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October 23, 2023

Ep.1304: How Do Guardian Angels Take Care of Us?

Understanding what God’s angels do and don’t do on our behalf

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What do angels actually do? How do they act?

What do we know about angelic protection in the New Testament?

How do angels watch over us? Do they do miraculous things for our benefit?

Theme Scripture: Hebrews 1:13-14

As Christians, we all are encouraged by the scriptural principle that God’s angels are watching over us. What better hands could we be in than those who were sent by God himself to care for our very lives! As encouraging as this scriptural principle is, we need to be careful to avoid turning this reverent truth into some kind of human imagination that skews and corrupts its purity. The Bible is very specific as to the kinds of roles that angels do and do not occupy in our human lives. For us to truly appreciate how angelic influence works, we need to be prepared to accept that MANY of the notions and traditions surrounding angels are simply human-based fantasy and imagination. This may sound disappointing, but it’s actually good news, as we want to define angelic activity through God’s word and His word only!

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What's an angel?

There is much more to God’s angels than many of us may think. First and foremost, we need to understand what an angel is. The Old and New Testament words for angel are defined as "messengers" or "deputies." This means angels serve the expressed and specific purpose of the one who sends them. This seems pretty simple and certainly not surprising, however in our human excitement, we can easily misapply this truth.

Let’s get down to the basic questions.

Are we as followers of Christ supposed to know anything about the guardian angels God sends to watch over us? Are we supposed to know their names, or give them names? If they are watching over us, should we be praying to them? And what about a relationship? Should we seek or desire to have some kind of communication with them? What should we expect from them? Are they there to help us out in our everyday lives, and are they in any way at our command?

To understand the truthful answers to these questions, we need to prioritize exactly what we know to be true about angels. Check out our October 23, 2023 podcast, “How do Guardian Angels Take Care of Us?” for details.  We look at several examples of angels doing their work in both the Old and New Testaments. What begins to unfold are the “dos and don'ts” that drive angelic intervention.

First, we learn why all of God’s heavenly host are not called angels. This understanding alone sets a strong foundation for what follows. We then learn how and why angels sometimes played major roles in the experiences of certain Old Testament faithful ones. How and why did an angel intervene in Abraham’s experience with Isaac? Why did Gabriel come to Daniel and speak with him? In the New Testament, why did angels help Peter escape prison and direct Philip to convert the Ethiopian eunuch? Most importantly, why did angelic intervention diminish as the New Testament continued? Join us for this fascinating journey as we observe how God’s angels do and don’t take care of us.



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