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October 28, 2019

Ep.1097: What is Satanism?

Understanding Satanism and its subtle and devious allure

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What is Satanism?

What does human rational thought have to do with temptation?

How can subtle satanic thinking permeate the true church?

Can Satan and his influence get inside our heads?

Theme Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:3

The world is scary in a lot of ways.  There is an “anything goes” mentality surrounding us. This gives us the feeling there is no buffer between us and the dark, worldly or spiritual influences that exist.  One of these dark influences is reflected in the rising popularity of satanism.  When we hear that word – satanism – we may form a frightening, even hideous image in our minds of dark occult and bloody sacrifice-based rituals.  This image is most likely a serious distortion of the truth.  Does this mean we are defending satanism as a wholesome practice?  Absolutely not!  It does mean we want to know exactly what we are dealing with so we can understand how to keep ourselves and others from being manipulated by ungodly influences.  Satanism is something to stay away from, but not for the reasons you may think!

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Do satanists worship Satan?

Generally, satanists don’t worship Satan, or for that matter, even believe he exists.  At the outset this can easily sound like a contradiction of terms.  How do you build a belief system around that which you freely acknowledge is not even real?  The answer to this is quite simple. Anton LaVey created “satanism” and brought it into the public eye in 1966 when he established “The Church of Satan.”  His premise was not to promote the worship of Satan but instead to promote the personal human application of what Satan (a mythical symbol in his mind) stands for.

As Christians, when we look at what Satan stands for our conclusions will inevitably differ from those who want to emulate his principles.  We see his multiple names described in Scripture and get a sense of his character.  The name “Satan” means adversary – one who opposes another.  “Adversary” does not have to be inherently bad, as opposing that which is evil is both necessary and good.  In Satan’s case, the Bible tells us he is standing in opposition to God, the benevolent Creator of all things.

Another description used for Satan is “the devil,” which literally means “one who exposes to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation.”  If we are honest, this description cannot be twisted into describing a valuable characteristic that is worth following.  It has no redeeming value either personally or socially.  By just reviewing these two descriptions, our conclusion is obvious: Satan is opposed to the light of God.

Contrary to these conclusions, a satanist sees Satan as a pioneer, inventor and a counterbalance that creates change.  Satan is seen as setting the social climate for modification.  The satanist view elevates individualism and rational human thinking above all else.  It sees Satan as exampling these things in his own story.  What are we supposed to do with all of this?  Check out our October 28, 2019 podcast, “What is Satanism?” for answers.  We examine satanism and its principles. Then we measure it against what we believe are principles of true light.  This reveals the subtleties and pitfalls to which we are all susceptible.  Know what you stand for and against...and why!


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6 replies
  1. Aaron
    Aaron says:

    I appreciated this episode. Especially how selfishly prefering your own judgment over looking to God’s direction is adversarial. Practicing magic is an evil, selfish attempt to use a mechanical religion to get what one wants. Instead we humbly listen and accept direction from God. Just one note: please lay off meditation practice. I disagree this is the door to demons possession. For all the deep thinking on Bible topics, this is a modern church cliche. Such as American gym yoga is a gateway to Hinduism (also untrue). True, some individuals are highly sensitive and susceptible to anything “foreign” to their native traditions. But deeper thinkers can seperate culture and tradition to see and hear God throughout global history. Prayer is talking to God, but meditation is listening. The clean house in Matt 12 is not emptiness meditation (only one type of meditation) but “sins forgiven and grace” R5378. Anyway you look at it a clean ordered house is a good thing, not bad. And Jesus there is clearly condemning Isreal for their lack of dedication in parable, not warning Christians against demons. Meditation is mentioned elsewhere positivity and in OT as the method of prophecy. My family loves listening, but little things like that become the topic they want to discuss instead of all the positive I would prefer we focus on. Thanks!

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Rick stated on the podcast, “Meditation done in the right way can be very good,” so there is a difference between the type of positive, God-focused meditation you write about vs. what both Rick and Jonathan (as children of the 1960’s) encountered growing up and what is still practiced today. Modern medicine has proven that various methods of meditation are linked to changes in metabolism, blood pressure and brain activity. Like Western yoga, it is also used for pain reduction and stress relief. Clearing our minds from the daily chatter and focusing our minds for at least a few minutes only on Jesus, our blessings, our wonderful Creator, and biblical verses is definitely beneficial for our spiritual and mental health. However, Googling “meditation and Satan worship” (although NOT recommended) quickly shows us where this practice can quickly go off the rails, so the warning is valid, especially for newer Christians. Thank you again for taking the time to write. – Christian Questions

  2. Samael Fallen
    Samael Fallen says:

    Around 37 minutes in, you keep saying jesus quoted scripture or Satan quoted scripture. Scripture is found in the bible, correct? The bible did not exist in jesus’s time, correct? So I am confused as to how they quoted something that had yet to exist. I am not trying to stir up conflict. Just curious enough to comment and ask.

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Thank you for your question. The compiled and canonized Bible as we know it today did not exist; however, the written words of the Law and the Prophets existed, and it was the job of the Pharisees to teach the people the Scriptures. New Testament writers quoted from nearly all of the Old Testament books hundreds of times, and both Jesus and Satan quoted Scripture. – Christian Questions

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Hi, Hunter – thank you for your question. A person can CLAIM to create a religion by saying they worship someone, but the important thing is GOD’S VIEW of religion and worship. We recommend listening to Epsiode 923: “Is WHAT You Believe in that Big of a Deal?”

      Colossians 2:18: (Weymouth) Let no one defraud you of your prize, priding himself on his humility and on his worship of the angels, and taking his stand on visions he has seen, and idly puffed up with his unspiritual thoughts.

      True religion centers around belief and reverence for the Most High God and understanding of what His purpose and plan is. Ephesians 1:9-10: …so abundant was God’s grace, the grace which He, the possessor of all wisdom and understanding, lavished upon us, when He made know to us the secret of His will. And this is in harmony with God’s merciful purpose for the government of the world when the times are ripe for it – the purpose which He has cherished in His own mind of restoring the whole creation to find its one Head in Christ; yes, things in heaven and things on earth, to find their one Head in Him.

      We see the amazing breadth of His plan to bless ALL the families of the earth through the kingdom in heaven for faithful Christians and the kingdom on earth — the opportunity for all the rest of the human family to be blessed, to know Christ and to walk a lifestyle that leads to holiness and happiness on earth forever. See John 5:28-29; Isaiah 35:5-10

      When we see the amazing breadth of His plan to bless ALL we want to live in harmony with the depths of this love. This purpose and plan of love and passion to bless ALL is part of “pure religion.” Aspects of living this true and pure religion that stem from the depths of this divine love are described in James 1:26,27: If anyone thinks that he is religious and does not bridle his tongue, but instead deceives himself, his religion is worthless. A religion that is pure and stainless according to God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows who are suffering, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

      Please watch this short animated video: Why Do We Worship God?
      For more on worship, we recommend Episode 1135: Are Praise and Worship Necessary to be a Faithful Christian?
      May the Lord bless you as you seek to understand His will in regard to religion and worship. – Christian Questions


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