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April 08, 2019

Ep.1068: Do I Have a Sound Christian Mind?

The powerful effects of power, love and a sound mind on our lives

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How can we consciously change our source of strength?

How does the spirit of love work?

What does it mean to have the spirit of a sound mind?

How is Peter, with so many flaws, a good example of a sound mind?

Theme Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7

Have you ever thought about what it means to be given "the spirit of power and love and sound mind" as stated in 2 Timothy 1:7?  With this spirit of power, shouldn't all enemies of God cower before us as we call them out for what they are?  With this spirit of love, shouldn't we be able to bridge any gap and overcome any difference among us?  With this spirit of a sound mind, which means sound judgment or discipline, shouldn't we be able to see through the traps of the adversary and the cunning selfishness of our own minds and always think, speak and act in exact accordance with God’s will?  If it were only that easy!  The fact is, we need to develop and engage these things as tools in our everyday fight gainst all things godless.  Instead of imagining ourselves as superhero avengers who have the power to call out evil, let us instead see ourselves as blessed to be learning how to use what God has given!

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To understand what a sound Christian mind actually is, we first need to know what it replaces.  When the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy about this, he told him that "God has not given us the spirit of cowardice but instead he has given us the spirit of power, love and a sound mind."  Was Paul saying Timothy was a coward?   On the contrary, he was preparing Timothy for the incredible hardships that were coming.  Roman persecution of Christianity was increasing and the desolation of Jerusalem was only a few years away.  Paul himself was currently imprisoned and would soon be executed.  He was encouraging his spiritual son, Timothy, to step up in the face of all these deep testing experiences and stand firm for the truth of the Gospel.  The message was to not cower as time presented greater challenges but to rely firmly upon God’s power and influence to carry him through.

It is fascinating to observe the respect given to the “spirit of cowardice.”  Paul understood the death grip fear could hold upon one who is taxed beyond their physical and emotional strength.  He offered a solution for overcoming this overwhelming tide, and it came in three phases.  The first phase was to adopt and accept what Paul called “the spirit of power.”  This power  was not attainable by personal exercise, taking supplements or by force of human will and discipline.  Rather, this power was a result of the miraculous indwelling of God’s own Spirit – His power and influence - within the personal life of any called-out Christian.  Paul’s message was simple...use this power as your foundation, and you can now begin the process of submerging and diffusing cowardice.

Check out our April 8, 2019 podcast, “Do I Have a Sound Christian Mind?” for more.  Understanding and applying this “spirit of power” is just the beginning.  We connect the necessary dots to get to the victorious point of understanding and attaining the spirit of a sound Christian mind.  Applying this disciplined Christian mind will absolutely change everything!


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2 replies
  1. Michael Siemion
    Michael Siemion says:

    My heart is thankful to God our Father for the precious gift of our Savior Jesus Christ who made all these things possible for those who Love Him and His Beloved Brethren. – Thank you for caring for us with all your heart!

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      It is amazing to learn more and more about God’s plan as revealed in His word. It is overwhelming! Thank you for writing. – Christian Questions


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