August 26, 2019

VIDEO: Contradictions (Part III): Does God Contradict Himself?

In a recent podcast we examined several areas critics claim the Bible sends mixed messages about God. One is the general accusation that God is a God of confusion. God should just reveal Himself and make everyone happy! That’s a nice storybook-like approach but it has no basis in reality. God is a God of plans and purposes that are far too complex be known by everyone.  Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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August 26, 2019

Ep.1088: Does God Contradict Himself? Contradictions (Part III)

Examining God’s seemingly random personality

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View Series


Does God live in darkness or light?

Does God prohibit idols or does He allow the ones He likes?

Does God consider anger a sin? If so, why does He get mad so often?

Does God ever leave His children alone and unprotected?

Theme Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:33

This continues our series on biblical contradictions. See Part I and Part II for more. We all need foundational principles to believe in and solid ground to stand on. Human nature thrives where such a firm base can be found. Achievement can flourish when there is unflinching belief, in a relationship, the science of a matter or one’s own talent. For Bible-believing Christians, this foundation does not get any more significant than the unwavering character of God Himself. All that we stand for relies on the truth of who God is and what drives Him. It is this very foundation of God’s own character that many critics boisterously attack.  Accusations fly, claiming the Bible itself condemns our God. They claim it shows the contradictions about God in His actions, flaws in His character and general confusion about what He wants from us.   Let’s be honest, there are several scriptures that certainly seem to expose contradictory views about God. What do those texts really say, and are we willing to accept truth over opinion?

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While there are several areas critics claim the Bible sends mixed messages about God, we will only mention a few for now. First is the general accusation that God is a God of confusion. They say it would be so easy for God to just reveal Himself, answer everyone’s questions and make everyone happy. While this is a nice storybook-like approach, it really has no basis in reality.

God is a God of plans and purposes. The vast majority of these are too big and complex be known by everyone right here and now. Think about this:  You have a fair understanding of basic algebra. You pick up a textbook on Advanced Calculus and begin reading. You become totally confused. Just because you are confused does not mean the textbook is confused – it is simply beyond your grasp. Perhaps the apparent confusion surrounding God can be viewed in the same way.

Second, let’s look at the Ten Commandments. The second commandment states  God’s people are not to have any graven images.  Not too much further along in Israel’s wilderness wandering experiences, God instructs Moses to make an image. It was an image of a serpent to be lifted up on a pole as a focal point for specific healing.  This absolutely seems to contradict the very commandment  God Himself gave to those same people. Not only does this seem to blatantly undermine God’s own commands, it is done by the authority of God Himself!

Was God contradicting Himself to Israel and to us with this action? Check out our August 26, 2019 podcast, “Contradictions (Part 4): Does God Contradict Himself?” We thoroughly examine this particular issue and find the scriptural proof for what was really going on. We also examine God's anger. Is His anger in direct contradiction to  being a God of love? And what about the question some raise as to whether or not God forsakes His people? We look at all of these questions and more and present you with honest, scripturally-based reasoning. Don’t miss it!


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August 19, 2019

Ep.1087: If I Slander and Gossip, What Does That Say About Me?

Calling out the vile actions and results of evil speaking

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If these are so bad, why do we keep doing them?

If we gossip about others, shouldn't we welcome people gossiping about us?

How do we stop getting enticed by how included gossip makes us feel?

How do we teach our mouths to only say appropriate things?

Theme Scripture: James 1:26

It is a sad thing to say, but slander and gossip are easy.  They are.  Whether by spoken word or social media interaction, we are set up to say things, write things and imply things about others without recourse.  For some reason we think it is okay to slam those we don’t like with twisted facts and partial truths.  It is looked upon as cool or even clever to attack those whom we see as our opposition with innuendo and unverified stories!  Wait a minute – we need to ask ourselves – do I consider myself to be a moral person?  Am I a professed follower of Christ?  Do I ever contribute to this mess by dishing it out OR receiving it? Let’s face it, any participation in this kind of slanderous and evil behavior is in no way and under no circumstances EVER justifiable for any Christian or moral person!  How do we stop it?

