VIDEO: What Would Jesus Have Said to YOU?
On our 2017 Christmas podcast, we took a unique approach to telling the traditional Christmas story by including various conversations Jesus had as an adult. We found a pattern of who he gave his time to and what secret reveals he shared to these special people. Watch this quick vlog and then listen to the entire program for a new perspective on how attentive this Savior of the World was to our human needs.
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Ep.1001: What Would Jesus Have Said to YOU?
Five conversations with Jesus and the lessons of his birth
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Theme Scripture: John 3:17
It is the Christmas season. It is a time for happiness, giving, receiving and appreciating. There was a time not so very long ago when the main focus of the Christmas season was the birth of Jesus as the world’s Savior. We are past that now, thanks to our political correctness, and Jesus is very much an afterthought of the holidays. Well, here today Jesus is NOT an afterthought. He is NOT a divisive figure who offends people by his mere existence. No, here today Jesus is recognized as the Savior of humanity, the centerpiece of God’s plan and the King of Kings. As we honor the birth and life of Jesus , we will do so by highlighting some personal conversations he had with various people he encountered throughout his 3 1/2-year ministry. In so doing, we will tell a story that is rarely told. Merry Christmas!
How would the conversation go?
To think about what Jesus would say to you is kind of an odd thing to dwell on. Upon being asked the question, I think the answer most of us would give is to go down the road of “he would tell me that he loves me,” or “he would tell me that his sacrifice was for me and his sacrifice was bigger than my sins.” While I think there is great comfort and merit to these answers, I want to suggest that we look further and think more deeply. What would Jesus say to ME? Me, the person sitting here reading these words. Me, the person who is living my life with my experiences, my challenges and my tragedies. What would he say to ME?
Jesus talked to all kinds of people
We can begin to find the answer by stopping for a moment and realizing that as Jesus walked the earth he did talk to people....all kinds of people. We typically think of him as talking with his apostles, responding to and challenging the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day and teaching the crowds with parables and miracles. But Jesus also talked to individuals. Many of these conversations were far away from the ears of the people and the rulers. For those whom he spoke to individually and outside of the limelight, his conversations were deeply personal, profoundly perceptive and overflowing with the goodness of the gospel - delivered in a customized and private way. Observe these people and their conversations and the question of what Jesus would say to you will have a whole new meaning.
Check out our December 26, 2017 podcast, “What Would Jesus Have Said to You?” and you will find two inspirational story lines. First, you will be reminded of Jesus’ birth and some of the breathtaking events that surrounded it. After all, that's what the Christmas season used to focus on. Second, you can follow along with us as we focus on five incredibly unique and uplifting conversations that Jesus had. These five conversations were with five totally different types of people with vastly different backgrounds and life experiences. Each conversation is waiting for you to discover how Jesus found their heart and showed them his.
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VIDEO: Will Prayer Change Your Life?
We all want a sense of security and peace and to feel heard, accepted and cared for. Is prayer the way to do this? Should everyone pray? Does it really do any good? Watch this quick video and then listen to the full podcast.
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VIDEO: Why the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge?
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Ep.1000: Will Prayer Change Your Life?
How prayer and meditation can influence our daily lives
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Theme Scripture: Psalm 143:1
Prayer is a staple of religion. If you don’t follow any particular religion then perhaps you meditate. The point is, humans by and large are tuned to opening their minds to some kind of external power or tranquility. For many, this opening of their minds provides a sense of security and peace as they feel heard, accepted and cared for. So, is prayer a commodity that should be passed out to and encouraged among the masses? Is it an elixir that can be taken to cure what ails you? How does prayer even work? What are its key ingredients and what is its process – or is there one? Can prayer and meditation change your life? What should we be praying for?
Prayer is such an enormous subject with so many adaptations that we need to take a breath and just focus on a few simple aspects. I figure the best approach would be to directly deal with the primary question: “Will prayer change your life?” with one minor adjustment – “Will prayer change most people’s lives?” As I see it, the answer to this question is a resounding “probably not!” Why say such a thing? That, my friend, is a really important question, so let’s go there…
Prayer and meditation probably won’t change the lives of most people because they do not understand and are not truly willing to understand what the basic fundamentals of prayer are. For starters, prayer is entering into the presence of the Almighty Creator of all things. He is unfathomably above us, He is incomprehensibly more powerful than we are and He is assuredly and eternally wiser than we will ever be. For any of us to go before such sovereign majesty and ask for stuff or specifically desired results without some basis for that relationship besides, “God, I believe in You and this is what I need or want,” is simply a recipe for disappointment.
In the Bible, many of the 150 Psalms are prayers of one kind or another. This is really good news, for when we combine what we can learn about prayer through these Psalms with what Jesus taught us, we can actually step well beyond wishful prayers based in ignorant desire into the world of praying with purpose, passion and principle.
In the Psalms, David teaches us that the first step in this journey is the acceptance and adoption of humility. As simple as this may sound, it is actually an insurmountable hurdle for most. Accepting humility is common – we readily accept the premise that God is bigger and better than we are, but it only begins there. Adopting humility is the hard part for it is here that we must own the responsibility of actually being utterly humble in our everyday existence. Not easy, not fun and not often a followed through practice, yet it represents an irreplaceable step in effective prayer.
