VIDEO: Does Science Prove Intelligent Design
We put the Bible aside and examined what science has revealed about the macro and micro complexity of every aspect of nature. Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name.
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Ep.1062: Does Science Prove Intelligent Design?
Documenting the extraordinary creative intelligence behind nature
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Theme Scripture: Psalm 19:1
Atheists will tell you there is no scientific proof of God nor can there be. They have a materialistic view of the universe that, by definition, excludes God. Though this philosophy is pervasive in the world today, there is much evidence that reveals a great deal of willing ignorance in that belief. Is science the only source of truth? Does science really validate godlessness or show intelligent design? On this podcast, we review a number of scientific ideas and questions that demonstrate the other side of the argument, namely, that a super-intelligent Creator is behind the existing of this universe and all life.
It's easy (and by the way, futile) to try and debate the existence of God. What you find is that you cannot actually “prove” God does or does not exist by looking into science. What this debate will yield is evidence that some say absolutely points to an intelligent Designer behind our cosmos and all included in it. Others will look at that same evidence and simply dismiss it as the result of random results based on random actions that randomly happened to fall into place. Turns out that an acceptance of an intelligent Designer ends up being subject to how we choose to see things – our philosophical perspective. So if proof is not an attainable result, why even have the discussion?
In our recent podcast, we approached this subject from a purely science and reason perspective. We began with the big picture – the universe. When you examine its elements, symmetry, vastness and its constants,we face an interesting conclusion. The universe as we know it can only exist if a myriad of mysterious forces are exactly in balance. What made these forces find their balance and keep them? Were they purely random chance, or were they put in place with a purpose and a design? The mathematical odds of random chance are so minute that one would get lost in the massiveness of the numbers needed to calculate them!
When we see a new car on the street, we take for granted that it was intentionally and intelligently designed and manufactured as a mode of transportation. One would be hard-pressed to imagine that car coming together in all of its complexity as a result of pure chance! Microbiology takes the complexity of a sophisticated automobile and dwarfs it in every way. From tiny motors made of multiple and intricate parts that operate inside of bacteria, to kinesins that actually carry proteins within a single cell by walking along tiny bridges it self-creates as it "walks," there are thousands of microscopic evidences of breathtaking and intricate design. Is this proof of Intelligent Design?
Check out our February 25, 2019 podcast, “Does Science Prove Intelligent Design?” for more. We put the Bible aside and examine what science has revealed about the macro and micro complexity of every aspect of nature. It is all truly astounding. We believe a powerful and intelligent Designer is behind all of nature. Let science show you why!
Watch Our Episode Preview
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Unlocking the importance, meaning and application of baptism
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Theme Scripture: Acts 19:5
Baptism is an enormous part of Christianity. It is mentioned frequently and seriously throughout the New Testament. While most Christians agree on its importance, we vastly disagree on its meaning and place within our teachings. Is baptism a symbol of what has begun changing in you or does it actually change you? Is it a ritual of sprinkling or is it a complete immersion in water? Should babies, children and adults be baptized? What are we supposed to be baptized into? The Bible seemingly tells us two different things. Is it just into the name of Jesus or is it into the "Father, Son and Holy Spirit”? With all of the questions surrounding baptism it is no wonder that there is so much confusion in finding clarity. The good news is that if we pay close attention to biblical history and context we can find answers that are sensible and scripturally sound!
Did you ever wonder what the average person in Israel thought when John the Baptist showed up and started baptizing people to show their repentance for their sins? In all of Jewish history, this kind of thing had never happened before. Suddenly this wild and rough looking guy shows up saying they were all sinners and needed to repent. Why did the people respond? Why did they go along with being dunked in water as a way to show their desire to turn towards God?
Even though baptism was not part of their heritage, ritual washings of various kinds were. The commands behind these washings were simple. The people need to be cleansed of actual dirt and disease as a preparation for being acceptable to be able to stand before God. Baptism, therefore, was built upon some very familiar Jewish practices. In our podcast we focused in on the likely origins of Jewish baptism...and that does two things. First, it clarifies the "why" of water immersion, and second, it provides sound reasoning on the all-important question of baptizing infants and children.
This question is one of the most difficult to handle. The divide on this issue is almost as old as Christianity itself and leads to all kinds of fundamental differences. Some say the ritual of infant baptism was based upon the rite of circumcision given as far back as Abraham. Their point is that it shows us a belonging to those promises given to Abraham himself. Others say that interpretation is a serious misrepresentation of scriptural intention and symbolism. Who is right?
Check out our February 18, 2019 podcast, “How Many Baptisms are there?” for a clear answer. We deep dive beneath the surface on this issue to find what the Scriptures really teach regarding baptism. We also address questions and Scriptures that reveal if baptism is a symbol, who or what we should be baptized into. We even look into Jesus’ own baptism. Did you ever wonder why he was baptized – he had no sin to repent of! Baptism, once we truly understand it, really comes alive!
