August 31, 2020

Ep.1141: Does Christianity Preach the Gospel?

Critically examining the basic principles of what the gospel teaches

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There are so many kinds of Christians. Can we agree on what the gospel teaches?

What is our role in the gospel message?

Was the gospel message described in the Old Testament?

Theme Scripture: Romans 10:15

Every Christian group proclaims what they believe to be the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as we all claim to follow his leading and his life. The problem arises when we compare our doctrine, principles and life objectives with one another. Simply stated, it all just does not line up. There are SO many variations of Christianity; it is safe to say that we can find disagreement on just about any aspect of what Christianity is. The age-old question is, who's right? How do I know that the view of Christianity I adhere to is sound? How do I know that what I stand for is truly a God-honoring belief system? The only way we can think to answer these questions is to look at Christianity solely based on Scripture. Let’s put aside tradition and try to eliminate our bias and see how God’s word describes the Gospel of Jesus!

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The gospel did not start with Jesus

While there is no question about his central role in it, the good news was put in place when sin entered. In proclaiming consequences for sin, God in a veiled way told Satan that the seed of the woman would destroy him. The New Testament book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus will do exactly that. The point is that God proclaimed the remedy for sin before Adam and Eve had a family. Because Adam sinned willfully and Jesus died for him, we can see that the unborn family of the sinful Adam was already under the blood of Jesus. There are MANY Scriptures supporting this concept. All of humanity will have a legitimate opportunity for life!


Throughout the history of Christianity, traditions have grown. In many cases, they have replaced the core values of the original message. Facing this debacle presents two challenges.  First, we need to be courageous enough to willingly and thoroughly examine the original gospel. The Scriptures must be allowed to stand on their own message. Second, we need to be willing to let go of any teaching or tradition that according to Scripture we conclude is false. This is hard in light of Christianity’s long denominational history of belief systems.  Why would we even question their adherence to the gospel?

The most direct answer to this comes from the New Testament itself. Jesus, Paul and Peter, Jude and John all warned about the message being corrupted over time. They warned us to be diligent in our adherence to truth. Check out our August 31, 2020 podcast, “Does Christianity Preach the Gospel?” for more.  We examined and challenged several common Christian teachings in light of the Bible. Then we looked at things like speaking in tongues, healing and financial support.  Analyzing the way these things were exercised in the early church, we compared their use today. We also looked at the teachings of hell and prosperity, seeking the New Testament for clarity. Do you have the courage to examine such things? This journey is not for the faint of heart!


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Good Samaritan

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August 31, 2020

VIDEO: Does Christianity Preach the Gospel?

Why would we question Christianity’s adherence to the Gospel? Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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Friends usually share common interests, and for David and Jonathan, that was serving the Lord. Parents and Bible class teachers, this short, animated video describes what it means to be a good friend, just as David and Jonathan were to each other. Subscribe to our channel at and never miss a new video!

Click here for a free, downloadable children’s activity where kids can color and cut out their own crown to become King David or King Saul!

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VIDEO: Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

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Learning to personally apply how Jesus dealt with the politics of his day

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Good Samaritan

What Does Being a Good Samaritan Really Mean?

Digging beneath the surface into the real lessons of the Good Samaritan
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VIDEO: Does My Church Leadership Have It Right?

Church leadership first and foremost requires humility. Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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Tracing biblical and pagan history to find the origins of hell and torment
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VIDEO: Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

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Learning to personally apply how Jesus dealt with the politics of his day

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Comparing today’s faith healers with clear and biblical healing principles
August 24, 2020

Ep.1140: Does My Church Leadership Have It Right?

Uncovering what biblical church organization and leadership look like

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What's the difference between a pastor, elder, bishop and overseer as described in the Bible?

How were pastors chosen back in the New Testament?

Is each congregation supposed to guide themselves?

Theme Scripture: Mark 9:35

How is Christianity supposed to be organized?  If you look at the countless denominations we have today, you will see a wide variety of interpretations regarding leadership. With some, it all boils down to one individual leader. With others, it is a committee of several. In many cases, those in authority have the responsibility of delegating who is to oversee each of the local congregations. With so much variety, have you ever wondered if there is actually a right way to do all of this? If we’re able to go to church and feel blessed, does it even matter?

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What did the early church do? How did they decide which church leaders would lead where? Did the apostles give us a God-sanctioned system to perpetuate leadership for the flock all down through the age until now?

Jesus set the example

The first and perhaps most important aspect of Christian leadership is what Jesus himself dramatically instructed. The night before his crucifixion, his apostles were discussing amongst themselves who would be greatest in the kingdom. When they sat down to eat, Jesus as their teacher and master, humbly washed their feet. His message was simple: I am greater than all of you, and yet I am humble before all of you. Any greatness you may strive for or achieve requires you express this same kind of humility.

Jesus would teach them many things that night, but no other lesson was so profoundly demonstrated as their feet washing.

The New Testament describes Christian leadership by using a variety of words. We read about pastors, bishops, overseers, elders and shepherds.  We first ask if these all represent different positions within a hierarchy in the church. Most of Christianity has adopted this approach, but what if this system was not the intended result? What if the New Testament writers (Paul and Peter specifically) had something else in mind? To find out, we need to see how these responsibilities are written about and their requirements.

