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November 08, 2015

Ep.891: How is Jesus “The Truth”? (Part II)

Defining Jesus as the Truth and centerpiece of God's plan

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View Series


Where do we first find Jesus as The Truth?

What do we know about HOW Jesus was the remedy?

What's the New Testament view of the burning bush incident?

Moses pictured Jesus - but wasn't Jesus the Passover Lamb of God as well?

If Jesus is a Lamb, is it all about him being sheepish?

Theme Scripture: John 14:6

Jesus had an amazing way of saying a lot with few words. Jesus had a mission – he spoke about it, lived it and taught its principles. A major part of that mission was to open the way of "sonship" to the Father. Jesus told us he IS the way to the Father and he also IS the Truth. What does that mean? How could he BE the truth? Stay with us as we try and reveal just what he was talking about.

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