VIDEO: Is it Better to be Married or Stay Single?
Marriage was established and blessed by God in the Garden of Eden and the scriptures give man free choice regarding the decision to marry. The Apostle Paul, who was unmarried, encouraged Christians to consider doing the same. “I wish that all people were as I am.” He reasoned that an unmarried person is able to devote 100 percent of his time and opportunities to serving the Lord. How do you know which one to choose?
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Ep.1036: How Do I Strike Back at Betrayal?
Facing, coping with and overcoming the devastation of betrayal
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Theme Scripture: Psalms 55:12-13
No one ever wants to experience betrayal. It is easily one of the most devastating life events we can imagine. When we come face-to-face with it, it shocks, breaks and undermines much - if not all - of what we hold dear. For many, once we are betrayed it becomes a cancer that cannot be cured, a wound that will not heal and a darkness that will not relent. Betrayal devastates us because it violates trust...and trust is sacred. So, what do we do when we are betrayed? How do we cope? Is it even possible to rebuild our lives after such a disaster? And what about those who did the betraying? Is it possible for them to recover? How do we get to the point of ever trusting again?
One of the unsung reasons betrayal is SO devastating is it causes us to ask a myriad of questions that we were previously convinced we should never have had to ask. Because these queries are foreign entities in our heads, our hearts have no clue what to do with them, so we suddenly find ourselves lost, broken and feeling utterly alone. It is in this state we are introduced to betrayal’s cohort...vulnerability. As painful and shocking as betrayal is, vulnerability adds deep-seated fear into the mix. The bottom line is simple – we need help compassion and wisdom. We need these things here and now, or else our fragile emotional and physical condition are driven to take us to the only destination they can see – distress and destruction.
We need faith. The thing to realize, though, is that our faith will not deliver us by some miraculous means. It won’t. Faith – in God, His will and His way is not our deliverance; rather, it is the foundation upon which our deliverance is constructed. This means there are several other steps needed to rebuild our lives. Faith acknowledges that God has got this part of our experience in the palm of His hand. Faith knows He will not drop or ignore it, and that means He will not drop or ignore us, either. Healing CAN happen, and the sooner we understand the process begins with faith, the better we will be able to prepare our climb out of betrayal's devastating pit.
We also need family and fellowship, although this can be tricky. We absolutely need their understanding and their sympathy to help us to feel like we are not alone or abandoned. Even more than these things, we need their listening ears and strength. Listening ears are needed because being betrayal needs tons of processing and strength. Being betrayed needs powerful God-based guidance to avoid the countless pitfalls and traps along to road to recovery.
There is more – so much more - by way of building, steps and progress. Check out our August 27, 2018 podcast, “How Do I Strike Back at Betrayal?” We lay bare the harshness of what betrayal is and does to all involved. We also deeply focus on what to do, what to look for, what to avoid and most importantly what we can look forward to. Betrayal does NOT have to ruin you. Find out how to stop it!
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VIDEO: What is the Meaning of Loyalty?
Loyalty is squarely built upon three core beliefs; trust, a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose. Trust comes from words, actions or a track record that builds confidence. When we feel safer or better off as a result of someone or something, we trust. A Christian’s trust is based on the ever solid foundation of God, His words, actions and track record! What biblical examples are there of loyalty and can you ever have misplaced loyalty? Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name.
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Ep.1035: What is the True Meaning of Loyalty?
Understanding and applying the enriching power of loyalty
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Theme Scripture: Philippians 1:21
Humanity is built for loyalty. We have wired within us a longing to be seen and accepted by others as trusted and important. We are also blessed with a deep desire to give allegiance and live with faithfulness to those whom we deem worthy of our fidelity. If you just stop and think about being loyal for a moment you will realize it permeates all of our life decisions. We gravitate towards those people and things to which we attribute comfort and security, as we stay away from those people and things which we see as sources of alienation or disappointment. So, what makes loyalty work? Are there conditions that should always be present when we give or receive it? What happens when we misplace our loyalty? How do we know our chosen loyalties are good or even healthy?
