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October 21, 2019

Ep.1096: My Life is Full of Suffering – Am I Cursed?

Properly interpreting our misery and understanding biblical curses

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Does God curse people today?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

What if we keep experiencing pain and suffering?

What if our suffering is as a result of external pressures in our life?

Theme Scripture: Romans 8:17

How often do we hear of someone who just seems to have everything going wrong in their lives? They suffer loss, they have physical ailments, they are deeply distressed and their life seems to be going nowhere.  Sometimes when we are that suffering person, we may begin to wonder, what did I do to deserve this?  Is God mad at me? Am I cursed?  When in dire circumstances these can be very human questions that actually have the ability to unravel our faith.  We can easily allow seeds of doubt to be planted in our hearts which leads to becoming unnerved in our minds.  Bottom line, if we weren’t thrown off by our circumstances, we can certainly be derailed by our reactions.  Does God really get mad at us?  As Christians, does He ever curse us?

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Weren't Adam and Eve cursed?

Even though we may not think so, the idea of God cursing individuals is actually a strange one. I say that because when we look in the Bible to find a history of God’s curses, it does not read the way we might expect. Let’s start with Genesis and the serious sins of disobedience Adam and Eve committed. When it came down to proclaiming consequences God began with Satan. The deceiver was in the form of a serpent and God did curse him, relegating him to the dust of the ground. When it came to Eve and then Adam, he did not curse them. He punished them, but there was no curse upon them. God did, however, curse the ground because of Adam. This curse implied that the ground outside of the garden would not have the same natural fertility as the ground in Eden. Essentially, God’s gift of a life-sustaining environment for his human family would need much more of their own effort to keep them going.

Wasn't Cain cursed?

The same basic theme is applied when Cain killed his brother Abel. The only curse recorded was again upon the ground and not upon Cain himself. So, what’s the point of all this? It is to establish that God (while He does use curses in some places) is not some curse-happy Dictator who vindictively spoils peoples' lives when they make Him unhappy.

Now let’s go back to the question of our personal pain and hardships. God does NOT curse us with suffering. On the other hand, a strong case can be made that He actually is blessing us because of and through these things. Check out our October 21, 2019 podcast, “My Life is Full of Suffering – Am I Cursed?” for details. Once we firmly establish what curses really are, how they work and why they are there, we then address suffering. We open up how the Bible speaks of trials, pain and trauma coming from many different kinds of experiences. We look at these hardships, weigh them in the context of God’s grace and reveal His extraordinary blessing and providence in their wake.


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69 replies
  1. Vanessa Gossett
    Vanessa Gossett says:

    Good read! I believe some of us are destined for certain life paths regardless. I feel that my family and I are stricken with a generational curse. My circumstances are unchanged and cyclical, but I feel that God may one day remove the curse. I use to be upset about it, but now I embrace the suffering because I feel HE is preparing us for something greater. God bless!

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Thank you for writing. Hopefully you have been able to listen to this podcast episode to get a better understanding of our circumstances. – Christian Questions

    • Me
      Me says:

      Your life s identical to mine but I have yet to embrace these events that come which I didn’t & wouldn’t have chosen for my life. Only to find out that others down this family line has gone through the same. It’s so bad that we all don’t claim each other because of this curse but separation still doesn’t keep us from having the same experiences STILL!! It’s rather scary GOD has sent & or allowed this. Good for you being able to bear it

  2. Sharin
    Sharin says:

    All my life the odds have been stacked against me, at age 10 the chances of ever being a mother were remived from my life. At 23 my beloved mum was murdered. t 23 i got married to a bad man, at 23 my brother brought me to Australia. He has never wanted me in his lufe since. I have had friends whom have all died, so now i isolate myself in thefear that if i get clise i will loae again. Ive had 2 brain tumours and 3 brain aneurysms as well as 6 blood clots on my lungs. I live in a city where i know no-one, there are days and even weeks i dont utter a word to a single person. I am so very lonely why me i ask all the time. What have i dine wrong to deserve all this pain and suffering

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      We are so sorry to hear all of the terrible things you have gone through. It must be very exhausting to look back and see all you have endured. We do not know why of all people you are having all of these trying experiences. We can only encourage you to use your time and energy to somehow help others. Maybe if you can volunteer some time, you will be able to gain some strength to see you have a useful purpose and there are others who, believe it or not, can use your help and support. We also recommend doing something every day – reading the Bible, reading inspirational quotes, counting the blessings you DO have, listening to a Christian Questions podcast, writing a thank you note to someone, reaching out to someone who is also lonely, perhaps in a hospital bed or nursing home.

      There is always something you can do prayerfully to change your perspective if you can’t change your circumstances. Read the Psalms – even the great warrior King David was lonely: Psalm 25:16: Turn toward me and have mercy on me, for I am lonely and oppressed. Psalm 107:7: I lie awake, I have become like a lonely bird on a housetop.

      Search out beauty and wonder in life – it is there. Blessings might be hidden, but they are findable. It would be good for you also to seek medical care to make sure you are preventing or managing depression. Hopefully you have been able to listen to this podcast – My Life is Full of Suffering – Am I Cursed? for some practical scriptural advice. We also recommend our 3-part series on depression and anxiety. In our website’s search bar you can put in the episode numbers to find: 1124, 1125 and 1126.

