Ep.801: Marriage…Why Bother?
Marriage and its perceived demise in the 21st century
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Theme Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:28
Friday was the day to celebrate love! Valentine’s day! From the little candy hearts that say “Be Mine” to the big box of chocolates, from the gifts and the cards to the dinners out and the special time together, it was a day of appreciation, a day of expression and a day to be perhaps more vulnerable than normal – not to mention a day that retailers live for! So, what is love – what is marriage? Do they still go together like a…you know…So, how are we doing these days with love – not just with one day of celebrating, but with our everyday living in love?
I do hope something will be discussed of how the practices in honor of this alleged Roman “Saint” mimicks heathen idolatries.
I do not agree with all that is in these links, but there are some good points to consider, especially when it comes to the mimicking of idolatrious practices connected with the celebration. As such, even the heart, especially, with “Cupid”‘s arrow in it, mimicks the worship of the heathen god, Cupid.
Thank you for writing. The history you reference as to the origins of Valentine’s Day are very eye opening. CQ has brought out similar pagan history for subjects like Halloween and hellfire, but not such a perspective for Valentine’s Day. Traditionally we have used that week to bring out lessons in love and marriage but will certainly consider your suggestions for a future program. Great research! -Christian Questions
(P.S. We removed your first suggested link because it required a subscription password.)