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June 26, 2023

Ep.1287: What Does God Promise Us As Christians?

Learning who God’s magnificent promises are for and how they work

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Are God's promises to Christians a free ticket to greatness and abundance?

Has God promised to deliver us from our trials by making a way of escape??

Courage, assurance, hope, reward - what do we have to do in order to receive God's promises?

Theme Scripture: 2 Peter 1:4

As Christians, our faith in God should translate into an unquestionable loyalty and trust. If God says something will be so, it is a guarantee it will happen. While this deep faith in the word of God should bring a powerful comfort to our lives, it's also capable of bringing us serious doubts and concerns. How can this be? If God is as good as His word (and He is), then where do the doubts come from? They arise when we do not understand or misapply His Word. They arise when we ourselves stand outside of the circle of God’s protective providence and seek to claim promises not meant for us. In other words, God’s promises to Christians are only meant for true disciples of Jesus. This may sound like an excuse to some, but it is in fact a basis for how God’s favor works in the lives of His true children.

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The Bible is full of God’s promises.

These range from large and encompassing promises that show the end result of worldwide salvation to small yet significant promises of His watchful eye, guiding His individual followers into righteous paths. It is important to consider the magnitude of difference that we just described. God’s promises are deeply engrained in the universal events that dictate the destiny of ALL life on ALL planes of existence. This means He didn’t just create all that He created to see what would happen. It means He intentionally created with an ultimate pathway and objective in mind. When we understand God’s promises we realize that when He has an objective in mind, it will come to be. His promises of things to come are facts that have simply not yet been revealed.

On the other side of the coin, we have His promises to His faithful ones.

These are minute in comparison as He guides those who are loyal to him in very pointed and dramatic ways. When we compare the promises that cover the countless billions of His spiritual and earthly creation, guiding an individual through a unique experience can seem tiny, almost impossible. What this actually shows is the incomprehensible greatness of God. He promises things bigger than humanity’s imagination, while at the same time promising things small and private to individuals.

So, who gets to be in line for these seemingly insignificant yet amazingly powerful individual promises? Are they reserved for anyone who names the name of Christ, or is there more to it than that? Check out our June 26, 2023 podcast, “What Does God Promise Us as Christians?” for more. We take a sweeping look at how God’s promises on a worldwide scale work, and then narrow our focus down to the promises God give to individuals. What does God promise to His loyal ones anyway? Abundance? Health? Happiness? How and when are His promises fulfilled? Join us for this revealing episode on the who, how, and why of God’s promises. Give yourself a chance to see God’s character with inspiring new depth.


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