      We hope these suggestions give you some ideas you can begin implementing right away. Please let us know how you are doing going forward. – Christian Questions

      • Gerasimchuk
        Gerasimchuk says:

        Shh please you can’t help others if you can’t help yourself…be honest as a Christian. As a Christian we are suppose to walk with integrity .You know why she be attacked by the enemy stop playing

        • wired4health
          wired4health says:

          Almighty God suggested the sores for Job. He knows what hurts us. I am electro-sensitive, a modern day leper. Ignored. Discounted. God knows this hurts biologically and socially. I feel cursed.

    • Kirsty
      Kirsty says:

      I know what you mean Sharin. I’m Australian as well.
      Besides the brain tumours and the lung things I have had all sorts of things come my way that just seem insane to the regular person.
      I have even died twice. Once I went to hell in 2012 before I was saved (I know nobody cares but it is true) and Jesus brought me back. Also died in 2019 from a massive hommoarge but same story. God brought me back from the dead (minus the hell part as I was saved at the time).
      I live alone too. I’m 28.
      So I’m not old or anything.
      Life has just been a battle. Just so many bad things happening. So I understand.
      Just remember there is a devil that hates you. It’s not God doing it.
      Stay away from unsaved people. They will only be a massive tool for the enemy to use against you and they’ll tear you apart..and make your life worse. And make sure you pray protection over yourself constantly. And I mean constantly.
      Obviously you are a threat to the stupid enemy.. as am I, or else he wouldn’t be coming so hard at you.

      If you ever need to talk my number is (removed by CQ per our policy – sorry) Text me. I know what it is like.
      God bless you.

      • Dutch
        Dutch says:

        I sincerely doubt you went to died, went to hell and came back. That is not biblical. But I am sorry what all you have been through.

      • Natalia
        Natalia says:

        Hi Kirsty! Your number is removed. I would like to talk with you. I too feel like I need to connect with people that would understand as I too feel like theres some kind of curse in my life. (User name removed by CQ per our policy – sorry – please note we sent your message directly to Kirsty) If anyone else feels like chatting I’m here.

      • Sam
        Sam says:

        Thank you both for sharing. God bless you abundantly. From my heart. In Christ’s name.

        You affirmed we MUST pray without ceasing like breathing it’s vital.

        You affirmed to stay away from unbelievers and faith hypocrites that are saved.

        We are to be 1 Body in Christ helping and being helped. What’s the cross section of all your life, work and personal experiences? Perhaps you discover your God given purpose there. Among other believers that do the same and will affirm God’s love from the heavens through good people around you.

        devil is a liar, thief and murderer.

        It’s so challenging to relinquish control to God we can’t see/touch in the midst of chaos that we do see and being assaulted by.

        Especially when surrounded by unbelievers and faith hypocrites.

        Read the Bible daily. Pray throughout the day. Recognize the devil schemes. Talk God’s truth in response. Don’t argue with people. Don’t retaliate. Be wise in scripture and don’t value any other information from anywhere else that doesn’t align with scripture and recognizes Christ as Son of the Most High who died for us and saved us from eternal damnation.

        Even as victims, we fall short in different ways even when we’re tempted to retaliate for example.

        It all makes you want to lock up beneath a rock. And we should He’s the Rock.

    • hopeful
      hopeful says:

      You have done nothing wrong. I dont know why any of this is happening to you. I wish I could provide you with some sort of relief or direction. Maybe reflection and therapy might uncover a way to enjoy the life you are still leading. I dont know what else you can do. I would say pray, and maybe thats part of it too.. but maybe not the only part. We are given resources in this world to explore them.

      • PCDOVE
        PCDOVE says:

        Saint training is hard work. It includes, affliction, loss, and loneliness. That’s why only the “few” find the kingdom. I encourage you to compete well. Stay spiritually disciplined, and keep a repentant stance. My sister in Christ, God has given you a warrior spirit and much grace. You will win the prize! It may not be so pretty here for you you now, but keep an eternal focus. FYI, I am talking to myself here LOL💗

    • Deniz
      Deniz says:

      I am so sorry for all the things you have been through , I really mean it. You must be a very powerful person as you were able to bare through all these things and so I also want to say that I am actually proud of you too. And after all i guess you have a right to close your heart to the world but i hope that you and your heart will take a rest from the world for a while and when you are ready, you will get back on your feet again and live it out of the pain and misery, for every worse thing that happened you will be ready to have happiness hundreds of times more as well. I wish you best of the bestest lucks from now on and wish you will see this.

  3. Kelly misener
    Kelly misener says:

    5 year old son given drugs by my ex husband, abusive relationship, divorce, son incarcerated, alcoholic father, long term verbal assaults by adult daughter, no longer see grandsons, accidentally burnt my home down, abuse from daughter, dad was slowly murdered for his money, 3 year lawsuit against abusers, no justice in court, abusers rewarded with money, diagnosed with cancer. Released to work, got laid off, because of corona virus, no income, no money, no job. I’m cursed.

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Hi, Kelly, your description is just horrific and we are very sorry you have had to endure all of these hateful things. You remind us of the book of Job and all of his sufferings, and yet so many lessons and good came from them. Maybe reading the book would be helpful in your coping. Somehow there must be some blessings in your life you can point to. We are hoping you have someone you can lean on for help – a family member, friend, local clergy, community center – so that you can begin to get some “wins” and see your experiences as making you stronger and wiser.

      We have several podcast episodes for you to listen to with lots of practical and scriptural advise.

