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Showing 1-12 of 103 episodes
CQ Kids Episode #1316

VIDEO: What is respect?

Here's an important quality to cultivate for God, Jesus, the Bible, and our parents!
CQ Kids Episode #1316

VIDEO: Why do we need rules?

Rules don't serve any purpose other than to hinder our fun, right? Not so! Find out exactly what rules do and how they ensure fairness and help everybody get along!
CQ Kids Episode #1316

VIDEO: What does the holy spirit do?

The holy spirit is God's power and influence...but how does it actually help the footstep followers of Jesus?
CQ Kids Episode #1258

VIDEO: Why do we worship God?

Let's explore the many reasons why our Supreme Creator deserves our admiration and respect!
CQ Kids Episode #1258

VIDEO: What is reverence?

It might not be a word we use every day, but it certainly applies to what we should feel regarding our Heavenly Father.
CQ Kids Episode #

VIDEO: What is faith?

The intangible concept of faith can be tough to explain to a child. This video breaks it down into an easily understandable quality based on tangible things all around us.
CQ Kids Episode #1062

VIDEO: How can we praise God?

When our hearts are overflowing with love for the Heavenly Father, what can we do to show it?