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February 01, 2015

Ep.851: Did Jesus Die For Atheists?

Atheism, Humanism and the ransom of Jesus

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What is the Bible's explanation of the human condition?

Does God just leave the world in this sorry and hopeless condition?

What is the humanistic take on the world's condition? What have been the results?

Exactly where do Atheists fit into God's plan?

What do Atheists and Christians have in common?

Theme Scripture: 1 John 2:2

Atheism – for many of us who profess Christianity, even hearing the word conjures up a need to defend oneself and one’s faith. Sometimes we envision atheists as those whose objective in life is to ridicule not only us but the mechanism of our faith. And not just the mechanism of our faith, but the very object of our faith – God Almighty. So, what do we have? We have envisioned Atheism as an enemy – as an object of our disdain…but wait a minute – Jesus clearly taught us to love our enemies, so what does that mean? Did Jesus himself love those who profess Atheism – did Jesus die for atheists? If so, then how should we show them the love of Christ?

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1 reply
  1. Debbie
    Debbie says:

    From what I understand, Darwin, on his deathbed, cried out to God. I believe we can be pretty sure most so-called atheists do not remain atheists when death comes knocking.

    “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Heb. 10:31


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