      Please see:
      Episode #1036: How Do I Strike Back at Betrayal?

      Episode #829: What Happens When Life Gets Broken?

      Episode #872: Is Forgiveness Really Necessary?

      Thank you for writing. – Christian Questions

      • Kiara
        Kiara says:

        i feel like i could be going thru a bad karma like i noticed the little things around me that people say and it just feels like there judging me and all eyes are on me which leads me to feel stuck because of that and it feels like everytime i say something someone is jus gonna judge and it’s like everyone takes me as a joke

        • Christian Questions
          Christian Questions says:

          Hi, Kiara, try not to let others ruin your confidence. Perhaps a social media break is appropriate. If you are doing the right thing and are following in Jesus’ footsteps, we should press on and continue to be unashamed for standing up for righteousness in all cases. Matthew 5:10 said “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake…,” so we should expect that people will be judgmental and try to hold us back. Associate with likeminded people, other Christians, who will be supportive and encouraging. Spend time learning about the people of the Bible and how they fought the evil around them in their day. Here is a list of the podcast episodes to pick from for inspiration: https://christianquestions.com/category/character/bible-characters/ We hope this helps! – Christian Questions

    • debbie Featherstone
      debbie Featherstone says:

      I know how you feel.i was living with my mum.well i say that from the day i was born she hated me.she was told to give me up for adoption.but then was told to bring me home.my nan and grandad brought me up.then she got married and my grand parents wanted me to stay with them.but she wouldnt allow it.so i was with someone who hated me. I dint get cuddles or love.then my sister came along.she would show her love and afection.she would help her with home work and other things.when i was ill she diddnt care. But my sister she would hold her and be supporting to.when i was in joiunor school. I sang a solo.i was so proud. They told my mum with the right coaching i could have gon far.after that it was never spoken about again.my cerftifict i got was thrown in the draw and that was the end of that.i grow up with no love or affection.i was told all the time i was stupid thick and i should have never be born.i went through domestick abuse . I was molested by a family member. I didnt have proper friends.and i was felt like i didnt fit in no were. I have 5 children.and one grandson that im not alloud to see.his dad dont talk to me and the others treat me like crap.apart from my 12 year old son.im 44. Yet i feel like im 60.i suffer from anxitey and alapcher.from all the stress iv gone through. I feel did god make me for a joke.because it fells like i was put here .because i dont deserve nothing.parents love happiness.because i was not wanted in the first place. Every thing in my life goes wrong. I feel im cursed.

  4. Jeff clarke
    Jeff clarke says:

    I became a Christian and was baptized in 2016. I was already dealing with schizoaffective disorder. A month after I was baptized my medication stopped working and I jumped out of a second story window. I broke my back and my ankle. I have two rods in my back and my ankle never healed properly. I ended up homeless, off medication and in jail for two years. I’m at a sober living waiting for SSI. I want to be dead and hopefully in heaven, though I thought my life would improve as a Christian, it sent me to hell on Earth. My family and friends no longer talk to me. I hate my life. I got a job, but had to quit due to pain in my hands, back and ankle. I could barely walk after shift. I feel like Job, but I know I will never recover from this. I hate my life with a passion and want to be off this earth.

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Hi, Jeff – we are very sorry to hear all of the unspeakable things you have gone through. Mental disorders are so, so difficult and impossible to understand unless you are the person going through the trauma. We are disturbed by your last statement and urge you to seek professional help to learn coping mechanisms and to try to put one foot in front of the other to find some sort of joy in your life, and to help find your place and purpose. #800-273-8255 is the suicide prevention hotline. We have recommended several podcasts in this post, but we hope that in conjunction with the biblical strategies we lay out, you will be able to dig deep in prayer and get assistance within your local community. We are praying for you to find a path forward. Christianity isn’t a promise to keep you out of the wilderness experiences of our life, but it does promise to lead you through them. Please try to stay strong and let us know how you are doing. – Christian Questions

  5. Luke
    Luke says:

    Well, I don’t necessarily think its God doing the punishment, that would be way too complex. You have to look at the universe. The universe tries to make things as simple as possible. I believe its more of a balance in the universe. Some of us are chosen to suffer so others can have. Its like Ying and Yang. For someone’s gain is another ones loss. I guess the term would be called “cursed” . I do think people are here to suffer and nothing can change that until their existence is finished. But I think we can’t terminate ourselves too quickly because he or she’s terms of existence may not have been fulfilled and are doomed to repeat it again. Whatever our existence is after this one on earth. Tell me what you think of my comment. I’m open to any criticism.

    • Malcolm
      Malcolm says:

