VIDEO: How Do You Change Your World? (Part I)
There is so much we can do to take action and make things better. Watch this quick video and then listen to the podcast about how Nehemiah changed everything using his brain, wits and faith. You will be surprised how much of this story resonates with our lives today!
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Ep.997: How Do You Change Your World? (Part I)
Principles from Nehemiah's story for effecting massive change
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Theme Scripture: Nehemiah 4:6
Everyone wants their world to be better. Everyone has dreams and ideas they see as transformative - even innovative - yet the vast majority of us never do anything about those dreams and ideas to bring them to reality. Why the lack of effort? Because change is hard. Because it takes thought, energy and determination and most of us are not convicted enough by our dreams and ideas to be willing to commit all of that effort. Occasionally someone stands apart from this typical reaction and actually thinks, acts, leads and accomplishes their dream or idea. Today we will talk about a little known man in the Old Testament who did just that. His dream was laughable, his mission was ridiculous and his enemies were determined to stop him, yet he focused and fought with all of his being and changed his world in the process!
Nehemiah changed the world for Israel
The beginning and the end of the story is that anyone who actually changes the world is accomplishing something akin to an anomaly. Tracking how that has happened in the past provides us powerful insight for our future. Nehemiah changed the world for Israel. He lived about a hundred years after the time of Daniel being captive in Babylon and was in the service the Persian King Artaxerxes as his cup bearer. When he found out details about the broken down condition of the city of Jerusalem he was deeply discouraged and could not get past it. The story changed his life, as he had been up to that point a quietly and profoundly religious Jew living in a foreign land. Now Nehemiah had been given something of great significance to live for – rebuilding the walls and the city of Jerusalem.
This was an inordinately massive task for the King of Persia’s cup bearer to be focusing on, but that is the beginning stage of changing the world – it is an inordinately large task set aside for those who can absorb and process such things. For Nehemiah, this became his noble – his quietly noble - passion that did not just simmer under the surface, it boiled over with internal passion, planning and preparation until the door of opportunity cracked open. So, here is the next stage of how to change the world: allow a noble thought grow into a noble idea, which then grows into a noble passion which then grows into a noble plan which then seeks opportunity.
Nehemiah laid all of this before God in a very detailed and humble prayer. His prayer was such that he put God’s word and will first, and then he simply asked to be able to be a tool in God’s hand to bring the destroyed city of Jerusalem back to life. God heard him, blessed him and sent him on a world-changing mission that would be nothing short of miraculous! Check out our November 27, 2017 podcast, “How Do You Change Your World? (Part I)" and see for yourself. Nehemiah’s experience was not only riveting in its story line, it was powerful in its teaching and inspiring in its lessons as he essentially wrote out the process for changing the world! You have got to hear this to believe it!
Ready for Part 2 of this series? Click here.
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Ep.996: How Do I Make Gratitude My Constant Companion?
Learning to tap into and live by the transforming power of gratitude
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Theme Scripture: Colossians 3:2
Human nature is a funny thing. We live in an age of instant gratification, an age of virtually no waiting for anything. We send a text, a tweet, a message or we post, and our expectation is for an almost instant answer or follow or response or reaction. What we want we not only assume we can get, we assume we can get it immediately in just the right color, brand and style. Getting and having have become so easy and expected that we have begun to overlook the value of patience, waiting and doing without. Human nature IS a funny thing. In this age of abundance, we are experiencing a very high rate of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Why? One reason is that we have all but forgotten the preserving and healing power of gratitude. It’s really simple - for happiness and contentment to flourish, they require gratitude to be their constant companion. Let’s take a look and see how it all works…
The first thing to realize about gratitude is that it is a basic building block and ingredient for anything that is good to make it long lasting. Consider these simple examples: You have lots of money and lots of stuff. This can be good - really good - but without gratitude for all of it, you might find yourself being dissatisfied, paranoid or just plain miserable. Check the statistics on this – it is frighteningly true. How about this – you are in a wonderful and loving relationship. This can be really good – even great - but without gratitude for the other party, your relationship will slowly begin to go stale, or even spoil, and all you will end up with are memories that are bitter or bewildered. You see, gratitude is the glue that holds a contented and productive life together!
The second thing to realize about gratitude is that it is a basic building block and ingredient for finding ways to cope with tragedy and difficult circumstances. Consider these telling examples: You are broke and have very little. This is difficult, to say the least, and we often find ourselves focusing on our misery which closes our hearts and minds to anything else. Gratitude in such times focuses your being on appreciating the precious good that you DO have and that opens you up to being able to see past the misery and notice opportunity. How about this – your spouse is dying of cancer, and they are too young and it’s not fair. Without gratitude, the stress of the situation eats both of you up and you lose your affection and appreciation for one another. With gratitude, the cancer becomes an event, difficult as it is, it does not hurt your relationship; rather, it becomes a tool to enhance it. I actually watched this happen recently, so I know it works.
