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What is…?

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Showing 1-12 of 24 videos
CQ Kids

VIDEO: What is pride?

...and is it really that bad? (God resists the proud, so yes - it IS!)
CQ Kids

VIDEO: What is courage?

Standing up for what's right takes courage - we can learn from faithful heroes of the Bible!
CQ Kids

VIDEO: What is respect?

Here's an important quality to cultivate for God, Jesus, the Bible, and our parents!
Development of Character

VIDEO: What is self-control?

Do cookies always seem to be calling you right before dinner? Do you feel that frustration rising when something doesn't go your way? Self-control to the rescue!
CQ Kids

VIDEO: What is reverence?

It might not be a word we use every day, but it certainly applies to what we should feel regarding our Heavenly Father.
CQ Kids

VIDEO: What is patience?

(...but I want it NOW!) Is this the attitude God wants us to have? Learn more about why it's important to work on improving our patience.
CQ Kids

VIDEO: What is faith?

The intangible concept of faith can be tough to explain to a child. This video breaks it down into an easily understandable quality based on tangible things all around us.
CQ Kids

VIDEO: What is mercy?

Jesus' example of mercy humbles us and teaches us how we should behave. God's example leaves us in awe!