      Hi Luke, That’s not a bad take on the perception of being cursed. I grew up in a normal family and got a normal job, had a plan of how life was going to play out and it has to a degree but once I hit 30 it was like a curse was set upon me that I have not been able to shake. At 30 I had a major car crash after a lady crossed the centre line and hit me. My health insurance was canceled 2 weeks prior to this because we had to cut costs to buy our first home. For this woman to have hit me were she did in my car was what to police say is a one in a million shot as she hit me at high speed just were it would do the most damage. I expolded like a bomb with life changing results. I am now 50 and have lived in a world of pain ever since, that doctors can not help with. I have worked very hard for what I have and was able to buy a couple of investment properties, one was even a new build, from day one both of these houses were trouble. One had a false building report and cost us a lot of money and the builders of the new house built the wrong house which took years to resolve and in this country we can not sue people like you can in the US the victims here have very little rights. After 5 years of bad tenants and property managers on both properties we gave up on our dream of funding our retirement with these investments and sold them. Lost money on one house but made a bit on the other so we paid off one of our mortgages on our own home and with some money from just been made redundant from my job brought my very first new car. (Finding work has never been a problem for me) day one my new car had to be towed as it broke down, at 2000km it is back in the shop with a list of problems which they say are not showing up now. Because I work hard and long hours I like nice things so buy new when I can. New fridge, had to be replaced 3 times, new couch, had to be refunded after the third replacement. New tv, had to be replaced. Every product I have brought has had to be replaced…Is this just bad luck? My friends tell me all the time that I have worst luck they have ever seen. I buy a lotto ticket every week and have done for the last 20 years, have not had one win, not even minor so I keep buying them just to prove a point of being cursed. I check the ticket ever week and have now had on 3 occasions been 1 number off on every number to the first division winning numbers. Cursed? Now at 50 I now have a list of health problems stemming back from my car crash when I was 30, bad enough to give me grief but not bad enough for the doctors to find or care about. But being cursed is not just about the big issues its the small things every day that add up…is this all just bad luck, am I cursed or does the universe have a Yin and Yan to it were some people have bad luck to make up for the ones that have good Luck. If at the end there is a god running the show I will be after revenge.

      • Dominique Q Felder
        Dominique Q Felder says:

        I feel your suffering, Seriously! However I would not have not ended my comment that way, keep holding on to God, those who hope in The LORD will not be put to shame, Amen!

    • wow
      wow says:

      What a very humanistic take. Upholding this pseudo-sense of tier system society has for the entirety of itself, which was the exact opposite of what Christianity is based upon. Im not sure the structure of Taoism is a conversation for a Christian Question website.. Or an appropriate response in regards to consoling someone of a different faith. But either way, suggesting someones life is merely a sustenance for someone considered better, is probably the worst thing you possibly say to someone.. or for them to read when they are hopeless. No ones purpose is to live for someone else, and most who are suffering, are doing so from the result of this theoretical principle. Exploitation isnt universal divinity, nor is it humane. Try treating people like actual human beings as you would yourself, and maybe there would be less suffering.

  6. Derrick
    Derrick says:

    Man I’m telling you. All my life has been terrible. I suffer from PTSD from childhood till now 31 yr old. I can get right at the edge of something great an it gets ripped from me. I’ve embraced the suck for so damn long, I dont know any other. A. It sucks life sucks. I hate to say that but its.how I wish I was.never born. I use tone a born again Christian. But I let the devil win an gave up. Im ashamed of myself.

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      We are so sorry you are having a hard time. We feel terrible that you say you wish you were never born, as there is always hope. We love 1 Corinthians 10:13, that promises God is faithful and He will always provide a way of escape from temptation and trials. We need to be on guard for where those lifelines are so we can be ready to grab them. It might even be something as basic as listening to Christian Questions and learning more about how to lean on God’s strength and providence rather than our own. PTSD is extremely difficult to deal with. We know some who have had great success using a therapist trained in EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing). While we of course are not giving medical advice, perhaps you can google this to find a therapist in your area – maybe this can be another lifeline. In the meantime, we recommend our recent 2-part series on perseverance, where we interviewed 3 people with ongoing issues who gave their own God-honoring methods for putting one foot in front of the other. Here is the link to Part 1: How Do I Persevere When Life Gets Tough? https://christianquestions.com/character/1159-perserverance/
      Part 2: Episode #1160 https://christianquestions.com/character/1160-perseverence/
      Finally, we recommend donwnloaded (free, of course) the Christian Questions app, where you can easily listen to episodes that interest you. It is times like these when learning more about the Bible can make you stronger. Look out for blessings – they are everywhere when you look through the right “glasses.” We pray for God’s kingdom to come! – Christian Questions

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      We just finished a 2-part podcast about perseverance, including advice from a woman with a serious autoimmune disease and how she views her illness. The volunteers at CQ are very familiar with dealing with autoimmune diseases. They are very frustrating because no one can answer why they appeared or how to get rid of them. I’m sure you have sought medical help, as there have been several breakthroughs with the immune system recently and certain drugs or regimens might be a huge help in curtailing the escalation. Please listen to Episode #1160 How Do I Persevere When Life Gets Tough? for more. https://christianquestions.com/character/1160-perseverence/Christian Questions

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      We hope you have had a chance to listen to this entire podcast, including the second segment that talks about why bad things happen to good people. This is not God “paying you back,” but there are natural consequences to living in this sinful world. Please continue doing good and watch for the little blessings you will see in your life. Many of our podcasts deal with how we perceive our suffering. We just completed a 2-part series on perseverance we recommend. Here is the link to Part 1: https://christianquestions.com/character/1159-perserverance/ We hope this helps in your studies. – Christian Questions

  7. CJ
    CJ says:

    You know, I have seen people lie, steal, kill and they got everything in life. I have seen a man humiliate people and he is blessed with a family and 4 kids and a huge house. I have seen good people get shafted. I feel like a human punching bag. If God wants me to be a human punching bag, so be it………I can’t take much more of this I’m tired of living…..there will be one day I will stop being a punching bag for humanity…….I have thought about removing myself from this earth, because these is only so much a human can take.

