December 26, 2023

Ep.1313: How Do We Know Jesus Is the Promised Messiah? (Part II)

Matching MANY Old Testament Messiah prophecies with Jesus’ life

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Play Part I


What prophecies speak of the future glory of Jesus?

How do we know unrest and rebellion surrounds the return of Jesus?

How much did Jesus know about his own death and resurrection?

Theme Scripture: John 1:40-41

As Christians, when we think about Jesus and his reason for being born as a man, we’re always inspired by the selflessness of his sacrifice to redeem Adam and all of humanity from sin and death. This gift is truly beyond anything we deserve. When we think of the Messiah, we instinctively think of Jesus. In our last episode, we explored a Jewish perspective regarding their expectations of Messiah. What we found were several differences, but also several inspiring similarities. Today, we delve deeply into many Old Testament prophecies. We’ll focus in on the astounding detail with which they not only describe Jesus, but also provide all of humanity with the hope for a new life and the opportunity to live it forever. The bottom line? We’re blessed to have God’s amazing plan unfold through Jesus our Lord and Messiah.

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It's a rare word

The word messiah is only translated as “Messiah” twice in the Old Testament. As we discussed in Part I, this does NOT in any way minimize the importance of who the Messiah is and what he does. When we begin to explore the Old Testament prophecies that describe this chosen one, a startling fact emerges: This Messiah, this chosen one, is the primary subject of countless prophecies written by many God-inspired authors over thousands of years. Though rarely called out by name, he is THE central focus of God’s entire plan for humanity.

Prophecies begin in early Genesis, when God hands down the pronouncements for sin to Adam, Eve and Satan. The fact that the “seed of the woman” would crush the "head of the serpent" (Satan) begins the revealment of Messiah. In Exodus, Moses speaks of a prophet like him, whom the people are urged to listen to. These prophecies continue right through the entire Old Testament. They end in the last chapter of Malachai, the last book of the Old Testament.

Not only are there countless prophecies with incredible details all over the Bible, but they are interlocked in amazing ways. Because Messiah is described in so many different ways, we can research from prophetic writing to prophetic writing and author to author and trace even greater depths of meaning. Finding agreement in these various ways verifies the unity of Scripture and solidifies the inspiration of God’s Holy Word.

As good as all of this is, there's more!

Not only do we have prophecies verifying one another, but we also have them verifying Jesus as the one and only promised Messiah. Skeptics say Jesus could have scripted his experiences to fit what the prophecies said. I suppose that could be true with minor details here and there regarding his earthly life. But it is simply impossible for all of it to have been acted out. Check out our December 26, 2023 podcast, “How Do We Know Jesus is the Promised Messiah? (Part II)” for more. We detail several prophecies and bring them forward to show their unmistakable New Testament fulfillments. This is a scriptural conversation absolutely worth engaging in. Don’t miss it!


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December 18, 2023

Ep.1312: How Do We Know Jesus Is the Promised Messiah? (Part I)

Jewish skepticism and key Old Testament identifiers of the Messiah

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Play Part II


If not the Messiah, what were the people of the Old Testament expecting?

Why do some people think Jesus was not the Messiah?

How did Jesus clearly fulfill Old Testament prophecy?

Theme Scripture: John 1:40-41

Christians differ on a lot of things, and sometimes these differences can be troublesome. The basics we all agree on are centered on Jesus. We believe he died for our sins, and we believe he came to give his truest followers the opportunity to be in heaven with him. We also believe he is the Messiah. As a matter of fact, we look at the Old Testament prophecies and have a hard time comprehending why those of the Jewish faith aren’t able to recognize his Messiahship. It seems obvious! Obvious until we realize a few startling scriptural facts. First, the label “Messiah” is only used twice in the Old Testament. It is only used twice in the New Testament as well. This means that what we see as overtly obvious, may in fact be more hidden than we ever thought. So, what do we do now?

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The word translated “Messiah” only twice in the Old Testament is used 37 other times. Because this word simply means “anointed” or “consecrated,” it actually applies to many individuals. The priests of the Jewish Law were “anointed.” Kings of Israel were “anointed.” As a matter of fact, King Saul was one of those anointed ones. When Saul was pursuing David to kill him and David had opportunities to do Saul harm, his reaction was always the same. He continually repeated that he would not touch the Lord’s anointed.

But there are a lot of chosen ones!

This tells us the position of being one anointed by God is a very special designation. It shows us they have been chosen to do God’s work and represent His way. So, does this minimize our Christian perspective of THE Messiah? Does it make him just another chosen one in a long line of chosen ones? While the short answer is “of course not,” this answer certainly needs a lot of explanation. By digging into many Old Testament prophecies, we learn that Messiah is represented in many different ways. While rarely called the Messiah, he is often described as a king, a priest, a shepherd and a lawgiver. The list goes on.

Was Jesus disqualified?

This understanding helps us to see the comprehensiveness of exactly who Messiah is and what he stands for. However, there are other issues. According to the perspective of some Jewish faithful, Jesus could not be the Messiah due to several points. First, they claim the genealogies given in Matthew and Luke have a variety of problems that would disqualify Jesus. Second, they state that because Jesus died, it means he failed, and that failure disqualifies him as well. What do we do with all of this? Check out our December 18, 2023 podcast, “How Do We Know Jesus is the Promised Messiah? (Part I)” for answers. We open several prophecies, put scriptures in context and uncover the deep truths of how Jesus is plainly shown as THE Messiah. There are inspiring scriptural discoveries here you don’t want to miss!