Prayer can be life-changing if we change our lives enough to give it room to grow and flourish. Learn how to make room and how to use both prayer and meditation to revolutionize your own existence. Check out our December 18, 2017 podcast, “Will Prayer Change Your Life?” and see what needs to change so things can change!
(Theme photo courtesy of Flickr)
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Ep.999: Does Complaining Ever Help?
Putting complaining in perspective and finding ways to stop
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Theme Scripture: Psalm 55:2
Everybody complains. Sometimes, well...actually occasionally, we do it from a positive perspective for the purpose of effecting change and that’s good! But most of the time we complain because someone or something is irritating us, or putting pressure on us or challenging us or contradicting us. Most of our complaints are not for the purpose of truly solving any issue; rather, they are for the purpose of being heard, of having our position or circumstance or opinion verified. We complain for attention, for sympathy and to reinforce our ego. We often use complaining as a tool of destruction against those we oppose. For the most part, complaining doesn’t sound all that productive. So, what do we do about it? How do we stop our complaining or transform it into something good?
“Enough already! Just stop your complaining!”
We have all either heard or said this very thing at one point or another in our lives...and most likely it had to do with kids. Whether you were the adult or the kid doesn't matter – what matters is the exasperation response that complaining can produce. What if, instead of going down that road of response, we responded to the incessant whining of a child with, “Look, I know this isn’t the way you want it to be and instead of lamenting so boisterously, why don’t you learn to reframe your complaints in a constructive manner and express them to someone who will not get emotionally caught up with you and will instead help you manage the burden that you are carrying!” I know – that’s ridiculous. But the thing is, it’s true! Can we minimize the role complaining plays in our life?
King David the Complainer
David, the writer of most of the Psalms, was a complainer – but NOT like the example above. On the contrary, David perfected the art of complaining to such a degree that we now read many of his complaints and walk away inspired for good! How is that possible? Instead of complaining so much that one would lose count, David made his complaints count. That’s right, David found and taught a formula for constructive complaining. One of the really cool things about this is when you read current studies about complaining and how to turn the tide towards a positive result, you realize that David, thousands of years ago, did exactly what these experts say we should do now! Very cool!
The good news here (actually, the GREAT news here) is that David’s constructive techniques are not only transferable, they are easy to understand. This means that we – you and I – can learn how to reframe what we complain about, how we do it and to whom we do it to actually achieve positive results. This means we can complain, in the right form, place and delivery, so it is a positive exercise to help us to grow and mature! It sounds weird, so check out our December 11, 2017 podcast, “Does Complaining Ever Help?” and see for yourself. Complaining may never sound the same to you again!
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Ep.998: How Do You Change Your World? (Part II)
Principles from Nehemiah's story for effecting massive change
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Theme Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10
Last week we began talking about what it takes to actually change the world around you – what it takes to not only have a dream for change but to begin that process of change. We talked about Nehemiah, a little-known figure in the Old Testament, who not only had a ridiculously big dream for change, he worked on the idea and recruited the masses to help him progress towards making that dream a reality. Today we finish the story as we catalogue the principles and techniques Nehemiah used to accomplish what seemed impossible. Not only did Nehemiah achieve something magnificent, he also left clues and tools along the way for us to pick up on and use to apply to the changes we want to affect in our own lives.
As we once again drop in on Nehemiah, we will pick up in the middle of his story. Nehemiah had positioned himself (I should say he volunteered to be God’s hands-on representative) to lead the project of rebuilding the demolished walls of Jerusalem. He recruited scores of his Jewish brethren as workers and set them to the task by not only forming community and family-based work groups but by also setting them to work on the wall near their homes and neighborhoods. The people worked hard and quickly drew the ire of several enemy states around them. Soon these civilian volunteers were faced with horrifying threats of ambush, attack and annihilation. The threats caused deep-rooted insecurity and needed to be addressed.
Nehemiah was a man of courage built upon his godly wisdom and integrity and led the people through this overwhelming time. How did he do it? How does anyone continue world-changing work when they are beset by the worst kind of threats? Nehemiah faced them head on with passion and faith. He set up watchmen and weapon bearers around the wall and armed the rest of the workers. Some workers held their swords in one hand and did the work of rebuilding with the other. The message to those who would destroy them was clear – the rebuilding work was SO vital and important that it could not – it would not - be stopped. Sure, you can attack. What you will get is a fight - a fierce fight - so think carefully, as we will not be deterred from our mission that our God has blessed us to accomplish!
Just as you might have expected, there was no attack. Nehemiah’s enemies saw a grit and a unity in this Jewish brotherhood that was best left undisturbed. But just because they did not attack does not mean they quit. Oh no, they simply tried other ways to derail the work; the primary method of which was to eliminate the leader. So, Nehemiah was now beset with numerous, sly and personal traps being set for him on top of his all-consuming work of rebuilding. I suppose we could not expect anything different. After all, he was changing the world and when you change the world you will be challenged again and again. Check out our December 4, 2017 podcast, “How Do You Change Your World? Part 2" and let yourself be inspired by the adventure of the task and the principles by which that adventure was accomplished. It is a journey you may never forget! Did you miss Part 1 of this series? Click here.
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VIDEO: How Do You Change Your World? (Part II)
Did you watch Part I and listen to the podcast? There was SO many cool lessons about what Nehemiah did to mobilize his community and change his world that we needed an additional podcast to bring all the modern-day lessons to light! Onto Part II!
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Bible Study
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