What is meant by "ordain"?

Another critical aspect of Christian leadership is how it is decided who is put in a position of responsibility. Today when we think of church leaders, we think of individuals who are “ordained” or appointed. The Bible does say to “ordain” elders in every church, but was it by the same process we use today? Remember, there were no seminary schools in the early church. This means the logistics of finding and placing congregational leadership was entirely different. Here again, we need to understand what the intentions of the New Testament writings were.

All we have done here is raise a lot of questions! Check out our August 24, 2020 podcast, “Does My Church Leadership Have it Right?” for answers. We examine the meanings of pastor, bishop, elder and the others to see how these responsibilities dovetail together. Then we dig into the process that Paul specifically relayed to the churches about how their leadership was to be established. We find what we believe to be simple and inspiring biblical truth. Listen in and tell us what you think!

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Tracing biblical and pagan history to find the origins of hell and torment
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VIDEO: Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

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VIDEO: Redeeming the Time

Ephesians 5:15-16 tells us, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” We have work to do!  We are living at a time when knowledge is so widespread and bountiful that the average person living in a metropolitan area will be exposed to more knowledge and input in a week than an entire family of 100 years ago would be exposed to in a year.  Communication is literally instant. We can see and hear someone on the other side of the world and fluently converse with them when 100 years ago that conversation would not even have been possible.  Travel is so fast and so luxurious that the entire earth is navigable by an average individual. Such travel 100 years ago would have taken months and at great risk. For the first time in human history, leisure time is not only available to the masses, it is expected and often considered a human right.  Entertainment is no longer an unattainable dream of the common man.  It is now one of the world’s largest and most influential industries. We live in a time of distraction, temptation and selfish ambition. Personal discipline only applies when we feel like it. Integrity and absolutes have all but gone the way of the dinosaur. Yet, in such a time as this, the followers of Christ are still bound by the scriptural admonition of Ephesians 5:15-16. What does it mean to make the most of our time? You’d think “redeeming the time” would be easier in this day of technological genius than ever before. That’s not the case. But with knowledge and technology come choices – lots and lots of choices. They are embedded in various shades of grey, all designed to capture our hearts and imaginations. This special sermon by CQ co-host Rick suggests a practical plan and path to better serve God – at the expense of serving ourselves.  Rick discusses six basic principles on which to focus. Watch, listen and consider how to best use your time in the way most pleasing to God!

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VIDEO: Why Is Jesus Called the Bread of Life?

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Tracing biblical and pagan history to find the origins of hell and torment
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VIDEO: Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

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Comparing today’s faith healers with clear and biblical healing principles
August 17, 2020

Ep.1139: Thou Shalt Not Covet – Is It Wrong to Want?

Building a foundation for our desires to be godly and appropriate

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View Series


If coveting is a form of idolatry, how can I reframe my thinking?

What's wrong with wanting what others have?

How does coveting ruin contentment?

Theme Scripture: Ephesians 5:5

When God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, they were in a specific order. Did you ever wonder why the last Commandment was to not covet? To covet in its most basic sense is “to have a strong desire for” something. What was there about the human propensity to want that God saw fit to leave it as the final thing to remember? Because wanting spiritually good things is good, we must assume that all coveting can’t be bad.

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The key here is figuring out where to draw the line. Are there degrees of goodness or evil attached to what and how we covet? Fortunately, the Bible provides us with ample evidence so we can not only perceive where the line is, but we can also learn how to stay away from it.

In Genesis, when God created the Garden of Eden, it says every tree was “pleasing” to the eye. The word for “covet” in the tenth commandment is the very same word as “pleasing” in Genesis. This means God built humanity to possess this characteristic of desire, so it's natural and healthy to have it. The problem with coveting or delighting in something is not the fact that we do it; rather, it is the object of that emotion.

Coveting is a sin of the heart

It develops on the inside where others cannot necessarily see it. Biblical history tells us Satan was the original coveter. He is prophetically spoken of in Isaiah as having his mind and heart set on raising himself up to the level of God. He focused on his throne being in the place of God’s throne.  Satan, then known as Lucifer, desired something that was not and could not be his. He wanted God’s power and place taken from God and reserved for himself. This is the kind of coveting the tenth commandment warns us about.

Israel’s tenth commandment focused on not coveting several things specifically relating to our neighbor. This focus reinforces two important points:

  1.  It confirms that all desire to want or delight in things is not evil, as “coveting” is not categorically condemned.
  2. It tells us just how bad it is to want your neighbor’s house, or spouse or life. The difference here is important. It reveals how a healthy desire for something can become dangerous when that desire has jealousy and obsession attached to it.

In the New Testament, being covetous is always and alarmingly associated with the worst kinds of sins. So, how do we put all this together? Check out our August 17, 2020 podcast, “Thou Shalt Not Covet – Is it Wrong to Want?” for more.  We break down the details of what the 10th Commandment warns against. We pinpoint the pattern that always exists when we inappropriately covet and uncover scriptural remedies.  Coveting, having a desire, can be really detrimental. But it can also be a powerful motivator for good.  Learn the difference so you can live the difference! Study the rest of the Commandments with us to see how they are still valid for Christians today.

