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May 09, 2010

Ep.606: What Makes a Mom?

Honoring motherhood on Mother’s Day

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Theme Scripture: Titus 2:4

Today is a day of special significance, for it is the national holiday we know as Mother’s Day. It is a day set aside to honor and respect the hardest working and most under-appreciated member of our family – mom. It is on this day that we give the cards, the chocolates, the balloons, the special meal, the phone calls, the flowers and the pampering to the moms in our lives...funny thing, it is on the other 364 days of the year that they give us all of those kinds of things. Seems like it would warrant a “Mother’s Week” or a “Mother’s Month,” but I digress. Stay with us as we honor the most sacred institution of motherhood, with thoughts, Scriptures and music!

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