October 26, 2020

Ep.1149: Ghosts, Reincarnation and Humanity – What’s Real? (Part II)

Shining the light of Scripture on reincarnation and mystical practices

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Play Part I


Did Jesus teach reincarnation?

Should we be using amulets and talismans like evil eye jewelry to protect us?

How do reincarnation and biblical teachings compare?

Theme Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:14-15

Life and death can be confusing, and we generally fear the death part of the equation. We all want life to mean something. For Christians, that meaning comes through what we do with the one life we are now living. By focusing ourselves on being like Jesus in the here and now, we make the world around us better. By God’s grace and if we are faithful, we have an eternity with Jesus later. For those who believe in reincarnation, it is very different. They see this life as one stop in a massive cycle of lives that eventually will produce a purification and unification in a god-like state. So, if Christianity is all about attaining perfection and reincarnation is essentially about the same thing, are they compatible?

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In Part I of this series, we spent significant time establishing the nature of the human soul as mortal. The Scriptures are clear that when created, Adam became a living soul; he wasn’t given one. Having established this may clear things up for us, but it is far beyond the belief systems of the billions who believe in reincarnation. So, what do these people believe?  How do they see humanity, the soul, earthly life and the spirit world?

While I admittedly do not have any personal experience with this belief, I will attempt to explain what I have learned from research. Simply put, reincarnation encompasses the belief that we are inherently spiritual beings having an earthly experience. The implication is that each and every “soul” is on an individual journey to spiritual fulfillment.  Reincarnation into another human or a lower form of life is a step forward or backwards as you pursue pure spirituality. After undisclosed tens or hundreds or thousands of these changes, the end result for each is supposed to be godlikeness.

What about the evil eye?

Check out our October 26, 2020 podcast, “Ghosts, Reincarnation and Humanity – What’s Real? (Part II) for more. We look into some actual reincarnation claims and more of its philosophy. We also discuss the huge role that amulets and “evil eye” jewelry play in our human desire to ward off evil influences. Turns out that these types of physical trinkets have been credited with protective powers for thousands of years, across many cultures. How should we as Christians treat them?

This is an enormous topic! We also answer the many claims some make that the Bible - and specifically Jesus - teach reincarnation. We look at the Scriptures in question, consider their context and attempt to answer the questions with scriptural harmony. Our podcast ends with a side-by-ide comparison of the spiritual journeys that reincarnation and biblical Christianity offer. This comparison highlights the many differences between the two philosophies. We look at the individual experience reincarnation describes compared to the human family experience the Bible adheres to. What we find in all of this is remarkable and inspiring.  Join us and see for yourself!

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October 26, 2020

VIDEO: Ghosts, Reincarnation and Humanity – What’s Real? (Part II)

What does the Bible teach about reincarnation? Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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October 19, 2020

VIDEO: Ghosts, Reincarnation and Humanity – What’s Real? (Part I)

The Bible does not support a belief in ghosts. Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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October 19, 2020

Ep.1148: Ghosts, Reincarnation and Humanity – What’s Real? (Part I)

Examining the biblical feasibility of ghosts being disembodied souls

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Play Part II


What should we be legitimately afraid of and what is just imagination?

Did the dead Samuel the prophet literally appear to King Saul?

What can and can't demons do?

Theme Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:14-15

Are ghosts real?  Is reincarnation a legitimate process in the patterns of life? For billions of people in our world today, the answers to one or both of these questions is a resounding yes.  It all has to do with the mystery of what happens after we die. Life is precious, and because we cannot physically see what happens after death, humanity longs for an answer to our mortality. For all the ages that humanity has existed, we have found explanations to bridge the gap between what we know and what science cannot confirm. For many, there is what they consider substantial evidence in defense of these beliefs. Is there a way to know the truth about these things? As Christians, the best we can do is use the Bible as our basis. To the best of our ability, we will address what is brought forth as evidence with our clearest thinking.

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The Bible does not support a belief in ghosts

While there are isolated scriptural events one can argue about, (we will touch on these later) we need solid proof. The best place to start is at the beginning. It would seem reasonable to base our understanding on the clearest biblical statements we can find. Ideally, we also want to access the cleanest context available. We want one that assures us there are no unexpected details that would alter meanings. It is no surprise that the Bible supplies such statements and context.

The statements come from God Himself

The context is regarding the basic rules and consequences given to Adam. There is NO better source and context because this is where it literally all began. God creates man from the “dust of the ground” and gives him rules for living. The rules are violated and God specifically says that Adam will die. God gives no indication of the body dying and a soul living on. He is emphatic that Adam, the man as a whole, will return to the elements from which he came. This simple statement of God is verified in many other Old and New Testament Scriptures. It is telling us that ghosts don’t exist because humanity is actually dead after they die.

What about the resurrection? And heaven? What about the supernatural? All these things remain intact according to Scripture and need to be understood in their proper context. The key matter for us now is what do we do with the idea of ghosts. One potentially major biblical contradiction here is the account of King Saul going to the witch of Endor and having her summon the prophet Samuel from the dead. How do we explain that?

Check out our October 19, 2020 podcast, “Ghosts, Reincarnation and Humanity – What’s Real? (Part I)" for more. We carefully examine and answer the King Saul debacle, dive deeply into Scriptures on life and death and discuss what roll demons play in all these things. Part II deals with reincarnation. This journey is not for the faint-hearted, but it is an important journey well worth taking.


