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January 27, 2025

Ep.1370: Will God’s Vengeance Bring the End of the World?

Examining a few doom and gloom prophecies that predict the end

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What is the Day of Vengeance?

What clues in picture language help us interpret prophecy?

What does God's anger destroy in the Day of Vengeance?

Theme Scripture: Romans 1:18

If we take a look around us, what we see can be confusing. On the one hand, we live in a time where science, technology and medicine are incredibly advanced. Billions of people throughout the world hold the world in their hands with their smart phones. That’s amazing! We are creating artificial intelligence that can solve problems and do research. That’s unbelievable! A doctor in one location can do surgery on a patient in another location through technology. That’s breathtaking! On the other hand, we have depths of unrest, partisanship, dissatisfaction and egotism that are striking and disturbing. We have so much, and yet we wallow in our discontentment. All in all, what’s lacking is a foundational respect for and loyalty to our Creator. God is the one who gave us minds capable of such amazing things, and yet we disdain His presence in our society. No wonder He is unhappy!

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There are several Old Testament prophecies that talk about the wrath and vengeance of God, and to be honest, they aren’t pretty. We have prophecies that talk about mountains quaking and falling into the sea. We have prophecies about hills melting like wax and the fire of God’s anger consuming the earth. Then there are the problems of the sea drying up, the kingdoms of man tottering and there being nothing left but desolation. What does all of this really mean? Is God so mad at us that there will be nothing left of the earth but burnt and desolate ruins? Is it the end of the world?

The answer to this is a resounding NO!

It’s easy to say "God is love" and it will all work out in the end, but how do we explain all of the death and destruction in those prophecies? Understanding can only come if we are willing to back away from our preconceived conclusions and view the big picture. The fact is, God is bigger than the ruthless, thoughtless and furious vengeance that some attribute to him. Putting these numerous prophecies into their proper context by applying biblical symbolism to them helps us see more clearly.

What was I thinking?

Imagine you need major surgery because you live with severe daily pain and suffering. You consent to the surgery and your doctor assures you all will be well. The problem is, recovery can be lengthy, painful, discouraging and draining. As you go through the recovery, you scream to yourself, “What was I thinking?” Eventually the horror ends, and you have a new and full life.

Think of God’s vengeance as this harsh process of surgery and rehabilitation. It is there to bring something better! Check out our January 27, 2025 podcast, “Will God’s Vengeance Bring the End of the World?” for details. Join us as we look deeply into several harsh biblical prophecies about the end times and piece together their meaning and their ultimate purpose. These lessons help us to clearly see who God is and grasp the importance of His anger. The end result is better than most can imagine!


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