Ep.967: Virtual Sex and Pornography – Does God Care?
The damaging personal consequences of porn and how to be free of them
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Theme Scripture: Romans 1:28
Never before have we been in such a place of insidious contradiction. On the one hand, technology has opened a once locked door of accessibility. Anyone with an internet connection can now reach that which was once thought to be unreachable regarding knowledge understanding and goodness. On the other hand, technology has given the world the opportunity to throw open the door of reckless indulgence. We can have our curiosities draw us into a dark and powerful vortex of destructive sights, sounds and activity.
Sexual behavior, once considered sacred, has become a mainstream and malignant tumor within our culture. It quietly eats away at our humanity under the guise of "freedom of expression." Pornography - with all of its degrading extremity, explicitness and violence - has become the single most popular destination of the billions who search the web. It is a web of entrapment leading to the ruining of countless lives and relationships. What can we do about it? What should we do about it? Is there a way out of this godless web once you have become entangled?
God does care
First and foremost, it needs to be said that God DOES DEEPLY care about such things, and if you are reading this as a Christian who uses pornography even occasionally, I hope this is the beginning of your wake-up call. Yes, God does care - especially when those who claim to follow his son Jesus engage in works that are in every way disingenuous to godly behavior, desperately vulgar in their content and destructive in every possible way. In short, the sex industry with all of its sensuality and temptation can easily be a ticket to misery, broken lives and loneliness for Christians, as well as anyone else for that matter.
How can something as inherently human as sexuality be so bad? Didn’t God create sex? He did. He created it as a sacred bonding part of the relationship between husbands and wives. It was created as the way through which reproduction would occur and families would exist. So, what happened? How did we go from a sacred and private expression of love to worldwide instantaneous access to blatant acts that in most cases have zero resemblance to any act of love? We got here because of sin – but that is not our focus right now.
What do we do?
Right now we need to focus on what to do, because so many people (especially men) get drawn into this world of dark destruction and cannot find their way out. So, what do we do? We find the truth. We look at and absorb who pornography hurts (and this is shocking to see). We understand what happens to your brain when viewing pornography (and this is scary to learn), and we boldly look in the mirror and ask the hard questions about ourselves (and this is humbling to experience).
Please check out our April 24, 2017 podcast, “Virtual Sex and Pornography – Does God Care?” At the risk of sounding like I’m begging – I’m begging you – listen. What we uncover can fundamentally enlighten and change lives. Even if you don’t ever go near anything pornographic yourself, you need to hear this. Chances are you know someone who is struggling with or even addicted to this stuff. To know and understand the truth is to be prepared to stare evil down and fight it. Please do this!
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