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Parents and Bible class teachers, this animated video teaches us about the importance of being a light to others and being a good example. Subscribe to our channel at and never miss a new video!
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Ep.1370: Will God’s Vengeance Bring the End of the World?
Examining a few doom and gloom prophecies that predict the end
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Theme Scripture: Romans 1:18
If we take a look around us, what we see can be confusing. On the one hand, we live in a time where science, technology and medicine are incredibly advanced. Billions of people throughout the world hold the world in their hands with their smart phones. That’s amazing! We are creating artificial intelligence that can solve problems and do research. That’s unbelievable! A doctor in one location can do surgery on a patient in another location through technology. That’s breathtaking! On the other hand, we have depths of unrest, partisanship, dissatisfaction and egotism that are striking and disturbing. We have so much, and yet we wallow in our discontentment. All in all, what’s lacking is a foundational respect for and loyalty to our Creator. God is the one who gave us minds capable of such amazing things, and yet we disdain His presence in our society. No wonder He is unhappy!
There are several Old Testament prophecies that talk about the wrath and vengeance of God, and to be honest, they aren’t pretty. We have prophecies that talk about mountains quaking and falling into the sea. We have prophecies about hills melting like wax and the fire of God’s anger consuming the earth. Then there are the problems of the sea drying up, the kingdoms of man tottering and there being nothing left but desolation. What does all of this really mean? Is God so mad at us that there will be nothing left of the earth but burnt and desolate ruins? Is it the end of the world?
The answer to this is a resounding NO!
It’s easy to say "God is love" and it will all work out in the end, but how do we explain all of the death and destruction in those prophecies? Understanding can only come if we are willing to back away from our preconceived conclusions and view the big picture. The fact is, God is bigger than the ruthless, thoughtless and furious vengeance that some attribute to him. Putting these numerous prophecies into their proper context by applying biblical symbolism to them helps us see more clearly.
What was I thinking?
Imagine you need major surgery because you live with severe daily pain and suffering. You consent to the surgery and your doctor assures you all will be well. The problem is, recovery can be lengthy, painful, discouraging and draining. As you go through the recovery, you scream to yourself, “What was I thinking?” Eventually the horror ends, and you have a new and full life.
Think of God’s vengeance as this harsh process of surgery and rehabilitation. It is there to bring something better! Check out our January 27, 2025 podcast, “Will God’s Vengeance Bring the End of the World?” for details. Join us as we look deeply into several harsh biblical prophecies about the end times and piece together their meaning and their ultimate purpose. These lessons help us to clearly see who God is and grasp the importance of His anger. The end result is better than most can imagine!
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VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
VIDEO: Will God’s Vengeance Bring the End of the World?
Is God so mad that there will be nothing left of the earth but burnt ruins? Watch this short vlog, then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details!
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VIDEO: Was Philip Miraculously Transported by the Spirit?
What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
VIDEO: What happened with Jesus, Simon the Pharisee and the sinful woman?
VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
Ep.1369: What Really Happened on the Mount of Transfiguration?
Discussing the spectacular details of this vision and their meaning
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Theme Scripture: Matthew 17:2-3
The vision on the Mount of Transfiguration was one of those magnificent events in the life of Jesus that gives us some insight into just how remarkable his earthly ministry was. This vision had everything - it had Jesus’ very appearance changed to one of brightness and glory. It had the appearance of two Old Testament powerhouses who were talking with this glorious version of Jesus. It had the booming voice of God from heaven. And then it had the sudden removal of all these amazing elements and the world suddenly became normal again. In the midst of all of the glory and splendor shown here, we need to ask some simple questions. First, why did this happen? Second, what can we take away from this for our own benefit and understanding?
The vision
Peter, James and John were given a unique privilege when Jesus invited them to go with him when he went up to a mountain to pray. He must have been praying for a long time because the account tells us that they fell asleep. Upon awakening, they saw a vision - a bright, glorious and shocking vision. There before them was Jesus, only he did not look like the man they knew. In this vision, his face was shining like the sun, and his clothes were bright and white beyond anything they had ever seen. To add to this sensational spectacle, they saw Moses and Elijah standing there talking to Jesus about his coming crucifixion. This certainly was not what they expected when Jesus had invited them to join him on this mountain! The vision accelerated, as it next included being engulfed in a bright cloud and hearing the booming voice of God proclaiming Jesus as His beloved son. This part terrified them. The next thing they knew, it was all over.
There are so many questions that need answering.
First, what are Moses and Elijah doing here? We know they weren’t really there, as the resurrection had obviously not yet begun. Jesus had previously told us that no man had yet ascended up to the Father. Their appearance in this vision had to symbolize something significant, but what was it? Why were they talking to Jesus about his crucifixion? And what about the booming voice from heaven? What was the reason for all of this incredible drama?
Check out our January 20, 2025 podcast, “What Really Happened on the Mount of Transfiguration?” for answers. We put what the apostles were told a week before the event into perspective to help us understand what they were supposed to learn. Next, we consider what Moses and Elijah represented and why their specific likenesses were used in this message. We also explore the connection between this event and only other time in the Bible that Jesus, Moses and Elijah are linked. And then, of course, there was the voice from heaven. Join us as we walk through this fascinating event and find the inspiring answers to our questions!
Watch Our Episode Preview
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VIDEO: What happened with Jesus, Simon the Pharisee and the sinful woman?
VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
VIDEO: What Really Happened on the Mount of Transfiguration?
The vision on the Mount of Transfiguration was a magnificent event in Jesus’ life. Watch this short vlog, then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details!
