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April 29, 2024

Ep.1331: Is the New Covenant Different From God’s Other Covenants?

Revealing scriptural details regarding how the new covenant works

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Are Jesus' true followers under the New Covenant or are they administrators of it?

What role does the physical nation of Israel have in the New Covenant?

What is the relationship of the New Covenant to all of mankind after being raised from the dead?

Theme Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-32

In our last episode, we talked about the great power of the solemn promises in the Bible called covenants. We observed how God had made several of these solemn promises, and that several are specifically labeled as “everlasting covenants.” As we look at Bible history, we can see that all of God’s promises have already been made and are already functioning - except for one. This one promise yet to be unfolded is the “New Covenant.” While this promise is clearly defined in Jeremiah, it is alluded to in several other books of the Bible. So, is the only difference between this New Covenant and God’s other promises the fact that it is yet coming, or are there more pieces to this puzzle?

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Why would God need to make a "new" covenant anyway?

When we realize the Scriptures link this new promise to the Law Covenant given to Moses, several key questions arise. The first questions have to do with this connection. Does this imply God made a mistake with the Law? Did He change course and have to readjust because the Law failed to bring His chosen people to Him? Not at all!

The Law was given to Moses as an unmistakable guide to live righteously and be in God’s favor. It was built upon the basis of sacrifices because God’s people, as part of the human race, were inherently sinful. These sacrifices could not take away their sins. They demonstrated the people’s willingness to make offerings to God and were an acceptable bridge to His favor. The New Covenant replaces all of that. The Bible plainly tells us Jesus is this New Covenant’s mediator. Why? Because his personal sacrifice did, once and for all, pay for the sins of the people. All the people. The Law Covenant, therefore, was a steppingstone to bring us to the New Covenant.

The next set of questions revolve around the question of “who."

Who is this New Covenant made with? Many Christians believe this new promise has been made with Jesus’ followers after his death. While this might sound logical, there are several details that bring us to a very different conclusion. Several prophecies specifically focus the New Covenant as not only being with the nation of Israel but being focused on their physical land as well. Though this may be a surprising conclusion to many, its scriptural basis deserves further exploration.

Check out our April 29, 2024 podcast, “Is the New Covenant Different From God’s Other Covenants?” for more. We examine how this New Covenant is profoundly attached to God’s other everlasting promises. We dig into the how, the when, and the why of its inauguration. What we find is a stunning biblical account that not only explains the New Covenant, but it also explains the unfolding of God’s plan right from the start. Don't miss this deep and revealing journey that connects many prophecies and biblical teachings. The word of God has amazing answers!


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