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September 24, 2024

Ep.1352: What Does “The Smoke of Their Torment Rises Up Forever” Mean? (Hellfire Series Part V)

Unraveling the symbolism in two often misunderstood Revelation texts

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What does torment and fire represent in Revelation 14:10-11?

What does smoke rising up forever represent in Revelation 20:10?

What does the lake of fire and brimstone represent in Revelation 20:10?

Theme Scripture: Revelation 14:11

To many Christians, the fear of an eternal place of torment for unbelievers is very real. In the first four parts of this Hellfire Series, we addressed many of the sources of these fears one at a time. What we have seen is straightforward. First, the concept of "unquenchable fire" comes from the Old Testament and simply means a fire of destruction that burns until its work is done. Second, “weeping and gnashing of teeth” refers to deep regret on the part of those who should know better and has nothing to do with flames and torture. Third, the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus is just that. It is a parable that demonstrates the unfaithfulness of the Jewish nation when they rejected Jesus. Fourth, history plainly reveals the origin of torture and flames in an afterlife comes from pagan origins and is not at all biblical. Finally, here we are looking at the book of Revelation. Do its graphic statements fit in with all that we have previously discovered? Absolutely!

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Sounds scary!

The book of Revelation reveals some pretty ominous descriptions of penalties for ungodly activities. Reading things like, “he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb,” and "the smoke of their torment" in Revelation 14:10 and, “they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” in Revelation 20:10 can easily give us a sense of fear and foreboding. Even though we know Revelation is a book of extremely symbolic language, we need clear explanations. What is really being said here?

The first point to consider may sound simplistic but is necessary when interpreting these texts. That is, Revelation is part of the whole Bible, and its symbols are consistent with the rest of God’s word. Accepting this simple premise allows us to build a solid foundation for true understanding. Let’s take the word for "torment" that appears in both of these Revelation texts as an example. This same word appears in its different forms (noun, verb) in several other New Testament scriptures. When we examine how it is used in all these cases, a clear meaning begins to emerge. This word is NOT at all describing the physical pain and suffering that would come from a hell of torment. Rather, it reveals the genuineness of a person or system. Does this person or religious system truly represent what it proclaims to stand for?

Check out our September 24, 2024 podcast, “What Does 'The Smoke of Their Torment Rises Up Forever' Mean? (Hellfire Series Part V)" for details. We consider these symbolic Revelation scriptures in the light of their immediate context using the foundation of the rest of biblical testimony. What we find is a clear and harmonious message. It reveals the consequences for misrepresenting God’s sanctified truth as destruction and NOT torment. Join us for this unfolding of these very symbolic texts in the light of God’s love and plan for all of humanity.


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