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January 25, 2015

Ep.850: What Do “Selfies” Say About Us?

Understanding and combating a selfish society

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Has the selfie mentality ever shown its face before?

Did Jesus himself promote a selfie mentality?

Can we give our selfie a face lift to help us find a truer meaning in life?

Are there any dangers to leaving a selfie mentality behind?

How can we give in a way that is selfless?

Theme Scripture: Philippians 2:3

“Selfies” – a modern day phenomena of simplicity and ease. The concept is simple – take pictures of yourself so the world can see you as you choose for it to see you. What could be wrong with that? After all, it is your life and you should have control over it, right? As with any luxury of life, there is usually a basic thread of goodness somewhere within it, but as with any luxury in life that thread of goodness can and usually is overrun by excess and pride. Do “selfies” represent this excess and pride and if so, how do we reset ourselves back to a clearer reality? Stay with us and find out!!

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