July 30, 2018

Ep.1032: Is the Bible Behind the Times on #MeToo?

Biblical perspective on the treatment of women in light of the #metoo movement

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Metoo Virus - Self-Worship

Metoo Virus - Self-Imposed Ignorance

Metoo Virus - Deciding on Depravity

Metoo Virus - Continually Corrupting our Conscience

Theme Scripture: Judges 21:25

(For more on the story of our guest, Amy, see Episode 829: "What Happens When Life Gets Broken?") The world has changed on every level and in every way.  As those things which were hidden and covered up in our society are being revealed we begin to see aspects of our social order in a different light.  The very new social media cry of #metoo is a classic example of this.  Never before has it been made so public, that so many men have taken advantage of so many women and the deep suffering many of these women continue to carry.  This social conversation has prompted vital healing as well.  Now some questions.  Where does Christianity fall in the spectrum of these events?  Many say the Bible promotes the disrespect and abuse of women – would that make Bible-believing Christians supporters of evil?  With the good this movement brings, are there any dangers that come with it?  What should we as Christians do?

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Looking at what has been revealed through the #metoo movement, we see obvious tragic events and trends.  Too many men (especially in positions of authority) seem to think it is just fine to objectify, harass and abuse women as part of their routine behavior.  Well, it is not acceptable, it is not okay upon occasion and it is not even tolerable as part of some imagined “gray area” of judgment.  The outcry against these things is needed and welcome. Nothing will ever change unless the agents of change are plainly recognized as credible catalysts for establishing better thinking and respectable behavior.

As Christians, we need to address the issues of this world through the eyes of biblical understanding and approaching #metoo is no different.  Many would say the Bible is "anti-woman" and therefore should not be a credible source on these matters.  To counter this perspective, let’s touch on Jesus' own behavior regarding the treatment of women.  The biblical fact is that he treated women with equal respect to men.  One quick example is his conversation with a Samaritan woman by a well in John 4:7-26.  First, Jesus spoke to a woman who was a stranger and this was not common.  Second, this woman he conversed with was a Samaritan, a social outcast.  Others would have avoided her, but Jesus did not.  Third, he spoke to her regarding spiritual truths.  Jesus told her he was the Messiah!  To this point, that was a truth he had not yet spoken to anyone!  Jesus deeply respected women in the same way as he respected men, and as Christians we are obligated to do the same.

So is the #metoo movement a bandwagon we should be jumping on?  That's a big question that requires a big answer, so please check out our July 30, 2018 podcast, “Is the Bible Behind the Times on #MeToo?”  We discuss subtle behavioral patterns that can bring men down a road of inappropriateness, as well as what the "women not being over men" theme in the New Testament is all about.  We also deal with the necessary cautions Christians should have in place with social media movements, including this one.


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Ep.1031: What Happens to My Christianity When I Go to Work?

Avoiding the pitfalls of workplace talk, thinking and behavior

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How can we be a light for Christ within our work environment?

We have to work hard, but do we always have to be happy about it?

What else do we need to know to pursue excellence?

Attitude, excellence, attentiveness and words. What's next?

Theme Scripture: Proverbs 10:4

Christianity at work...for the most part, we all need to support ourselves. That self-supporting system generally comes in three phases. First is the education phase, where we are supposed to choose what self-support direction to take and then how to do it. Second is the work of making ends meet, which for most of us, occupies the majority of our adult lives. It is our thinking and actions in this phase that define our lives. Third is the benefits stage. It is hard to get to but can give us choices and control of our time. Whatever stage of life we might be in, we as Christians are always required to carry our beliefs and principles with us. The question then is simple. How well are we defining ourselves by our thoughts, words and actions while in these environments? Do we look like and act like the follower of Christ we profess to be?

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Let’s face it...your workplace can provide a great environment in which to labor but can also easily be a toxic environment.  Either way, we as Christians need to be clear on what we are trying to accomplish when we are there.  Now this sounds odd – obviously we are there to “do our job” and “get paid” and “provide for our family.”  It would be easy if the whole working experience was as antiseptic as that, but we all know it is not.  There are the people factors that add several dimensions to our presence there, and these are what will likely make or break our Christianity in that environment.  So, let’s be clear on what we are looking to accomplish with our Christianity at work.

Jesus worked.  He didn’t punch a clock or get paid a salary, but his daily mission was to teach the Gospel and bring it to the average person.  Looking at his attitude and preparation for his work we can certainly learn some valuable lessons to apply to our preparation and attitude regarding our work.

Here is just one of the many “work day” lessons Jesus taught us.  Attitude: not the attitude we adopt once we get to work and things go wrong or deadlines overwhelm or people are arguing.  Jesus taught us to set our attitude BEFORE we go anywhere or do anything.  His approach was simple – love God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength AND love your neighbor as yourself!  Translating this into our 21st century work environment is simple.  Decide to work as though God Himself were your boss and treat everyone in that environment with the highest respect.  Decide this before you get there and act on what you decided!  Christianity at work!

We all know that there are a myriad of details and circumstances that will hinder this simplistic approach.  That is why you need to check out our July 23, 2018 podcast, “What Happens to My Christianity when I go to Work?”  We talk about working hard when others don’t, coping with dishonesty, managing gossip and so much more.  Jesus really did show us how to truly be Christian while we work – tune in and learn from what he had to say!

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July 23, 2018

VIDEO: What Happens to My Christianity When I Go to Work?