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Tracking the four “love” ingredients that build a lifelong relationship
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Theme Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
‘Til death do us part! Not all that long ago those words (which were in some way included in every marriage ceremony) really meant something. They symbolized the depth of a promise made between a man and a woman to stand beside one another through any and all circumstances. This phrase might not be in today's typical marriage ceremony , but we know more than half of all marriages fail. Why? What are the missing, overlooked or unknown ingredients that make a strong marriage? What should we be saying, doing or thinking to continually build a relationship that will last and even grow in meaningful ways over a lifetime?
Aside from being the refrain from a classic Beatles song, “All you need is love” is the answer that seems to get the most traction when asked about making marriage last. While this “love” answer tends to lean too much on warm and fuzzy feelings, it also far too general. Talk about “love” in a marriage and you usually end up talking about “being in love.” This in turn often brings us to an emotionally-satisfying vision of star-crossed lovers gazing into one another’s eyes. Don’t get me wrong. Romantic love is a deeply powerful part of the relationship. But it is NOT a true foundation for a lifelong “happily ever after.”
Four kinds of love drive a successful marriage
The fact is, there are four different kinds of love that drive any successful marriage. These four brands of attachment are clearly described in the Bible. When we examine the ways they are applied in Scripture, we see a pattern emerge. The pattern shows us a formidable marriage success formula.
The first and perhaps most foundational brand of love is “brotherly love.” At first glance this does not seem to fit. After all, anyone can have brotherly love in all kinds of circumstances. Since marriage is special, it seems like it should be far beyond that. Stop and think for a moment. Why is it that about half of marriages fail and an even higher percentage of romantic relationships fizzle? I would submit that one major reason for this massive level of unhappy results is that the two involved were not really friends – good friends. The biblical word for this brotherly love has a meaning of “fraternal affection.” This implies a deep, loyal, give and take relationship. It is a word that expresses a strongly interactive friendship and not merely an association.
Check out our February 11, 2019 podcast, “What Does a Marriage Need to Be Strong?” for the better understanding. We lay out the importance of real friendship as a place to build (or rebuild) a marriage. Piece by piece we add in the other types of love. We review how the Bible defines each and explains their place in our lives. The final result is a practical and easy-to-understand process for a stronger and more God-honoring marriage. Who wouldn’t want that?
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The meaning of holiness and of being set apart for God’s purpose
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Theme Scripture: 2 Corinthians 7:1
Christianity is confusing. There are so many brands to choose from and so many ways we are shown to express it. For some of us, Christianity is saving the world here and now. For others, it is being charitable and kind. Then there are those who say that following Jesus is for our own personal peace of heart and mind. Still others proclaim that being a Christian is all about being blessed "in basket and in store." The big question with all of these approaches is simple. Where does being “holy” fit in? Let’s take a step further back to basics – what does it even mean to be holy? Unfortunately, a strong biblically-based answer to this question is sadly lacking in the lives of many who follow Christ. While grasping holiness is not an easy task, we fortunately have God’s own word to help us understand!
Holiness in the Bible has a fascinating history. The very first example of someone or something being sanctified (made holy) is right at the very beginning. God creates everything in the first six creative days (incidentally these are NOT literal 24-hour days) and then He proclaims the seventh day as a day of rest. The Bible said He “sanctified” the seventh day, which means he set it apart as “ceremonially clean.” This might seem odd – did God really need to rest? No. Isn’t everything he does already “clean”? Yes. So, why did He do this – what was His point?
God’s reason for this sanctification of the seventh day became evident when he gave Israel the Ten Commandments. The fourth of those commands was to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. God’s point was simple. For His people to be able to always remember Him, He required them to stop everything, sit back and look up. The Sabbath was holy because the day itself was about God. Being set apart did not stop there. God had them perform many rituals and sacrifices to refocus their minds on His role in their nation. So, holiness in the Old Testament was all about being able to come before their Creator in reverence and purity.
When we get to the New Testament there are a lot of changes. The whole approach is different, as there is no longer any focus on sacrifices and rituals. Jesus becomes the clear centerpiece of holiness, not only because he himself is set apart, but because he opens to door for his followers to a new and higher kind of holiness. This actually ends up being really dramatic. The system God had set up and used for thousands of years was now being overridden. What did that all mean? Check out our February 4, 2019 podcast, “You’re a Christian, But Are You Holy?” to find out more. Follow along with us as we uncover who is considered holy and how they get to be that way. Also, find out who is NOT called holy and why. The answers to these questions can change the way you view your own Christianity!