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VIDEO: Was Philip Miraculously Transported by the Spirit?
What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
VIDEO: What happened with Jesus, Simon the Pharisee and the sinful woman?
VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
Ep.1368: Was Philip Miraculously Transported by the Spirit?
Examining the details of Philips quick exit from the eunuch’s company
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Theme Scripture: Acts 8:39
There are several scriptures in the Bible that really capture our imaginations. The account of Jonah and the great fish is one, Elijah being taken up in a whirlwind is another. One more of these is the account of the disciple Philip when he was instructed by God to find an Ethiopian man on a deserted road and witness the gospel to him. After this amazing and well-known encounter, the Scriptures say Philip was snatched away by God’s spirit. What does that mean? Many believe it was a miracle, and that Philip was supernaturally transported away from that place in an instant. Others believe he was simply and powerfully compelled to leave. Which perspective is true? Let’s unfold the events that lead to this detail and see what we can learn from the Scriptures!
There was no shortage of miracles in the New Testament.
When we look at this particular experience with Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, it is easy - almost natural - to assume it was just another miraculous event. Now, while the possibility exists that this was in fact a miraculous transportation, we want to be careful to think first. There are many questions that simply need to be asked. Was a miracle necessary? Did this commonly happen with disciples of Jesus? Was there something special about Philip that would have made this a logical sequence?
Philip was one of the seven deacons chosen in Acts chapter 6 to help the apostles with the care of many Christians who were in need. These brothers were chosen for their spiritualty, integrity and wisdom. He is the second named choice, behind Stephen who would soon become the first Christian martyr. After Stephen was brutally stoned to death at the bidding of Saul of Tarsus, Philip went to Samaria to preach. After his overwhelming preaching success, an angel told him to go down a desert road. It was there that he met the Ethiopian eunuch.
The story is really quite simple.
Philip was guided by God’s spirit to witness the gospel to this individual who, though a foreigner, was reading from the book of Isaiah. Philip uses the very scriptures this man was reading to show him the height, depth and breadth of the life of Jesus and God’s plan. The response of this man was to seek immediate baptism and Philip complied. It is at this point that questions begin to swirl, because the Scriptures say God’s spirit “snatched” Philip away from the eunuch.
Check out our January 13, 2025 podcast, “Was Philip Miraculously Transported by the Spirit?” for more. We walk through the details of all that the Bible tells us about Philip and this event. What we find is a treasure trove of insight and understanding into who Philip was. This leads us to better grasp what actually happened when God’s spirit “snatched” him away. Join us for this fascinating exploration of how God’s spirit worked in Philip’s life. Inspiration awaits!
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VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
VIDEO: Was Philip Miraculously Transported by the Spirit?
Philip is a tremendous example for all of us! Watch this short vlog, then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details!
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VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
Ep.1367: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
God’s compassion and guidance revealed in our deepest dilemmas
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Theme Scripture: Hosea 12:3-4
Many know the story of Jacob wrestling with an angel. When we just drop in on the account and read what happened, there are many unanswered questions. Why would you pick a fight with an angel anyway? Why would an angel even let you fight? Couldn't the angel have overwhelmingly defeated Jacob even before the altercation began? What could possibly be gained by such a confrontation? Once we begin to understand who Jacob was and the experiences of his life that led up to this confrontation, it all begins to fall into place. What we will find is that Jacob lived a life filled with experiences of great faith, as well as experiences of great deception and rivalry. God allowing him to wrestle with the angel gives us a clue as to how God knows us and meets us where we are.
For us, wrestling with God really doesn’t sound even remotely reasonable. However, once we understand what wrestling with God can really mean, all of that can change. Examining the life story of Jacob is a great way to make all of this clear. His wrestling with an angel is the scriptural basis for this thought. Looking at his life helps us to see our own life struggles more clearly.
Jacob was a twin.
He was the second born, right behind his brother Esau. You might say his wrestling experiences began even before he was born, based on a message from God to his mother, Rebekah. God essentially told her she would have twin sons, and the older would serve the younger. Back in those days, the first born received the greatest blessings and a double portion of paternal inheritance. This message from God was in direct conflict with all expectations. Later in their lives, it would cause great frustration and rivalry.
This was only the beginning.
For most of his adult life, Jacob found himself in circumstances that provoked confrontation. His dysfunctional experiences regarding his brother Esau led him to leave his home for about 20 years. Interestingly, Jacob was not the one doing the provoking through all of his unrest. He was also on the receiving end as well. All of these interactions led him to eventually make his way back home, even though he had no idea if he would be welcomed back.
Check out our January 6, 2025 podcast, “What Happens When We Wrestle with God?” for details. We investigate many of the dramatics of Jacob’s life that led him to that incredible wrestling match with God’s angel. We put the profound reasons for his tenacious wrestling in line with God’s responses. The results are inspiring. Jacob wrestled because he could not go on without God’s blessing. Our lives are the same. Join us as we learn how wrestling with God in the right ways is not only a productive practice but also encouraged as well. These are lessons that can bring clarity and direction to our daily lives!
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VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
VIDEO: What happened with Jesus, Simon the Pharisee and the sinful woman?
Parents and Bible class teachers, this animated video shows us the difference between the judgmental attitude of the Pharisees and the forgiving attitude of Jesus. Subscribe to our channel at and never miss a new video!
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VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
VIDEO: What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
Wrestling with God doesn’t sound smart until we understand what it means. Watch this short vlog, then listen to the full podcast of the same name for more details!