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November 04, 2024

Ep.1358: What’s the Difference Between Burnt Offerings and Sin Offerings?

Grasping the Christian significance of many Old Testament sacrifices

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What was the Tabernacle and its Day of Atonement Sacrifices?

How are Jesus' faithful followers pictured in the goat offering?

How did burnt and peace offerings differ from sin offerings - and what do these have to do with Christians?

Theme Scripture: Hebrews 13:11

The Old Testament Law given to Moses after Israel’s deliverance from Egypt was filled with rituals and sacrifices. All of this was designed to teach God’s people two very basic principles. These principles are fundamental for any civilization that seeks to perpetuate itself. The first principle is to comply with righteous and just rules that transcend human desires. For Israel, this meant they could have the favor, protection and leadings of God if they remained in harmony with His commands. This required sacrifices. The second principle is to live with humble gratitude for the freedoms that righteousness and justice provide. Israel was to learn this power of thankfulness by practicing heart gratitude towards God for all of His mercies. All of this required animal sacrifices. Why?

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In the Old Testament, it is hard to avoid animal sacrifices. They first appear in Genesis after Adam and Eve sinned. The Bible tells us God provided them with animal skins as clothing. This would be an obvious reference to the fact that covering humanity’s sins could only be done through a sacrifice. This one example lays out how God would illustrate the need for justice to be satisfied up until Jesus came.

What about the Tabernacle?

When Israel was wandering in the wilderness, God instructed them to build the Tabernacle. This would be their portable place of worship. It would be the place where God’s presence could be felt, and His favor would be evident. It was within this structure that many different kinds of sacrifices took place. There were sin offerings, burnt offerings, peace offerings and wave offerings just to name a few. As we look at this from our 21st century perspective, we wonder why.

What was the point of all these rituals?

This is a really good question. Though detailed, the answer is even better. Let’s start with the sin offering made on the annual Day of Atonement. These were the very basis of all the rest of the sacrifices, as they were in place to satisfy justice, to cover the people’s sins. The sin offering made annually was a specific requirement to maintain God’s favor. Without them, any and all other offerings could not have been acceptable to God. Comprehending the importance of this piece helps us grasp how the other pieces fit into the puzzle.

Check out our November 04, 2024 podcast, “What’s the Difference Between Burnt Offerings and Sin Offerings?” for more. We clearly define the how and why of the sin offerings, including what they represented for Christians. We then look into how the burnt offerings are different and what they represent for us as well. Further, we examine what a peace offering is and how it’s given based on these other sacrifices. What we find is a startling explanation that unfolds how God’s plan unfolds through Jesus. The connections are amazing! Join us as we make what sound like complex ancient rituals simple and meaningful!


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