  8. Ann Louise
    Ann Louise says:

    Broken family, abusive father, almost raped, string of bad abusive relationships, have severe scoliosis and back pain, was sued criminally for a crime I did not commit so now I have a criminal record, life savings and all future earnings gone, my dog suddenly had a brain tumor and passed away, had a stroke due to a random PFO, didn’t know I was pregnant and hospital didn’t check, I was poked prodded and drugged, had a baby who has T21, my husband keeps losing his job and now we just got diagnosed with covid after being the most careful people. Others who are going out constantly have not gotten it but I’m home all the time and I have it. I just don’t get it. I pray all the time. Every day sometimes multiple times a day. I’m so sad and I’m tired of people saying, oh bad things keep happening to you, or wow you are always going through a lot, or you can’t catch a break. I’m tired of suffering. I just want to be blessed and have a year that nothing goes wrong or I don’t have a life altering challenge. What is it all for???

  9. Jimmy
    Jimmy says:

    I appreciate how you guys respond to the sadness that we post about, but I’d almost rather you not give advice and just say that you’re not alone and you can understand, if in fact, you can. I think about suicide every single day. Im 40 yrs old but when I look in the mirror I see the image of a man who suffered through 4 lifetimes of hell. I don’t want to live but I’m too scared to die. There is no inspiration you can give me unless you can relate to that feeling, so I can know I’m not alone. I appreciate you trying though, and that’s not meant to be sarcastic

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Hi, Jimmy – thank you for your comments. We take them to heart. It is clear just from all of these postings that you are not alone. There are even several we could not post but responded privately because they went on for pages and pages of sadness and desperation. All of mankind is suffering and crying out for help. We empathize and sympathize, but we are in the “hope” business and will not say we understand without offering a replacement to the agony. All of this suffering without any end in sight and no eternal purpose would make us all want to give up. But there is a higher, grander, more beautiful future coming than any of us can imagine. In the meantime, we must find even small ways to put one foot in front of the other and continue to find love, beauty and meaning to this suffering caused by sin and satanic influence. The Bible offers promises and a plan. This is a temporary learning lesson that will help us throughout eternity understand the exceeding sinfulness of sin and why it is not the way to go. We hope that you are not offended by our extending a hand of friendship and encouragement. Pray on these things and find relief. Our podcasts offer much hope without sugar coating the devastation around and in us. We pray for you, Jimmy, to stay strong, find hope and be a blessing to others. – Christian Questions

      • MK
        MK says:

        God has certainly cursed me with the single life since i was always hoping to meet the right good woman to settle down with. Then again, had God created most women like the old days when they were the very complete opposite of today and real ladies which i would had definitely met the right good woman with no trouble. Today unfortunately God created so many low life loser very horrible and evil women out there these days, especially the ones that like to Curse at many of us men for no reason at all when we will just try to start a conversation with a woman we think would be very nice to meet. And i know other single friends that had women Curse them out as well for no reason. It is very sad the kind of very pathetic women that are everywhere these days, making love very impossible to find for so many of us single men now that are very seriously looking for a relationship today. Feminism has really ruined many of us men today unfortunately, and many of us Aren’t single by choice either. And back in the old days most women had very good manners and a very good personality as well, something they Don’t have today at all.

    • Clarisse
      Clarisse says:

      I can empathize, Jimmy. Especially the part about not wanting to live but being too scared to die. I often wonder what it’s all for. I understand that no one has a perfect life and there are people who have it way worse than I do, but does that somehow negate my struggles? I would think not, but who knows. Seems like some people don’t even try and silver platters of life are laid before him. I do believe in reaping what we sow, but it seems like some who deserve to reap never do. It’s a struggle for sure. You are definitely not alone. I’m in my early 40s as well and it feels like a rat race that will never end. I don’t need a spectacular life, just a normal one is all.

    • Dave
      Dave says:

      Hello Jimmy, I can relate to what you have said. You are not alone. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to have real feelings of how your days have been. Your natural time will come and you will be at peace with the whole situation. Hang on. You are almost there.

      You will make it and be rewarded greatly for your efforts. One of things that keeps me going is I think I don’t want to look back and see that I gave up so close to the finish line for the race.

  10. Clarisse
    Clarisse says:

    Don’t give up, MJ. There are still good women out there. On the female side, I have felt the very same way about the struggles with finding a good man. The entitled attitudes and need for speed when it comes to getting close has been a complete turnoff and made me swear off dating for years. I only recently started back and am taking yet another break because I really don’t know what happened to the dating scene. Seems to have gotten worse. But I will tell you that there are still good women out there. Even though I have thrown my hands up in the air many times, I’d still like to believe there are still good guys out there too who honor class over crass. Or least I hope. Lol. Life is hard and it can be tough being alone. I have my own struggles to be sure and wonder why me sometimes, but I’m trying to hold on to a small glimmer of hope. That all of this will lead somewhere important one day. That it’s not all for nothing.

