August 29, 2022

Ep.1244: What Can We Learn from One of the Wisest Men on Earth?

Breaking down the incredible wisdom and life advice of King Solomon

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How do we find godly wisdom?

What are the practical benefits of living with godly wisdom?

Solomon describes two women competing for our attention. Who should we choose?

Theme Scripture: 1 Kings 4:29

To seek and acquire wisdom seems to be a lost art in our technology-laden world. Why spend the time, seeking, gathering, learning, absorbing, internalizing and applying wisdom when you can simply Google it and be told what something means? Why invest time and effort into trying to become a “wise person” when most of your friends and family are likely to disagree with such “wisdom” anyway? Face it, acquiring “godly wisdom” spells social media disaster! While this may be true, we need to step back for a moment and consider some things. While social media may rule the day, godly wisdom is timeless. It never changes, never diminishes and never loses its potency. It is always right and inevitably brings, supports and enhances life. Our first “words of wisdom” for today are: choose that which is eternal!

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What an amazing gift from God!

The Bible tells us that King Solomon prayed for wisdom and that God answered his prayer. The way in which God answered that prayer is what gets our attention. 1 Kings 4:29 tells us, “God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment and breadth of mind, like the sand that is on the seashore.” This is impressive. For Solomon to be given wisdom tells us he perceived and understood the deep things of life. To be given discernment speaks to his ability to apply that which he perceived. And to be given “breadth of mind like the sand of the seashore” shows us that his wisdom was not confined to certain specialty areas of life. What an amazing gift from God!

Equally amazing is what Solomon did with this gift. He shared it. He made it clear that no matter who you are or what stage of life you are in, the wisdom that comes from reverencing God can and will change your life - if you let it. The book of Proverbs is a collection of many of his writings. It begins by welcoming any and all to listen to and apply the power of godly wisdom. It specifies that even if you are young and naïve, wisdom can and will change your life if you allow it to.

Proverbs Chapters 1-9

The first nine chapter of Proverbs are a practical and orderly treatise on the "what," "why" and "how" of wisdom. Many of these chapters begin with Solomon tenderly beckoning his son to listen to and remember his words of wisdom. He pleads with his son to wear the virtues of wisdom wherever he goes, and thereby be protected from the many temptations of life.

Check out our August 29, 2022 podcast, “What Can We Learn From One of the Wisest Men on Earth?” for more. We overview these first nine chapters and draw out many pearls of wisdom. We observe Solomon’s descriptions of how and where wisdom shows itself. Wisdom can keep us from many kinds of sins, and we delve into many blunt examples. Don’t miss this breathtaking, profound and mind-altering snapshot of the wisdom of Solomon!


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Ep.1243: Am I Putting New Wine in an Old Wineskin?

Three parables to help us stretch with the Christian development required of us

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What does the Parable of the Garment and the Patch teach us?

What does the Parable of the Wineskins teach us?

What does the Parable of Old Wine teach us?

Theme Scripture: Mark 2:22

One of the great Christian challenges of our day is living a God-honoring life in a world that basically thinks you’re nuts. What role should our differences with the world around us play in how we do or don’t fit in with all that goes on each day of our lives? What specific principles do we have that govern our thoughts words and deeds to keep us godly and yet approachable? Jesus’ Parable of the Wineskins answers this. This parable is part of a specific answer Jesus gave to a specific question. His answer also included two other very simple parables. As we will see, these three short examples combine to teach some important lessons relating not only to prophetic events, but to our personal behaviors and choices as well.

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The disciples of John the Baptist were troubled.

They had followed the fearless and dynamic preaching of John for Israel to repent of their sins, and now their leader was in prison. Some of John’s disciples came to Jesus and asked him why his followers did not engage in fasting and mourning as they did. This was an important question and Jesus would give them an important answer. However, in his typical fashion, Jesus did not simply answer their question. On the contrary, he took this opportunity and crafted it into a powerful teaching moment, not just for John’s disciples but for his own followers as well.