Would the people who see us on Sunday recognize us on a random Wednesday at our jobs?  When we are faced with ethical dilemmas or something as “innocent” as office gossip, do we stand up for what is right? Hold our tongue and wait for it to be over? Or do we cross a line we can’t quite see because we squint a little? Watch this short blog and then listen to the full podcast of the same name for practical ideas on how to maintain your focus on God while at work.

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Ep.1030: Where is the Kingdom Jesus Told Us to Pray For?

Uncovering what God's kingdom is, how it works and who benefits

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Where does the kingdom begin?

The first phase is about Jesus' followers. What are they called to do?

Is the kingdom just about the faithful Christians? What about everybody else?

How does it all end? What will the world look like?

Theme Scripture: Matthew 3:1-2

What part of the gospel did Jesus most focus on teaching? For many of us the answer would be simple: Jesus taught love; love one another as he and God love us. While this is a beautiful and profound answer, it is surprisingly incorrect. Jesus focused probably three times more on teaching about the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven. As a matter of fact, he taught about the kingdom more than he taught about anything else. Amazing and true! Now, if Jesus was so laser-beam focused on this topic, it is probably smart for us to know what he was talking about. By the way, Jesus described it in several seemingly contradicting ways.

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So, what, where and when is this kingdom?

Jesus described this in many vastly different ways. First, he said that he was the kingdom, and it was here when he walked the earth about 2,000 years ago. That makes some sense because he IS its centerpiece. Where he goes, the kingdom would follow.  Jesus also said it was within his followers. This one is not as easy to grasp, because it's not really a place, but rather a state of mind. Jesus then said it was something to be looked for. We can all recite the Lord’s prayer, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.." Wait a minute – how can it be IN you and yet we pray for it to come? How can it be a state of mind and also be described as a place?

Is it on earth? In heaven? Within us all?

MANY Old Testament prophecies describe it as an operational government here on earth.  Yet, Jesus told his followers they would be with him in the kingdom in heaven. So, which is it? Could it be all of these things? How would that all work? This all becomes understandable when it is perceived as coming and existing in phases. When you think about this step-by-step approach, it really does make perfect sense. God’s entire plan has always worked on a gradual approach. For example, the allowance of sin to enter with the first man Adam, to the 12 sons of Israel who would become a favored nation, to the 2,000-year calling of the true gospel church. All step-by-step and in perfect alignment with God’s plan. Why would the kingdom be different?

Check out our July 16, 2018 podcast, “Where is the Kingdom Jesus Told Us to Pray for?” and follow along with us as we put this in order. The bottom line is this: The kingdom that Jesus preached is REAL and life-changing for all of humanity. It is both in the heavens with God AND will be a physical earthly place as well. It will house both the faithful followers of Jesus AND the redeemed and reconciled people of this world.  Thy kingdom come!


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July 09, 2018

VIDEO: What Does it Mean to Glorify God?

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July 09, 2018

Ep.1029: What Does it Mean to Glorify God?

Defining the breadth and depth of extolling Almighty God

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Why did God give glory to enemies of His chosen people?

Having seen God's glory in dealing with sin, what will we see of His glory when dealing with me?

Is it even possible to glorify God during trauma and tragedy?

What can we do to glorify God?

Theme Scripture: Psalm 86:12

Praise God!  Psalm 34:3 says, “Magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together!”   As Christians we often think of glorifying God as an incredibly positive exercise in expression, excitement, joy and passion.  Our praise and worship usually bring us to feeling His love and power, and this in turn opens us up to a convicted sense of security.  All of this is good, but is it the complete picture of what glorifying God is supposed to be?  Do our praise and worship sufficiently satisfy the "glorifying God equation" in our daily lives?  What if there is a whole different level of extolling our Creator’s character?  What if that different level could actually have a profound transforming effect on us?  You’d want to know about that, right?  Me too!

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The first thing we need to establish is that within the context of our present day systems of recognition, glory is overrated!  Really!  Think about it – we glorify the oddest things.  We praise uniqueness over integrity! When there is a new and fresh way to do things, who needs to respect being true to principle?  We honor style over perseverance!  When flamboyance is an option who needs the ideal of working hard and finishing?   We extol boisterousness over sound reasoning!  If you can make your point by shouting down your opponent why bother with clarity and truth?  See, glory is easily misdirected towards things that are actually glory-less.

Giving glory to God is an entirely different story

We most often envision doing so in the context of praise, especially in church where we can really “feel it.”  While this is a good start, it barely scratches the surface of honoring our Creator.  The best and highest forms of glory come when there is little or no emotion to back it up.  You see, giving glory to God should not be confused with or limited to giving praise to God.  Praising God is an expression, an outward manifestation of thanks or happiness or awe.  Glorifying God is manifested in the way we live.

So, how does that work?

Let’s think about it in terms of the results of simply being who you are.  An example – what about when you are going through deep trials?  Do those experiences uproot our ability to glorify God?  They can, but here’s the thing.  Even when we get overwhelmed, the smallest expressions of faith, the most desperate prayer or a feeble holding of hope – these all give God glory.  These all say to God, He is the Sovereign Protector of our lives and we look to His mercy and grace for answers.  Even when we are weak, we can give glory to our Father!

There is so much more to glorifying God.  Check out our July 9, 2018 podcast, “What Does it Mean to Glorify God?” for details.  We talk about what a God-glorifying character looks like and practical examples of glory giving actions.  We also visit some biblical events where God seemed to contradict himself by giving glory to some who were definitely “bad guys.”  Why would He do that?  Listen in and see!