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March 31, 2013

Ep.755: Jesus is Risen!

Honoring Jesus’ ransom, death and resurrection

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Theme Scripture: Mark 16:6

There have been many world changing events in human history. The printing press made knowledge accessible to the masses. The light bulb literally illuminated man’s course and fed an industrial revolution which brought previously unthinkable invention and convenience to many. Penicillin protected life in a new way. These and many other events changed man’s course and were breathtaking in their scope, yet limited and even restricted in their reach throughout history, for each of these events could only touch those then living or yet to be born. There was only one event at any time in all of history that would alter man’s DESTINY – all of man’s destiny, from Adam and on through all of the civilizations ever experienced, on an eternal scale. That event was the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! It is that event that we celebrate today.

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