Jesus’ answer to John the Baptist’s troubled disciples was clear and likely not what they expected to hear. He told them that it was not appropriate for his own disciples to fast, even though John was in prison. Jesus saw that John’s disciples needed to expand their understanding. They needed to realize that Jesus' very presence was the greatest age-changing event that had ever happened. They needed to see that the joy of having Jesus with them far exceeded any sorrow they were feeling. He compassionately taught them this truth by speaking three very short parables.

Jesus gave three special parables to the disciples of John the Baptist

Jesus’ three stories were simple. The first was about the foolishness of patching an old garment with cloth from a new one and ruining both. The second was about the folly of fermenting new wine in old wineskins and the disaster of that old skin bursting to the ruin of all. The third simple story was about not wanting to try new wine because you are comfortable with the old. All three of these stories were about leaving behind something that had value for the sake of moving on to something of much greater value. John’s disciples needed this message - and so do we.

Check out our August 22, 2022 podcast, “Am I Putting New Wine in Old Wineskins?” for more. As powerful as the age-changing message of having Jesus with them was, Jesus’ message in these parables is no less potent to us. Join us for a revealing reality check. It may change the way you see your Christian life!


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Ep.: Why did Paul circumcise Timothy if it was unnecessary?

Acts 16:1-3 (Phillip Translation) “Paul also went to Derbe and Lystra.  At Lystra there was a disciple by the name of Timothy whose mother was a Jewish Christian, though his father was a Greek. Timothy was held in high regard by the brothers at Lystra and Iconium, and Paul wanted to take him on as his companion. Everybody knew that his father was a Greek, and Paul therefore had him circumcised because of the attitude of the Jews in these places.”
Circumcision was a spiritual act (but became a national custom) amongst the Jews and other descendants of Abraham. It started with Abraham and continued even after Christ had “made an end of the law, nailing it to his cross.”  Peter was the Apostle who had been designated to the Jews, while Paul had been designated to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. (Galatians 2:7-8)
While Paul had Timothy circumcised because he was half Jewish, he resisted having Titus circumcised because both of his parents were Gentiles (Galatians 2:3). There was no reason for him to be circumcised. Paul’s argument of Galatians 5:2-6 was not addressed to the Jews. He was addressing Gentiles, whose only reason for desiring or even thinking about circumcision was that certain false teachers were confusing them by telling them that, in addition to accepting Christ, they must also keep the Law Covenant, even though Christ had put an end to it by fulfilling the Law Covenant.
For them to be circumcised for any such reason would be a repudiation of the work of Christ because they weren’t Jews. Paul found no objection to Jews continuing their national custom of circumcision which is evident from his words in 1 Corinthians 7:18-19, as well as his dealings with Timothy.  While it was not necessary for Timothy or any other Jew to be circumcised, it was not improper. Since he would be preaching amongst Jews to a large extent, it would be to his advantage to be circumcised, thus giving him the confidence of the Jews.
The above answers the question of why Timothy was circumcised, and Titus wasn’t.  As an aside, Philippians 3:2-3 says, “Look out for the dogs, look out for the evil-workers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh.  For we are the true circumcision, who worship God in spirit, and glory in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh.”
Why is Paul here calling some individuals true circumcision vs. those who cut or mutilate the flesh?  What is being circumcised?
Paul here is making a distinction between those who would claim to be Christians but still evil surmise and evil speak, crowding out spirituality and bringing reproach upon the cause of Christ. But the works of the truly and fully circumcised heart—those who are truly consecrated to God—are faith, love, joy, peace, heavenly hopes and aspirations, and daily crucifying of the flesh. So, it is the heart that is being circumcised. It is fighting against the spirit of strife and division, against our own earthy ambitions, our own aims or understandings.
To learn more about the Apostle Paul and apparent contradictions listen to, “Does the Apostle Paul Contradict Himself? (Part I)”

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Ep.: Where did the letter “J” come from in Jesus’ name?