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October 12, 2020

Ep.1147: Do I Have Other Gods and Idols in My Life?

Practically applying the first two Commandments to Christians today

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View Series


If I believe in God and go to church, is that enough?

Idols were a big thing in the Old Testament, but how does this apply to me?

If having other gods and worshipping idols IS a problem today, how can we get rid of them?

Theme Scripture: Exodus 20:3-5

When God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, He set a standard that would influence the world for ages to come.  Those ten statements of direction summed up all of what humanity would need to live godly and productive lives. The first two of those Commandments were to have no other gods before God himself and to not create and worship idols. While we know what these things meant for ancient Israel, what do they mean for us? Are we, as Christians, bound by those Commandments? If so, how? What does having other gods look like in the 21st century? And what about idols? Back in those days, people chiseled them out of wood or stone. We don’t do that anymore, so how would making and worshipping idols fit into or day?

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Why did God make the First Commandment about Him? It is not a sign of arrogance, but it is a sign of authority. After all, God is THE Creator and therefore worthy of ALL praise and honor. His worthiness reminds us of our need to give Him our unbroken allegiance. “Having no other gods before Me” is the unquestioned basis for the other nine Commandments.  Without this singular focus on our Creator, Christians cannot possibly build a balanced, integrity-driven personal and spiritual life.

Having said all this, having other gods before God is deceptively easy. This can happen in a very imperceptible way because it has to do with what we worship in our hearts. It is a simple and natural thing to prop up loyalty and allegiance to many things in ways no one ever sees.  Other gods can take the form of people or power. They can also be things like success, ego and social position. Adopting another god to occupy the Father’s rightful place in our hearts undermines God’s sacred and rightful ascendency. This can only lead to compromised thinking and behavior.

So, what about the Second Commandment that tells us not to make and worship idols? What is the difference here? Violating this is the outward manifestation of having already violated the First Commandment. You will only make an idol to something that you already have put in a place of honor. Idols in today’s world are vastly different than idols of ancient times.  While we don’t carve them out of wood or stone, we certainly and easily collect them in the form of possessions, pictures and symbols.

Check out our October 12, 2020 podcast, “Do I Have Other Gods and Idols in My Life?” for more. We clearly define what having other gods and idols looks like today. We then walk through a profound scriptural reasoning from the book of 2 Peter that reveals a process for keeping our allegiance to God intact and vital. Everything about our world today draws our loyalty away from its rightful owner, and we really have to fight this trend. The battle is winnable if you know how. Join us for a winning strategy! Study the rest of the Commandments with us to see how they are still valid for Christians today.

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October 05, 2020

Ep.1146: Can Biblical Strategies Resolve Serious Conflicts? (Part II)

Identifying and applying biblical conflict resolution solutions

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Play Part I


What should we do when we want to start blaming the other person?

What should we do when angry emotions are starting to overtake us?

How do we stop being so defensive and even revengeful during a conflict?

Theme Scripture: James 4:1

Conflict is everywhere! This is not necessarily a bad thing, as proper conflict management at every phase of our lives provides some of life’s most fertile growth experiences. The problem is, we are NOT taught how to manage our conflicts. In the first of our 2-part series, we listed and discussed the Five Degenerating Stages of Conflict. We saw plain evidence that we generally approach our conflicts with personal opinions, preferences, passion and a desire to win. What tends to get overlooked are the solid, emotionless principles of truth and righteousness. If you look at the social and political conflicts in our world, you will see the sad and chaotic results of such an approach. So, how do we turn the tables? As Christians, how do we rise above the fray and manage the conflicts before us with godliness and grace while firmly standing for what is right? The answers are straightforward, sound and scriptural!

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The first part of this series focused on the problem of conflict. It outlined in detail how easily and destructively conflicts generally end up as private wars with no resolution in sight. In this second part, we focused on keeping that degrading process from developing. Curtailing the dismantling of relationships resulting from out of control conflicts is, to say the least, a daunting and extreme mission.  For a Christian, success is only possible if we read, adopt and follow the powerful biblical strategies we have at our fingertips. This may sound easy, but it’s not.

Where do we start?

While the Bible contains answers for a world full of problems, it is not written like a self-help book. You can’t just go to the Table of Contents and look up the “Conflict Resolution” chapter. Our approach needs to have two parts:

  1.  We need to understand what the real problem is that we are trying to solve. To proactively solve the conflicts we may have with others, our focus should be on ourselves and not the conflict. There is a big question we must answer before applying any biblical strategies. “Am I willing to sell out to biblical principles above my own feelings and opinions for the sake of resolution?” If we are determined to adopt a yes answer, the scriptures are poised to fill in the strategy.  This brings us to the second part of our approach...
  2. Open the book!

A powerful set of Scriptures to guide us through conflict resolution is found in James 4:7-10. Merely reading these texts probably won’t do much for us. Instead, we need to absorb their wisdom within the context of our conflicts. Check out our October 5, 2020 podcast, “Can Biblical Strategies Resolve Serious Conflicts? Part II” for more. We review the naturally-degenerating stages of conflict and examine scriptural principles to apply at each and every stage. We ask the hard questions and find additional biblical principles to answer them. Biblical strategies CAN resolve serious conflicts.  The only question is, how willing are we to find and apply them?


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To solve conflicts, our focus should be on ourselves, not the conflict. Watch this short vlog then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details.

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