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Showing 1-12 of 68 episodes
CQ Kids Episode #1343

VIDEO: Who was Nehemiah?

Been searching for a inspiring hero of faith? Look no further!
CQ Kids Episode #1343

VIDEO: What is courage?

Standing up for what's right takes courage - we can learn from faithful heroes of the Bible!
CQ Kids Episode #1343

What was the Ark of the Covenant?

The Ark was a sacred object with a VERY interesting history. Let's discover its purpose and follow its journey from the wandering Israelites all the way to King David!
CQ Kids Episode #1261

VIDEO: Why was Jesus baptized?

Jesus was a perfect man and had no sin, so why did he ask John the Baptist to baptize him?
CQ Kids Episode #1224

VIDEO: What was the Jewish Tabernacle?

What do a candlestick, incense altar, and table of shewbread all have in common? They are pieces of furniture within the Jewish Tabernacle. But what were they for, and what was the purpose of this holy structure?