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Based on the actual meaning of the word, the kindest definition of "gossip" we could come up with is "hushed, idle and careless talk." Gossip is the creating or repeating of things that should not be said because they are not true, not the whole story or because they are no one else’s business.  Gossip happens easily and sometimes unintentionally.  In short, gossip is everywhere.  Slander is more of a spoken-out-loud misrepresentation of someone with the intention of damaging that person’s character, reputation or record.  It is much harder (though not impossible) to slander someone unintentionally.  Like gossip, slander also seems to have taken up permanent residence in our daily lives.

The Bible is very blunt about these things and heartily condemns them at every turn. In the New Testament there are several lists of the worst kinds of behavior Christians should run from.  We are warned that engaging in these things can keep us out of God’s kingdom!  It is amazing to see the consistency with which both gossip and slander make appearances on these lists.  The lesson here is obvious.  We need reminding to avoid what is not only hurtful but easy to get involved with.

How can we be sure we are NOT engaging in gossip and slander?

There is no better way figure this out than to tell a true story.  Check out our August 19, 2019 episode, “If I Slander and Gossip, What Does That Say about Me?”  We tell the heart-wrenching story of a Christian woman who slandered someone. She describes the chaos and destruction she caused by speaking a few simple words.  Her candid account shows the emotional havoc she brought upon others and herself.  It reveals how close her life came to ruin.  It reviews the many practical steps she necessarily took to learn why her words were so damaging and how to own what she said.  Her story also brings us to the victory that came to her through prayer, study, humility and action. We are easy prey for gossip and slander.  Don’t get caught by surprise!

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August 19, 2019

VIDEO: If I Slander and Gossip, What Does That Say About Me?

Gossip and slander are everywhere! In a recent podcast, the kindest definitions we could come up with were; Gossip – hushed, idle and careless talk. Creating or repeating things that aren’t true, aren’t complete and are nobody’s business. Slander – an out loud misrepresentation of someone with the intent to damage them. Gossip and slander are permanent residents in our daily lives.  Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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Why the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge?

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VIDEO: Who was Simeon?

Let's learn about this faithful (and often overlooked) character, and how much seeing the baby Jesus meant to him!
August 12, 2019

Ep.1086: Are Jesus’ Ransom and Our Salvation the Same?

Clarifying the purpose of the ransom and the process of salvation

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Does Jesus' sacrifice cover those who don't know him?

Are there no strings attached to salvation if we believe in Jesus?

What if we accept Christ and then change our minds?

Is salvation available for non-believers?

Theme Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Jesus died for our sins, and if we believe in him we will go to heaven.  This common Christian belief that ties Jesus’ sacrifice and our salvation up into one neat package sounds simple, but it actually raises many questions.  What does it mean to “believe” in Jesus?  Is belief in his teachings the point or is it believing in the fact of and reason for his death? What is salvation? Is it just praying the Sinner’s Prayer?  It it a change of heart or a complete life overhaul?  Does everyone who experiences salvation go to heaven?  What about Jesus praying for God’s kingdom on earth?  To sort this all out, we need to look at how the Bible says the pieces go together.  First, we need to understand Jesus’ ransom and the specific role it plays. Once this is in place, understanding salvation becomes much easier!

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Let’s be clear.  The ransom Jesus paid for our sins as he was crucified on Calvary’s cross is entirely different from the salvation that comes to each of us afterwards.  Understanding they are two completely different things is a critical step in being able to comprehend God’s plan for humanity.  What do we know about Jesus’ sacrifice?  Plenty.  First, it was a "one size fits all" event.  There are many Christian theories about how this works, so let’s go past them all and get to the main point.  The simple and scriptural reason for Jesus’ ransom being once for all is that he died for Adam’s sin.  Romans chapter 5 makes this clearly known and also explains that because we are the posterity of Adam, our sins are also included.

