrant
CQ Kids Episode #1214

VIDEO: What’s wrong with complaining?

It's all too easy to fall into the trap of grumbling and murmuring when things don't go our way. Is this how God wants us to behave? Spoiler alert: NOPE!
CQ Kids Episode #1192

VIDEO: What is faith?

The intangible concept of faith can be tough to explain to a child. This video breaks it down into an easily understandable quality based on tangible things all around us.
CQ Kids Episode #1171

VIDEO: What is wisdom?

Solomon asked for wisdom...and the Lord gave it to him!
Episode #1097

What is Satanism?

Understanding Satanism and its subtle and devious allure
Moments That Matter Episode #1097

VIDEO: What is Satanism?

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Parable Episode #845

How Should We Be Praying?

The importunate widow plus the Judge and the Pharisee/ Tax Collector
Inspiration Episode #635

Got Gratitude?

Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving weekend
Doctrine Episode #611

Why Do We Pray?

The purpose and power of prayer
Doctrine Episode #441

Why Do We Pray?

The mechanics of and reasons for prayer