Some Jewish Bibles list the name of Jesus as Yahusha.  Some believe a person must use the name of God’s only begotten son in the Hebrew language, thinking that if people don’t use “Yahusha,” neither God nor his son will recognize their prayers. They may even doubt their salvation. However, all of the New Testament books (except for the Gospel of Matthew) were originally written in Greek. The Greek name for God’s son was used. This is the way Jesus is written in the Greek New Testament: Ἰησοῦς . These Greek letters spelled with English letters look like Iēsoûs, and pronounced ee-ay-sooce’.
What does the Bible teach about our Savior’s name?
Consider Philippians 2:9-11 (NKJV), “Therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
This scripture is all about honoring the name of God’s holy son. If using the Hebrew name Yahusha were very important to God and to Jesus, we would assume the Apostle Paul would have written “Yahusha” in these verses. Paul was a brilliant Hebrew scholar and could easily have written Jesus’ name in Hebrew. But Paul wrote Ἰησοῦς.
In Romans 10:9,13 (NKJV), Paul also wrote:
“that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
This scripture directly addresses salvation and again uses Ἰησοῦς.
Both God and Jesus understand all languages. “Yahusha” is the name in Hebrew, Ἰησοῦς in Greek, and Jesus in English. Jesus is simply the anglicized pronunciation of Joshua, Yeshuas, or Jehoshua. There is no “J” in Hebrew; it is a “Y”.
God and Jesus are interested in our hearts, not the language we use to address them. “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness,” Romans 10:10. It truly doesn’t matter which language people use.
To learn more about Jesus listen to, “Can Jesus’ Resurrection Revive My Faltering Faith?”
For more on the names of Jesus watch, “What Are Some Other Names for Jesus?”

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Ep.1242: Is the Lord Really My Shepherd?

The amazing, little-known details of shepherding that show us God’s love

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How can trusting our shepherd reduce our anxiety?

How is having Jesus as our shepherd a transforming process?

Why are we described as being sheep, and what are our responsibilities as sheep?

Theme Scripture: Psalm 23:1

Among Christians, some of the most often quoted and beloved Old Testament scriptures are found in Psalm 23. In very few words, these six verses paint a vivid picture of God’s overwhelming care for His children. The imagery of a shepherd knowing and caring for his sheep speaks to our helplessness as we as God’s children attempt to navigate the harsh terrain of a sin-sick world. Without our shepherd the tumult of everyday life makes it is hard to find true spiritual nourishment. Without our shepherd we would not find absolute rest and would always feel vulnerable. We need to ask ourselves:  Do I put myself completely and faithfully into the hands of my shepherd Jesus? Do I really trust him for all things? Is Jesus the true shepherd of my life or do I merely give him that title?

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How do I know the Lord is REALLY my shepherd?

I proclaim to live my faith, to want only God’s will in my life, and to follow Jesus. When it comes down to it, how do I know that my proclamations are more than just mere words? Read the 23rd Psalm. In a subtle way, it presents us with a kind of sincerity test that most of us completely overlook. This test is in the very first verse which in the New International Version reads, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” These seven words are three clear statements of faith.

My needy life

To begin with, I am putting myself in the position of being a sheep. If you know anything about sheep, you know they are needy. They need guidance, are basically defenseless and can learn to closely follow one who cares for them. This is how I am describing myself. I am a needy follower who would be lost on his own. Next, I am affirming that my needy life is unequivocally guided by the Lord. He has complete responsibility for me. This means he knows my unique personality. He knows what I need, he knows where I am weak, and he knows how to handle everything about me.

Following him brings us to the third clear statement of faith: “I lack nothing.” Think about the import of this stance. Because the Lord is the one who guides me and cares for all of my needs, I literally have everything I need. Do you see how the first verse of this Psalm is a sincerity test? If I can answer these three statements of faith in a powerfully positive way, I can read the rest of its verses as a personal promise to me.

Check out our August 15, 2022 podcast, “Is the Lord Really My Shepherd?" for more. We navigate this famous Psalm 23 verse-by-verse. We delve into the inspiring facts of shepherding 2,000 years ago in the rugged and mountainous regions of Judaea. Be ready to absorb the powerful message of what it means to be truly cared for by the Lord. This journey can change your Christian perspective. Don’t miss it!

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How Do We Understand the Rich Man and Lazarus? (Hellfire Series Part III)

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