  11. Haley
    Haley says:

    It’s all for nothing. ..we are gona die never experiencing joy or happiness. Theres no one to make good things happen. It said in bible good things come from God. So what happens when good things never happen. Obviously God is not there. This is why good is not possible

  12. Somingam chamroy
    Somingam chamroy says:

    I am 25 years old, clinical psychology aspirants. I feel my life has been cursed! In fact I was a young boys who always dream of becoming successful in life. My mom and dad passed away while I was very young. My siblings brothers who are daily earner looks after me. Seeing their struggles, I always prayed that I may be their reliever as I get succesful. I as a Christian devoted to serve Christ in every way I did, at the same time I promised God many at times. All my school campus surrounding were once my prayer spot. I fasted multiple times in a month because I knew God was only strength. I served in churches and youths fellowship as a singspiration leader. I have been doing through out my teen. Of course I am a human being I couldn’t test the test many times. My question is, do our God really keep himself on the sin a human does? If that so, he to me is not a faithful God!

    I was sickly so I asked God, please heal me, I will live my entire life for you and I you know the condition of my life and my family, why should we live like this forever, please I want to be someone who could revive them. I also pet God, my brothers should not spent a penny in my sickness for I faith in your healing power. But the irony was our promised was futile as if God is death. We have spent thousands, went to many hospitals and local healers. I gave my faith whenever, wherever I go, that, I would be health but. Nothing helped. I went to church alone, pray alone, received pastor from many pastors, fasted, nothing changed. I have a tower like ambitions now it all get shattered. I have been living in this conditions for almost 7 years now.

    Now I am filled with disorders arose from major depression and anxiety disorder, resulted into somatic disorders. Now I fear about my future. I have a girlfriend, we love each other so much but I am worried that I may leave her sooon even before getting married. Though we might strife to get married, how we would survive, when I find difficult to complete daily activities. I don’t have house, I don’t have plot of land I have nothing except this life and phone in my hand. My brothers are fading up of me. Friends are getting jobs working and helping out their families. Here I am stucked with nothing rather a burden. I have studied till master but what is it’s uses if I could make use of it due to health. Day by day, year by year it’s getting worsen.

    We cannot afford to go to hospitals for extensive checked up like MRI And FMRI etc. God has completely forgotten my and my promises. Or if not he is a death God even if he is alive or a living God. I assumed I might have been cured. If our God is a cursing God, do we deserve to Worship him. Now I feel I hated to read Bible, I even hates to see inspiring Bible verses, motivational speeches etc. It’s a kinda fairy tails for me because nothing works for me.

    I may have brain tumor. Which I never wanted in life. I have been a lonely person, up along with depression and anxiety. I have prolonged dizziness, vertigo, which will never go away, foggy and life like living in a dreamland. Sensitivity to light and sound, headache, indigestion, vission blurred, hearing disruptes ( titinus) insomnia, many others. This has been there for more than four years.

    You know I am still young and what is this all about. Where are the promises I made with God? What should I do and where should I run for help. At times dying if only my means. Moreover, thes somatic disorder I have is my another problems. I don’t know… ! Why Our God should be this. Why he would give his believer this experience when non believers are enjoying there life.

    • Natalia
      Natalia says:

      Hi Somingam. I hope you recover and put an end to these sufferings and enjoy your life with your girlfriend. (Personal recommendation removed by CQ per our policy)

  13. Mark
    Mark says:

    I’m extremely frustrated with God right now. He says he cares but i can’t get myself to believe it. I guess there’s to much pain in the way. It feels like he wants me in agony. I have no choice anyway, naked came i naked shall i return, Blessed be the name of the Lord. It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m so irrelevant it hurts sometimes.

  14. Mike
    Mike says:

    Well i was certainly very cursed by God with singleness, that is for sure. Then again, had God created much better women today like he did back in the past which many of us single men today would had very easily met a real nice one with no problem. Women today have certainly changed in a very big way unfortunately, since Feminism is everywhere now.

  15. Vera Butenko
    Vera Butenko says:

    I’ve been going through the hardest 3 years of my life. After marrying and moving, after living 1 great year with my husband I started experiencing serious problems like I’ve never faced before. A curse became over my life. My family history is very bad with family members either being killed or harming themselves. My older brother had been living in depression most of his life and now I started facing horrible things at only age 22. I pray and pray for healing.

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      We are sorry you are having such difficult issues. We just finished a 3-part series on curses that you will definitely want to listen to. Search “1195,” “1196” and “1197” for the specific Episode numbers in the series. We carefully analyzed both Old and New Testaments for the important topic of curses. – Christian Questions

  16. Ryan
    Ryan says:

    I’m too cursed to live, to cowardly to end it. Eternal torture and I don’t know why me? I’m not a good person, but I don’t believe I’m evil. I have this rage inside that gets worse when I see people happy. Everyone is always angry at me and I don’t know why. I can’t keep friends, and since my immediate family is all gone my other relatives refuse to acknowledge me. I was born out of wedlock, with a disability, extremely high IQ and photographic memory, but I’m incapable of being successful, no matter what I try. Everything I touch seems to go to ruin, including animals and people. I just want to be happy and be at peace,

  17. Durwood McElroy
    Durwood McElroy says:

    Good for you all. I tried. I am a good person. I forgive. I love God and love others. All around me I see sin blessed and good people cursed. I am starting to wonder if God really lost the battle with Satan and evil is rewarded and goodness is punished. Not sure how many more minutes left of faith I have, but all I needed was one miracle. One sign. One proof that there is a reward. One proof of God’s existence and love. You can buy a dog and he will love you, but there is a point. Enough beatings and even a good dog will lose faith in his owner. I hate to be critical, but God is his own worst enemy and does NOTHING to help those who witness to His name. Like an agnostic friend of mine said, “I look at your, with your naive faith in God and your devotion to His word and see where it got you and I am asking Jay Z for Satan’s phone number, so I can sell my soul to someone who might bless me, even a little.” And THAT is my life.