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VIDEO: Why Is Jesus Called the Bread of Life?

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Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

Tracing biblical and pagan history to find the origins of hell and torment
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VIDEO: Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

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...and how can we travel on it?

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Learning to personally apply how Jesus dealt with the politics of his day

VIDEO: Should Christians Be Politically Driven?

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Should Christians Expect to Be Healed?

Comparing today’s faith healers with clear and biblical healing principles
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VIDEO: Thou Shalt Not Covet – Is It Wrong to Want?

Why does the bible say “Thou Shalt Not Covet”? Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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Why Is Jesus Called the Bread of Life?

The deep reasoning behind Jesus describing himself this way
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VIDEO: Why can’t we have everything we want?

...and what's wrong with having everything RIGHT NOW?
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VIDEO: Why Is Jesus Called the Bread of Life?

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Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

Tracing biblical and pagan history to find the origins of hell and torment
history of hellfire

VIDEO: Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

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...and how can we travel on it?

Should Christians Be Politically Driven?

Learning to personally apply how Jesus dealt with the politics of his day

VIDEO: Should Christians Be Politically Driven?

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faith healing

Should Christians Expect to Be Healed?

Comparing today’s faith healers with clear and biblical healing principles
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Who is YOUR neighbor? Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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Why Is Jesus Called the Bread of Life?

The deep reasoning behind Jesus describing himself this way
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VIDEO: Why can’t we have everything we want?

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VIDEO: Why Is Jesus Called the Bread of Life?

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history of hellfire

Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

Tracing biblical and pagan history to find the origins of hell and torment
history of hellfire

VIDEO: Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

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highway to holiness

VIDEO: What is the Highway of Holiness?

...and how can we travel on it?

Should Christians Be Politically Driven?

Learning to personally apply how Jesus dealt with the politics of his day

VIDEO: Should Christians Be Politically Driven?

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faith healing

Should Christians Expect to Be Healed?

Comparing today’s faith healers with clear and biblical healing principles
August 10, 2020

Ep.1138: Do I Treat You as My Neighbor?

Learning the life-changing meaning of being a good neighbor

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How did Jesus use an unexpected turn of events to teach a life-changing lesson?

Why did Jesus choose the Samaritan to be the good guy in the story?

How can action-filled compassion change our lives?

Theme Scripture: Luke 10:33

We live in volatile times. Justifiable demonstrations about justifiable concerns are overshadowed and even hijacked by those who simply seek anarchy and overthrow. We are descending into a tribal approach to our issues. If you do not agree with my perspective and my group, then you are considered a bigoted outsider who deserves to be shunned and put down. As sad as this is, it is nothing new. Back in Jesus' day, similar issues existed and even served as standards for living! Fortunately for us, Jesus spoke a simple story about the Good Samaritan that shook this unholy standard to its very core. His story was a response to the simple question, who is my neighbor? It seems vitally appropriate that we relisten and relearn the lessons Jesus’ simple story of the Good Samaritan.

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Everyone knows the basic story of The Good Samaritan. He is a guy who, while traveling on the road, comes across a Jewish man who has been robbed and beaten. The Samaritan rescues him by taking him to a nearby inn, caring for him through the night and paying for his care for another two days. If that were the whole story, it would be a wonderful and inspiring reminder of what human compassion looks like. But there was more to this story – much more.

A deeper agenda

A lawyer stimulated Jesus to tell this story. He asks Jesus about the Jewish Law, and Jesus replies with scripturally supported clarity. But the lawyer is not satisfied, as he seems to have a deeper agenda than just conversing about the loftiness of the Law. He is the one who asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Because Jesus sees a deviousness in this lawyer’s questioning, he answers him by telling the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Samaritans and Jews

In Jesus’ day, the Samaritan people and the Jewish people were very much at odds with one another. Even though they shared the same heritage, each looked upon the other with disdain. The two peoples had major differences along political, religious and moral lines. One Bible commentator reported that if a Samaritan man even touched a Jewish man, he would seek the nearest body of water to jump into for cleansing! Jesus spoke this parable because of the lawyer’s question. He framed the characters in the story to draw his audience into the drama. The meaning of this story is profound, for it shows a Samaritan man treating his cultural enemy as he would treat his friend.

Check out our August 10, 2020 podcast, “Do I Treat You as My Neighbor?” for more! We delve into the details of all the little things the Samaritan did to become a humble hero. We examine the reactions of other Jewish men who passed by the beaten man before the Samaritan got there. Most importantly, we assemble and dwell on the lessons of what it means to be a neighbor to our fellow human beings. This simple story of compassion can serve as a gentle yet jarring wake-up call. Who is YOUR neighbor?

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VIDEO: Why Is Jesus Called the Bread of Life?

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Tracing biblical and pagan history to find the origins of hell and torment
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VIDEO: Did a Belief in Hell Always Exist? (Hellfire Series Part IV)

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Learning to personally apply how Jesus dealt with the politics of his day

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