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March 11, 2024

Ep.1324: What Is the New Creation?

The profound results of God creating something never seen before

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What is the new creation, and does it replace the old creation?

How is the new creature different from the old creature, and aren't we really both?

How does the new creation get to be ministers of reconciliation for the whole world?

Theme Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17

We don’t know much about the spiritual world, especially before the creation of humanity. What we do know is that it was an entirely harmonious world with loyalty and obedience to God at its center. God foreknew that when pride crept into Satan’s heart and was exposed, it would lead to a massive shift in the way things would run. In heaven, it would no longer be business as usual, for now the lessons of sin and disobedience would be unleashed. These painful but necessary lessons would - under God’s power and providence - ultimately bring the whole of His creation back into the harmony it had left behind, only this time that harmony would be for eternity. How would He make this happen?

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God existed before time began.

His spiritual creations within and outside of our universe are ageless and beyond our human comprehension. Even His creation of our home, planet Earth and all of its life and abundance, are ancient beyond our reckoning. When God finished with this earthly creation, the Bible said God rested. Let’s understand, His resting was not because He was tired and needed a break. On the contrary, His resting signified He had completed exactly what He had set out to do.

Did God give up on the "old creation"?

It is a startling development when thousands of years later, we are introduced to the concept of God developing a “new creation.” Many questions may arise as a result of this proclamation. Why create something new? Did God’s old creation not work out? Was it flawed? Were there unexpected developments that required God to develop a “Creation 2.0” version? Is God going to scrap the original creation and replace it with this new thing?

The answer to all of these questions is a resounding NO! God is far to wise and powerful to need to adjust or revamp His original plans. Such scrambling is left to us as impetuous, imperfect and incomplete human beings. Rather than being a quick fix, God’s "new creation" is actually a crowning jewel He designed to be put in place at the proper time and under the proper conditions.

So, what is this new creation? Who is it, and how does it work? Check out our March 11, 2024 podcast, “What is the New Creation?” for answers. We establish how, not surprisingly, it all began with Jesus and his faithful mission of sacrifice as a perfect human being. We follow how Jesus was and is THE pioneer of this amazing new part of God’s plan. Built upon his glory and honor are even more inspiring details and developments. This new creation also has everything to do with those who are called to be true disciples of Christ. What we uncover here is perhaps one of the most sensational aspects of all of God’s creations at any time in all of history. Don’t miss this mind-expanding revealing of a biblical truth that is so often ignored!


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