What does this mean for salvation?  While salvation is squarely built upon the sole foundation of the ransom, it works in an entirely different way.  Here again, there are many Christian theories at work but for the most part do not adequately answer many of the hard questions.  What about people who lived before Jesus – what is their link to salvation?  What happens to those who never had the opportunity to hear the Gospel or meet a Christian?  Are they simply cut out of the reach of being saved?  Does salvation work the same way for everyone?  The Bible is very clear as it deals which every one of these difficult and important questions.

Check out our August 12, 2019 podcast, “Are Jesus’ Ransom and Our Salvation the Same?” for the details.  The scriptural and logical pathway to clarifying salvation is surprisingly easy to follow.  Walk along with us as we dispel interpretations and theories that attempt to make salvation a "one size fits all" package.  Follow our scriptural reasoning as we consider the many texts that open salvation’s wide application. Understand the radically different results being saved brings, depending upon who is claiming it.  As you see the Scriptures revealed on this subject, it is sure to be a light bulb experience!  Don’t miss it!

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August 12, 2019

VIDEO: Are Jesus’ Ransom and Our Salvation the Same?

The ransom Jesus paid on Calvary’s Cross is different from the salvation that comes to each of us afterwards.  Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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August 05, 2019

Ep.1085: Am I a Jealous Christian?

Finding and fixing the jealousy and envy that corrupt our hearts

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Should we take a break from social media?

Envy corrupts quietly. How do we combat it?

Can jealousy ever be good for us?

What are the hardest but most effective things we can do to get over jealousy?

Theme Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:3

Jealousy and envy are often very secret sins.  We invite them into our lives and harbor them deeply in our hearts where they fester and grow.  One day we look around, and if we are observant, we realize we are seeing our world through different and damaged eyes.  Jealousy and envy not only damage our personal character and outlook, they can easily damage our relationships and our perceptions of others as well.  What brings us to the place where these things creep in and take hold of our very lives?  How do we recognize them, and how do we take steps to not only fight back but overcome and defeat them?

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First, is there a difference between jealousy and envy?  A good working comparison is: Jealousy is the emotion that occurs when we anticipate or feel the loss of something of great value to us.  The key point here is that you are experiencing an actual loss or the loss of something you fully expected to have.  Envy is the emotion that occurs when we experience an extreme desire for something someone else has.  The comparative point here is there is no actual loss; rather, the emotion stems from seeing and wanting someone or something that is out of reach.  It is unfortunately very easy to have both of these insidious emotions plaguing us simultaneously.

Sadly, we are far too often willing to accept jealousy and envy as part of life.  We allow them to take root in our hearts figuring they are natural and therefore somehow tolerable.  Nothing could be further from the truth!   Both the Old and New Testament writings are pointed on this subject.  They call out jealousy and envy for what they are – sins – grievous sins. The Bible is explicit in its descriptions of the damage they do.

A graphic example is the dedicated Christian woman we had on our podcast with us to discuss jealousy and envy.  All of her life she had a deep-rooted desire to be a mom.  She married the right man, also a deeply dedicated Christian.  They settled into and built a good life together and then discovered they were not able to have children.  That discovery in and of itself was completely devastating.  What happened after was even worse, as jealousy and envy crept into her heart and mind.  It seemed as though everyone was getting pregnant, and the sense of loss coupled with discontent just grew.  She found herself out of place in her own life.

What did she do?  How did she find her way back to a godly and gracious mindset?  Check out our August 5, 2019 podcast, “Am I a Jealous Christian?” and hear the story yourself.  This courageous woman laid out very the specific, scripturally-based steps she took to beat back the monstrous and debilitating effects that jealousy and envy wreaked in her life.  This is a story of victory and a story you don’t want to miss!

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August 05, 2019

VIDEO: Am I a Jealous Christian?

Envy is the emotion that occurs when we experience an extreme desire for something someone else has. One is based on loss and the other is based on something that’s out of reach. Jealousy and envy easily take root in our hearts. They seem natural and therefore tolerable. Not good! The Bible calls them out as grievous and deeply damaging sins.  Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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