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March 04, 2024

Ep.1323: Why Is Jesus Called the “Last Adam”? (Listener Q&A Series)

Powerful and often overlooked connections between Adam and Jesus

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How does Jesus pick up where Adam left off to fulfill the divine plan of God??

Theme Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:45

Jesus is the Savior of the world. We all know how he left his heavenly glory with the Father and was reduced to the human condition so he could be the ransom - the corresponding price - for Adam and his fall from obedience and grace. By so doing, Jesus gave the whole human race an opportunity for everlasting life. So, when we look at Jesus, we see him as Savior, Redeemer, the Lamb of God, the author and finisher of our faith, and I could go on and on. So, why address him as the "last Adam”? Simply looking at such a title actually invites a lot of questions, especially since all the other ways we know Jesus seem to be so much higher and honorable. As we look into this, we will find what we always find: inspiring reasons and lessons that unlock an even deeper understanding of all Jesus has done!

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Adam was blessed

Though Adam’s tenure as the most honored, privileged and perfect earthly creation of God was short, it certainly was significant. His unique opportunities can be summed up in several distinct proclamations of God right at the beginning. God plainly stated Adam was created in His image, and he was singularly blessed as a result of that. Further, Adam was given the privilege of ruling over God’s beautiful green earth. This showed that God saw he had potential for wisdom, integrity and leadership. Finally, God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply so they could fill the earth.

But sin changed the course of those blessings

All was in place for a glorious earthly creation to honor God. That is, until Satan, sin and Adam’s choice changed the course of those blessings. The consequences that followed gave way to death and destruction. To many observers, this looks like a major failure on God’s part. Though it looks like he was caught off guard, the exact opposite is true. God allowed sin and depravity to rear their ugly heads as an eternal object lesson. Enter Jesus as the one who would be called the "last Adam."

Jesus succeeded where Adam failed

The title of “last Adam” holds great significance. God is telling us that he would treat Jesus in the same way as he treated Adam. The difference would be that all of those things Adam failed at would be picked up and powerfully managed by Jesus. The gifts of being in God’s image, blessing, dominion and fruitfulness would all be not only brought back to center, but highly elevated.

Check out our March 4, 2024 podcast, “Why Is Jesus Called the 'Last Adam'?” for more. We systematically work through how Jesus took all of what Adam had failed at and redeemed, repaired, revitalized and renewed each and every piece. This surprising and thrilling journey through Scripture shows us aspects of God’s plan that are rarely ever noticed. Observing and appreciating the work, perseverance and precision with which Jesus as the last Adam accomplished his task gives a whole new meaning to appreciation. Don’t miss this!



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