Loyalty is squarely built upon three core beliefs
- There must be a sense of trust. Trust comes from words, actions or a track record that builds confidence. We give credence to people organizations or things when we are convinced we are safer or better off as a result of their presence in our lives. Of course, there are times when our trust is misplaced and that can begin a downward spiraling pattern. This is why we as Christians must have the trust factor of our loyalty based on the ever-solid foundation of God. As our Creator and the Author of the eternal plan for his human creation, His words as expressed in the Bible have credence, His actions are faith worthy and His track record builds confidence.
- Trust opens the door to belonging. When we belong to something we tend to take ownership of it. With ownership comes attentiveness to detail. This brings loyalty to a level of not just receiving security, but now being responsive and contributing to others' security and well being. This is where we see loyalty becoming a two-way street. For Christians, the belonging aspect of loyalty is clearly reflected in the call from God to become a follower of Jesus. If we are truly trying to follow Jesus in our everyday experiences then we absolutely belong to a profoundly-privileged group.
- Belonging stands on a sense of purpose. As trust opens the door and belonging makes it a two-way street, a sense of purpose solidifies loyalty into becoming a way of life. Look around and see that those whose lives are truly driven for good always have these three elements working. Our Christian sense of purpose is the heavenly call of God’s plan through Jesus to be faithful. We will then have the privilege of bringing others to know God, both now in this life, as well as later in the time of reconciliation.
Check out our August 20, 2018 podcast, “What is the True Meaning of Loyalty?” We put these pieces together with clarity and examine many biblical examples. Some of these examples show us what misplaced loyalty looks like. Others show us both wimpy and life-changing loyalty. Is your loyalty to the right things, in the right place and for the right cause?
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How could Jesus have died for just the chosen and still have redeemed the entire human race? The Bible seems to send mixed messages on this question, however if we look at the big picture context of these things it reveals a whole new level of meaning. To get answers to these seemingly contradictory Scriptures, watch this quick vlog then listen to our full podcast of the same name.
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Ep.1034: Did Jesus REALLY Die for Everyone?
Scripturally pinpointing the extent and reach of Jesus' ransom
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Theme Scripture: Isaiah 42:1
Every Christian adheres to and celebrates the belief that Jesus died to pay for our sins. In the spirit of Jesus’ own words saying "there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved," we go about preaching the good news of the salvation made available through the life, death and resurrection of our Master. It is here that the questions and differences come into play. What does it mean that Jesus died for all? Does that imply an equal opportunity for each and every human being who ever lived to come to salvation? If so, then how does it work for the billions who have never had Jesus presented to them as a viable option for belief? If there is NOT an equal opportunity for all, then why not? What would possibly keep God from presenting a choice to every human being?
Is the Bible sending mixed messages?
You would think we would be in agreement on a subject as important as this. One of the primary reasons we are not is that the Bible itself seems to send mixed messages on the matter. It specifically tells us Jesus came to save those who believe. He said in Matthew 7:14 (paraphrased) that the gate is small and the way to life is narrow, and few there be that find it. This would seem to indicate that salvation is specific - you need to believe in Jesus and walk a difficult path. Anyone outside of that is simply out of the picture. For many, this approach ends the argument. Or not…
The Bible also says (and I will paraphrase and add emphasis 1 John 2:2) that Jesus did come to redeem us from our sins, but he also came for the sins of the whole world. Additionally it says in 1 Tim. 2:6 that Jesus gave himself a ransom for ALL. When we look at these texts and several others in light of the “narrow way” teaching, we come upon what might be viewed as a full-blown debate...or at least a legitimate contradiction. How can both ways possibly be true? How could Jesus have died for just the chosen and still have redeemed the entire race of humanity? Can we show Jesus died for all?
Both are true!
Actually, the beauty of this whole thing is that both ideas can be entirely true. If we step back from the details for a moment and review the big picture context in which these things are spoken, a whole new level of meaning begins to emerge. Check out our August 13, 2018 podcast, “Did Jesus REALLY Die for Everyone?” and see for yourself. We lay out original sin and how it was planned on being atoned for from the very beginning. Then we look at the iconic promise given to Abraham of "blessing all the families of the earth" and the role Moses played in sharpening our understanding of this promise. We then observe how Jesus pulls every single detail together and becomes the pivot point of eternity for the entire human race. This is a journey you do not want to miss!
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