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January 20, 2025

Ep.1369: What Really Happened on the Mount of Transfiguration?

Discussing the spectacular details of this vision and their meaning

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What does Elijah and Moses represent in the vision?

What did God's public acknowledgement of Jesus during the vision mean for the disciples?

What was the purpose of the vision for Jesus? What should it mean for us?

Theme Scripture: Matthew 17:2-3

The vision on the Mount of Transfiguration was one of those magnificent events in the life of Jesus that gives us some insight into just how remarkable his earthly ministry was. This vision had everything - it had Jesus’ very appearance changed to one of brightness and glory. It had the appearance of two Old Testament powerhouses who were talking with this glorious version of Jesus. It had the booming voice of God from heaven. And then it had the sudden removal of all these amazing elements and the world suddenly became normal again. In the midst of all of the glory and splendor shown here, we need to ask some simple questions. First, why did this happen? Second, what can we take away from this for our own benefit and understanding?

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The vision

Peter, James and John were given a unique privilege when Jesus invited them to go with him when he went up to a mountain to pray. He must have been praying for a long time because the account tells us that they fell asleep. Upon awakening, they saw a vision - a bright, glorious and shocking vision. There before them was Jesus, only he did not look like the man they knew. In this vision, his face was shining like the sun, and his clothes were bright and white beyond anything they had ever seen. To add to this sensational spectacle, they saw Moses and Elijah standing there talking to Jesus about his coming crucifixion. This certainly was not what they expected when Jesus had invited them to join him on this mountain! The vision accelerated, as it next included being engulfed in a bright cloud and hearing the booming voice of God proclaiming Jesus as His beloved son. This part terrified them. The next thing they knew, it was all over.

There are so many questions that need answering.

First, what are Moses and Elijah doing here? We know they weren’t really there, as the resurrection had obviously not yet begun. Jesus had previously told us that no man had yet ascended up to the Father. Their appearance in this vision had to symbolize something significant, but what was it? Why were they talking to Jesus about his crucifixion? And what about the booming voice from heaven? What was the reason for all of this incredible drama?

Check out our January 20, 2025 podcast, “What Really Happened on the Mount of Transfiguration?” for answers. We put what the apostles were told a week before the event into perspective to help us understand what they were supposed to learn. Next, we consider what Moses and Elijah represented and why their specific likenesses were used in this message. We also explore the connection between this event and only other time in the Bible that Jesus, Moses and Elijah are linked. And then, of course, there was the voice from heaven. Join us as we walk through this fascinating event and find the inspiring answers to our questions!


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