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February 03, 2025

Ep.1371: Will There Ever Be Peace on Earth?

Establishing God’s coming earthly kingdom as a scriptural reality

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God's vengeance clears the way for His kingdom. How does the Bible describe this time?

How much does earth change with the solid foundation of God's kingdom as its base?

What will all of humanity look like when they are raised to life on earth?

Theme Scripture: Psalm 145:13

In our last episode about God’s vengeance bringing the end of the world as we know it, we examined several Old Testament prophecies that pointed to how God’s vengeance works in the dismantling of all vestiges of our present and sin-ridden world. When these dramatic prophecies are focused on without the context of the rest of God’s character, they are often understood to paint a bleak and harsh picture of who God is. In this episode, we will again focus on Old Testament prophecies. However, this time we will be looking at what happens AFTER the vengeance of God is exercised. What we will find is a breathtaking view of not only who God is, but what His plan REALLY has in store for ALL of humanity. If you truly want to know who God is, then follow along as we unfold the rest of the story!

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OT and NT

It's easy for Christians to forget or discount the Old Testament. Afterall, it’s all about the Law, the Jewish nation, and all of their history and experiences. What can we possibly gain from all of that except learning what not to do? Unfortunately, when we take this approach, we set ourselves up to miss some of the most spectacular parts of the whole Bible. Ignoring the Old Testament means we miss its prophecies. When we miss God speaking to us through those ancient prophets, we miss His detailed explanations of what the future will bring, including, yes, peace on earth.

What about end time prophecies?

There are two major things that Old Testament prophecies reveal regarding the end times. First, they explain the "time of trouble" and God’s wrath. Of all the Old Testament prophecies, these matters gather the most attention. as they can be dramatic and scary. It is here that the missed opportunity begins for so many Christians. They settle into the trouble and for some reason don’t search out the MANY prophecies that lay out what happens on planet Earth after all of that is over. Not only do these prophecies reveal what follows, they also give amazing amounts of detail in the process.

It’s one thing to have a single prophecy that shows you the amazing condition the earth will be in after all of the unrest and trouble. It’s another thing altogether to have several prophecies from different prophets all repeat similar aspects of these same post-end times descriptions. Check out our February 3, 2025 podcast, “Will There Ever Be Peace on Earth?” for details. We pick up the prophetic process as the trouble and destruction of the end times finishes. What lies before us are many vivid and descriptive prophecies that actually detail what will happen to the physical world. Still other prophecies detail what will happen to the billions of people who did not go to heaven. What do they say about these people? Let’s just say that Jesus taught us to pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth for a reason. Join us for this thrilling look into God’s word and the future!


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