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June 29, 2020

Ep.1132: How Should Christians Respond to Racism? (Part I)

Finding and adopting a godly approach to a destructive social issue

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Play Part II


How does ignorance shape our ideas about race?

How can we attack our own prejudices?

Bigotry is prejudice in action - are we ever bigoted?

Is there any hope to change racist tendencies?

Theme Scripture: James 2:8-9

George Floyd is dead. Needlessly. His life ended as a result of the uncalled-for brutality of a police officer. This killing has resonated throughout the United States, as well as the world. It has put some of society's hardest issues in front of our faces. Peaceful protests decrying racism and injustice have occurred all over the world. Angry riots, looting and yes, more killing has also erupted. The issues are ugly, serious and relevant.  What are we struggling with? Is it racism? Is it bigotry? Prejudice? Ignorance? As Christians, we need to be open and honest when it comes to truth. So, what is the truth about society's struggles? What is the truth we as Christians should be standing for?

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Words matter

To appropriately engage in a discussion about racism, we need to begin with simple truths. These begin with the simple thought that words matter.  Let’s look at the word “racist.”  Whether we just hear about racism, accuse someone of it or are being accused of it, we cannot help but react emotionally.  Racism at its core is the wholesale devaluing of an entire race of people. It is believing that they are - merely because of the color of their skin - inherently less valuable and less capable than others. This belief system is not just flawed at every level, it is morally repugnant as well. As Christians, we need to stand as far away from this malady as we possibly can.

Where does racism come from? How does one arrive at such a distorted viewpoint? Aside from racist tendencies being taught (which is a whole discussion in itself), racism has at its center the characteristic of ignorance. Ignorance in a broad sense is a universal human condition.  We ALL lack knowledge, education and awareness in many areas of life.  The bad news is we generally don’t know what we don’t know. This makes it easy to remain ignorant. Regarding matters such as racism, ignorance is the soil that fertilizes the prejudice and bigotry that grow it. Ignorance is one of those words that matter. Understanding it gives us the opportunity to be aware of power.  The good news is ignorance is a VERY treatable condition!

Ignorance - Prejudice - Bigotry - Racism

As pervasive as ignorance is, it only represents the tip of the racism iceberg.  Check out our June 29, 2020 podcast, “How Should Christians Deal with Racism? (Part 1)” for more. We begin by establishing a sound biblical perspective on racism and partiality. Advice in Proverbs points us to attaining knowledge, understanding and wisdom.  We follow the journey of Karetta and Tekiya, two Black American women who live with anxieties and fears that an average white individual may never think about.  We also seek comprehensive understanding of ignorance, prejudice, bigotry and racism. These are important words that matter.  They describe pieces of a broken heart condition that unjustly marginalizes others. Please join us for this two-part series. The path to conquering racism begins with understanding how it grows!


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2 replies
  1. Sophia Doely
    Sophia Doely says:

    This discussion was very good to talk about as Christians. There are other Christians that don’t admit that there is a problem, they don’t want to talk about it. Thanks you

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Hi, Sophia, we really appreciate your taking the time to leave this comment. Hopefully you have had a chance to listen to Part 2 as well. We learned a lot in prepping for these episodes. – Christian Questions


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