The bottom line is, you and I need to understand how to have gratitude alive and well in our daily lives. The process for this can actually be an easy and enjoyable experience. Check out our November 20, 2017 podcast, “How Do I Make Gratitude My Constant Companion?” and see how it all works. Take this could have a life changing impact on your every day. Thanks!
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Ep.995: What Made John the Baptist So Special?
Uncovering "greatness principles" in the life of John the Baptist
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Theme Scripture: John 1:23
Every so often someone comes along who stands out from the crowd, someone who distinguishes themselves from their peers by their manner, their motivation and their mission. They don’t seem to fit into any comfortable category, for theirs is a mission that has world-changing implications and such missions are not common and least of all comfortable. With such a description we would typically and rightfully envision Jesus as its object, but today we will focus on another. Today we focus on John the Baptist, the man who prepared the people for Jesus, the man who stood alone as a powerful voice that pointed to the Redeemer of all men. John the Baptist uniquely epitomized greatness – where did he come from, what did he do and how did he do it?
To say that someone uniquely epitomizes greatness might be considered somewhat brash as there are so many ways to quantify and qualify greatness. So let’s do a general "greatness check" and see how our man, John the Baptist, fares:
Greatness is achieved when:
There is a specific need: Jesus was due to come on the scene and someone needed to pave the road for him. John’s mission specifically accomplished this. Greatness!
Timing calls for someone to step up: John arrived on the scene as a prophet after a 400-year prophetic silence from God. Greatness!
Events call for a charismatic leader: When John preached he drew crowds of all kinds from all outlying areas. Greatness!
Events call for a fearless spokesman: John was straightforward with everyone - he pulled no punches as he spoke truth and it eventually cost him his life. Greatness!
Events call for a humble leader: John was entirely aware and accepting of his role to bring attention to Jesus and not to himself. Greatness!
Having established that John the Baptist would be considered great by most any standards that measure greatness, we can now begin to explore the things that made him that way. For instance, with truly great leaders like a Martin Luther King Jr. or a Winston Churchill, it is always fascinating to look at their lives before their window of greatness opened to see what experiences, nurturing or education prepared them for that special moment. John the Baptist is no exception to this. Even though there are just a few lines written about his parents and his upbringing, we can glean a sufficient harvest from those lines and clearly see how he was prepared for the difficult and important work he was called upon to do.
Another unique and fascinating point about John was his eloquence. We visualize John the Baptist as a rough, unshaven and uncultured sort of man. This vision, while partially true, does not even give an inkling of the power, grace and control he had of his intellect. Of all the aspects of greatness that John exhibited, this to me is most inspiring. Check out our November 13, 2017 podcast, “What Made John the Baptist So Special?” and see for yourself what real grit and greatness look like. Who knows, greatness may be calling YOU and John the Baptist may be just the guy to help you prepare!
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Recognizing and capitalizing on mistakes and wrong judgments
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Theme Scripture: Romans 14:5
Everyone has had and will have the experience of being wrong, of making mistakes and of not understanding something well enough to properly represent it. Everyone! The question is not about what to do IF these things happen; the question is how do we handle it WHEN these things happen? Making mistakes and being wrong are never comfortable experiences, but they are priceless in their value if we allow them to be. So, how do we allow them to be priceless? When we are wrong, do we face it or ignore it? When we make a mistake, do we 'fess up or bury it? Further, how can we identify the thought and behavior processes that bring us to wrong conclusions and actions so we can avoid repeating the same old mistakes over and over again?
One of the first things to acknowledge is just how difficult it is to be completely right. Especially for a Christian, being right is not only about subject matter or opinion. Saying this may raise a red flag, and you might be thinking how simple the equation ought to be – if you are right you are right and that’s it! It would be nice if it was so simple, but it is not, especially considering the conditions of our present social communication skills. Being right also has everything to do with how we present our thought, side or opinion as the presentation can build our “rightness” to a high level of respect or tear down our “rightness” to such a degree that our “rightness” becomes a poison to others. If we allow ourselves to think about this, it can really make an impact as our “rightness” now has the potential for both positive and negative value.
The fascinating thing about this is that the Apostle Paul had personal experience with this very problem, as the early Christian church was made up of people from wildly diverse backgrounds. These new Christians brought their conditioned thinking into the faith. Whether it was strict Jewish thinking and practices meant to avoid contact with sin or relaxed and varied gentile thinking, it all needed to be looked at, considered and acted upon in accordance within the principles of true Christianity. Paul did a lot of teaching and reasoning regarding appropriate Christian standards for all. He challenged not only the right and wrong ideas that so many brought with them, he also challenged the attitudes behind those ideas. Paul even went as far as to say that one can be very wrong in attitude and presentation of their right understanding and those whose understanding was wrong could be very right attitude-wise and acceptable before God.
A quick note – all of this is NOT to say that within Christianity we can and should accept anything and everything that comes our way. Nothing could be further from the truth, as Christianity by very definition requires a higher moral and behavioral standard than the world could ever offer.
Follow along with us as we examine how the Apostle Paul guided the early church (and us) to a better understanding of right, wrong and all of the accompanying attitudes. This is a journey that needs to be taken!
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