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April 22, 2024

Ep.1330: Do the Covenants of God All Last Forever?

Understanding which promises are eternal promise from God and why

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What is the Abrahamic Covenant about and is it everlasting?

What is the Jewish Law Covenant about and is it everlasting?

What is the Davidic Covenant about and is it everlasting?

Theme Scripture: Genesis 17:7

As Christians, we take great comfort in knowing that God is a God of unfathomable wisdom and integrity. We may be faced with things in life we never saw coming, but God is never caught off guard. With His foresight and eternal wisdom, He is not only prepared for anything, but He has preplanned for everything. God is also always as good as His word. He does not make a promise and then haphazardly decide not to keep it. In the Bible, covenants are really solemn promises. Throughout Scripture, God has made many of these promises with the description of being “eternal.” One such covenant was the Law given to Moses. It seems the Law was described as everlasting, and yet the New Testament tells us it loses its validity. Did God change His mind?

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Rainbow Covenant and Abrahamic Covenant

When we think of God and His eternal promises, there are two that often come to mind. The first is the promise that God made to Noah when he and his family stepped off of the Ark. God’s promise was to never again flood the earth, and it was symbolized by a rainbow. In giving this promise, God was emphatic: He meant what he said. The second promise that likely comes to mind is the Abrahamic promise. Though far more comprehensive in scope, the bottom line of this promise that most remember is the blessing of all the families of the earth through Abraham’s lineage.

Taken individually, these two promises are highly significant, as they are pointed statements from God. Both of them have to do with an eternal future, and both have to do with things outside of our human control. This is significant because it means that God has unilaterally taken responsibility for their eternal fulfillment. There is great comfort in being able to rely on God’s specifically stated words for the rest of eternity.

An everlasting covenant?

As good as this is, it only scratches the surface. God made other promises that were also labeled as "everlasting covenants." He promised that an eternal ruler would come from the lineage of King David. He also promised there would a “New Covenant,” a “covenant of peace” that would be everlasting as well. Here’s the amazing part - all of these promises are not individual statements about individual events. They are all fundamentally related to one another. They all tell parts of the same path that God revealed to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Check out our April 22, 2024 podcast, “Do the Covenants of God All Last Forever?” for more. Along with these promises, we examine the Law Covenant given to Moses. It will come as a surprise to many that the Law was NOT labeled as "everlasting." In spite of its temporary nature, we dig into the details of how it is one of the vital and interlocking pieces of God’s everlasting plan for humanity. Don’t miss this unique and revealing journey!


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