  18. Anitta
    Anitta says:

    Right now I feel like I am cursed. Everything I touch turns sour. I’m living a life of “almost” . I resigned last year in August ( because I was tired of being in one position for ten years) in December they called me to ask if I would be interested in a management position, I was so excited and the next day I was told that the senior executive doesn’t want me to come back because I resigned when they needed me the most.
    I started a business this year, I was supplying goods to a very big mine company. After five months they decided to cancel my contract without any reason. I can’t even afford to stay with my child because I’m so broke. I’m now suffering from depression. I only forget about my problems when I’m sleeping . I really regret leaving my job, may I should have stayed…

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Hi, Anitta, we are so sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. Hopefully there is some hope you are able to glean from the Scriptures through these various podcast episodes. Perhaps there are friends, family or your local church that can help temporarily while you look for a new job to support you and your child. – Christian Questions

  19. Angela
    Angela says:

    I went through a horrible divorce, became severely injured (spinal cord), lost everything I had and worked for to the IRS, my dad died, my two best friends died within 2 weeks of each other, my brother was mistaken for someone else and was killed by two police officers, my nephew, his son, couldn’t take not having his dad so took his own life, my ex husband, father of my two kids, is doing 15 years in a federal prison for child pornography, I found my son in his car blue and cold from a heroin overdose and had to perform CPR until medics arrived, my daughter was pregnant at the time and I almost lost her and the baby due to placenta previa and hemorrhaging, a month ago I had to put my 17 year old dog down, partly to old age but mainly lymphoma, I had a cat pass away the next day, I had to have my Husky put down the following week and just 4 days ago my male Bull Mastiff passed away from lymphoma. I suffer from PTSD, depression, anxiety and OCD. To the person that said you can’t help others if you can’t help yourself, I’m here to tell you that you are mistaken. The only way I have found help for myself is through helping others. Just when I think I’ve got it bad, God shows me someone that has it worse. I try to fill my days with gratitude. There’s still a lot to be grateful for, my kids, my grandkids, myself and a God that never fails to show me mercy and His grace.

  20. Guest
    Guest says:

    I really wish that i had been born way back in the past when love was a lot easier to find at that time, which then a single guy like me wouldn’t still be single and alone today as i speak. A very big change in the women today as to why so many of us guys are still single today, and not at all by choice either.

  21. Wulf
    Wulf says:

    Being cursed is more than people can comprehend. It means that whether you are awake or if you are asleep, if you are alive or if you are dead.. that regardless of your state…there is no escape from the pain that always remains … if you truly understand what being cursed is… then tou know there is no escape…never and forever …

  22. Victoryanna111
    Victoryanna111 says:

    Maybe we aren’t cursed at all,maybe this suffering is the work of the Antichrist? Accidentally serving the wrong God ? I tell you with great compassion because up until now I thought I was the only one having such a failing life path to near suicidal ideations,and I am a Christian tried and true and so are you all as I have read everything I so completely empathize and seeking a real solution,
    And the biggest news I got to pull out of this pit and pendulum clockwork orange despair and bad luck,was to remember that what I saw Jesus do for me in laying down His life for me being scourged to the bones and tried and convicted for no crime destroying everything wrong and sick and every curse that was going to be for us He became the curse and destroyed the curse dying perfectly on that cross for us never against us . Therefore there is no condemnation for us in Christ whom known no sin but became sin and died with it on that cross defeating the enemy and all of the devil’s power to have strongholds upon us forever,Amen !!! There fore we are the righteousness in God in Christ Jesus ,not of our own righteousness ,But because of His righteousness that lives in us and through us Amen!!! And I was told that in the gospel of grace which we all are ,we are no longer under the curse of the law but by God’s grace ,and Jesus forgave us all if our sins past present and future Amen!!! and we can stand on that !!! and we do not have to be willing to accept these series of unfortunate circumstances and pain ful situations of this messed up misfortune ( I have been going through it myself and I have been as mad as hell because I do see others doing well without any effort or good works as well !!!) I am not willing to accept some curse because Jesus became the curse and paid it all and that means He also destroyed it for me and fir you and I can stand on that I am forgiven cleaned valued and I belong to Him with love Isaiah 43 :1 We are His we belong to Jesus and he will not let us suffer and won’t withould His upright Hand and help us Amen!!! We must continually claim whar Jesus bought for us and be open to receive it daily ,A very wise pastor reminded me of his own comdemning thoughts and how he had to remind himself of the righteousness in God in Christ Jesus that we are that blood and body of Christ Himself in the cross is power ,And power to change our circumstances ,bad luck and pain is Not our lot in life any more nor poverty ,Jeremiah 29:11 ,For I know the plans I have are to prosper you and not do Harm to you ,Phillipians 4:19 And our God will take care of all of your needs exceedingly and abundantly Amen and to overflow,The Holy Spirit takes care of the doing in us and For us ,Ephesians 3:20-21 Now unto Him whom is able to accomplish that which we are concerned about exceedingly and abundantly safely too because the Holy Spirit is a gentle man and will help us accomplish that which we are concerned about and also most importantly we are going to remember the way we first loved God and those times that God blew my mind with love and care on a personal level and those moments where I invited Jesus in at the moment I felt a “storm hit me ” ( looming meltdown or circumstances,where I chose to be real with God and say will you just say peace be still to the storm Mark 4:39 Amen ( Jesus rebuked the violent storm ) stupid ignorant preachers always suggest doing things ,but don’t (edited) actually stand on the gospel of grace Jesus bought for us and it’s not our works it’s His works !!!the gospel of grace where we chose the better part Luke 10:42 that’s right where Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and got real answers while Martha ran around frantically doing stuff! Jesus told us to be anxious for nothing and told Martha to stop worrying,well we are going to do what Mary did and I believe it in agreement about with all of you that Jesus didn’t pay for to live life suffering and bad circumstances ,I am going to come into agreement that our God is for a turnaround that’s right how about We all touched the Hem and the bleeding finally stopped Amen this is our jubilee Luke 5:5-7-10-12 Amen year now Amen and wedding at cana where when the wine ran out Jesus turned the water into wine for us all Amen!!! Also reminding us if the parable of Jesse sitting crippled sitting by the stirring waters because everyone around him told him to pay attention to the latest gimmick of religion( not by our work but by His works alone) and where He got free and uncrippled because Jesus asked him do you want to be healed and after he agreed Jesus said “All you need is me ” and he took up his mat and walked and jumped for joy .
    We are able to believe on these scriptures of Biblical standings in Christ we Are new creations in Christ and we are able to claim it and receive them daily and walk it out and challenge the depression with scriptures,if God and especially if Jesus said it about us it is accomplished Amen!!! We are going to have to be vigilant in what we are as God’s daughters and sons we are of the second Adam as well , John 4:4 Corinthians 15:3,Romans 8:28 Genesis 12:2 and John 4:16 Amen!!! Thank you for joining me in this agreement because when two or more are gathered in His name we can send ten thousand running and the enemy will flee ,we have survived the enemies attack victoriously Amen !!! Psalm 91:1-16 Amen Amen and a big Romans 8:10-12 Amen!!! (edited) Jesus said All God wants is your heart ,the rest will fall into place,He will not let us slip and fall nor dash our feet on a stumbling block ,He will hold us with His upright almighty hand and it won’t come against us Amen!!! God bless you all and thank you that you were able to give agreement in our deliverance from out of the pit and pendulum of despair and into the promised land the jubilee years are upon us Amen!!! Tav Shalom peace and love be with you Amen!!!

