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Showing 1-12 of 18 episodes
Doctrine Episode #1297

Who is God? (Part I)

Piecing together an understanding of the unfathomable character of God
Doctrine Episode #1267

What Is Truth?

Establishing the differences between "THE truth” and “my truth”
Moments That Matter Episode #1267

VIDEO: What Is Truth?

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CQ Kids Episode #1235

VIDEO: Why was Jesus baptized?

Jesus was a perfect man and had no sin, so why did he ask John the Baptist to baptize him?
CQ Kids Episode #1235

VIDEO: Will the earth always be here?

Some (symbolic) scriptures may give the impression that the earth will be destroyed. But is that really God's intention?
CQ Kids Episode #

VIDEO: Who made God?

It's hard for our imperfect brains to imagine!