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December 11, 2023

Ep.1311: What is the Biblical Process to Become Perfect? (Part III – Israel and Nations)

The perfecting of Israel as a nation and all other nations of the world

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View Series


What does the Parable of the Fig Tree and Valley of Dry Bones have to do with God's plan for Israel?

What must Israel do in order to become the nation God will use to bless the world?

What is God's plan for the rest of the nations of the world?

Theme Scripture: Isaiah 11:9

God gave us the ability to understand and appreciate His plan of the ages by revealing that plan within the pages of the Bible. This plan is focused on the necessary steps to bring ALL of His creation - both heavenly and earthly - to an existence that will completely and forever live in harmony with one another under His mighty hand and will. In Parts I and II of this series, we looked at how that shaping and revitalizing to a state of perfection takes place. It began with the Old Testament heroes of faith, continues with the faithful disciples of Christ now, and will come to include an opportunity for each and every human being later. In this episode, we look at the nations of the world, beginning with Israel. What does the Bible tell us about the perfecting process of all these nations? Plenty!

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From early on in biblical history, Israel was THE nation.

They were God’s chosen. But what did that mean? It meant that they were responsible to live to higher standards than everyone else. They were to have God and only God as their Sovereign. They would be blessed if they complied and accountable if they didn’t. Well, we all know what happened. They always suffered consequences for their idolatry and sins and were finally cast off from God’s favor for rejecting Jesus. Ironically, this ultimate show of God’s disfavor of the nation set the stage for their future perfecting.

Back to the land.

God’s promise to Abraham said that the nation born to him through Isaac would eventually bless all the families of the earth. Biblical prophecy plainly shows us where God’s disfavor and their being dissolved as a nation would ultimately lead them. The answer: back to their land. Back to Him. Israel’s perfecting as a favored people is not only in clearly revealed in prophecy, but its steps towards this perfecting are also clearly laid out as well. When we read these prophecies and think about this national journey back to God, it is thrilling. When we realize that the already regathered Israel as a nation in their land is the early stages of this, it's mind-blowing!

The question is, what follows the introductory phases of God’s perfecting of Israel? The answer begins with lots of trouble that will lead to the end of this age of sin and death. The removal of the powers that rule this present evil world will be replaced by the power of God through our glorified Lord Jesus. Prophecy tells us the perfecting of Israel will set the stage for the perfecting of all the other nations of the world as well. How can this be, when the ideologies of the nations are so filled with tension and unrest? Check out our December 11, 2023 podcast, “What is the Biblical Process to Become Perfect? (Part III)" for more. Find out how Israel and the nations of the world will learn to live in peace, harmony and loyalty to God. The biblical answers here are amazing!


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December 04, 2023

Ep.1310: What is the Biblical Process to Become Perfect? (Part II – Mankind)

The perfecting of all the faithful before Jesus and of non-believers

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View Series


What happens to humanity when they are resurrected?

How does God's plan allow for humanity to have an opportunity for perfection?

How do the faithful followers of Christ help humanity in the kingdom?

Theme Scripture: Isaiah 11:9

In Part I of our series, we focused on how the New Testament describes "perfection." We found that Jesus, though perfect, had to be further "perfected" - further completed - by his personal experiences and sufferings in order to fully pay the ransom price for Adam. Similarly, but on a much smaller scale, Jesus’ disciples have a perfect beginning as well. They are given forgiveness for their sins, they are given God’s holy spirit, and they are called "sons of God." With these perfect gifts, they also need to be "perfected' - to be completed - in maturity in Christ. This present-day perfecting work is clearly defined in Scripture. So, what about everybody else? Does the Bible show a perfecting work for them? It does! Today we will look at another biblical perfecting process that is not as well-defined and is also a future work instead of being a present work.

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Jesus saves. Is it that simple?

Belief in the opportunity for all nonbelievers to have a future opportunity at being perfected to an earthly life is not common among Christians. The more common belief is that accepting Jesus now is the only way to be saved. However, many scriptures plainly tell us that God’s justice-based approach to humanity leaves a door of opportunity wide open. 1 Corinthians 15:22 is one of the most basic examples, “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.” This equation simply says that Adam brought sin and death to everyone, and Jesus took away what Adam brought. Justice is satisfied. Jesus returns things to their original state of equilibrium.

What about Judgment Day?

While this sounds easy, it likely provokes some really good questions. What does this canceling of Adam’s sin mean in a practical sense? Is this an invitation to heaven? What about the Day of Judgment? First and foremost, this is NOT a heavenly invitation for those who are not called to follow Jesus. It IS an invitation to the life that Adam had an opportunity for - perfect human life. Notice we have described it as an invitation and an opportunity. This means that each and every human being will have a say in the matter. This is where Judgment Day comes into play, since its function according to Scripture is to be a time of testing. This 1,000-year time period will be a time of trial so each resurrected human can earn life through learning righteousness.

All of this is in place for the purpose of perfecting the entire human race into a godly, righteous and loyal family. When you look around our world today, this looks impossible and even ridiculous. Check out our December 4, 2023 podcast, “What is the Biblical Process to Become Perfect? (Part II)” for answers. We dig deeply into Scripture and discover just how God has this massive and complex process of perfecting humankind already in order. These scriptures show us a depth to God’s plan that often goes unnoticed. Don’t miss it!


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