  23. Guest
    Guest says:

    I came across this article when googling if I am cursed. I believe a curse could have been placed on me because I was not born to a married couple. My mom contemplated terminating me when she was pregnant but kept me when my dad agreed to help her with me even though he was in a long term relationship with someone else and also previously married twice before this relationship. There could have been some resentment with my dad’s then girlfriend and she may have spoke things over me knowing that my dad was expecting a child with another woman.That coupled with the contemplating of aborting me may have allowed an open door for attacks. Sometimes I wonder if a curse is why I am soon to be 30 and yet unmarried. Why relationships didn’t work. If I will be a mom one day. I know that some people have the gift of singleness but when I have to prep talk myself to remain happy when I am again invited to another baby shower or wedding but I myself don’t even have a prospect for marriage, I think I do not have that gift of singleness. It’s hard to continue to be happy for others who have what you want and you may not be ever able to experience it. Even with the desire for marriage, I wonder if I should even enter a marriage when I have some health issues and may not be able to be the best wife that a godly man would deserve. When I read Deuteronomy 28 which contrasts the curse from the blessing, I see a mixture of both in my life. I am truly grateful for the good and hope what I see as lack will be fulfilled as well. As a Christian, it does sometimes makes me upset because no form of the curse should be able to operate in my life so this makes me wonder if somehow, spiritually, there are things I do not understand. I also research this topic as I do see other Christian’s who are unmarried at advanced ages, sick with incurable diseases, pass away before enjoying retirement, etc. Like others have mentioned, we all have witnessed people who have done a lot of wrong but have wealth, homes, spouses, children and good people that don’t have these things. I do think how you were conceived may have an impact. The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament But he placed the curse on the cross so my prayer is that we do not experience any of the curse at all. I pray that we are lenders and not borrowers, that we are not without a mate, that we are fruitful with children and employment, that we live exceedingly long lives. That everything we touch prospers, that we are in pristine health, that we have loving friendships and families. That’s all everyone wants and I pray that we all receive.

  24. Krystal
    Krystal says:

    Maybe God is cursing me… Everything is against me ever since I got my driver’s license in July 2022. What have I done to deserve this? I repent against God and glorify him in Jesus’ name and I think God hates me. My finances are down the toilet, my mental health and physical health are getting worse to the point I consider going to the psych ward for good. Please pray for me someone, anyone. Thank you!

  25. Sean Lang
    Sean Lang says:

    I believe I am cursed or there is a family curse placed on my family. Every male member of the family appears to be vilified by women or their partners. I have been the unfortunate recipient of this and am also being subjected to financial abuse which gets worse year after year. How can I end this?

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Hopefully you have had an opportunity to listen to this episode to have a better understanding of what a “curse” is scripturally. Having certain personality traits that make you more susceptible to being taken advantage of is something that a professional counselor may be able to help you with, establishing certain boundaries and ways of dealing with others. Seeking appropriate help is good so that you can break this cycle and still be giving in the Christian sense but not enabling others to their spiritual detriment. – Christian Questions


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