Ep.771: Israel: God’s Chosen or Obsolete?
Israel's biblical role in the world
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Theme Scripture: Romans 4:16
***EMAIL OR WRITE US FOR FREE BOOKLETS ON THIS TOPIC: "WILL ISRAEL SURVIVE THE END TIMES?" AND "THE ISRAELI-ARAB PEACE PROCESS AND BIBLE PROPHECY."*** All Christians studying the Old Testament realize the important role given to the nation of Israel by God. We can also easily prove the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Yet, for many centuries, the Christian demographic has been almost exclusively Gentile. Is Israel still on God’s radar screen? Modern history tells us about Israel’s re-establishment as a nation after 2,000 years of exile. Daily news confirms it is for real! Is this by God’s doing? If so, what is the plan? Stay with us as we discuss these intriguing questions.
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