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March 15, 2015

Ep.857: Where Does Your Soul Go When You Die? (Part I)

Biblically defining the nature of the soul

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Play Part II


Are there scriptures that verify death is the absence of life and that death is sin's penalty?

Why did Job ask the question - if a man die will he live again?

Are there scriptures that say the soul is immortal?

Are there scriptures that say death is universal for all earthly souls?

Are there prophecies that pull all of these Old Testament Scriptures together with New Testament teaching?

Theme Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:23

(Part 2 found here) Death and taxes – two sure things for us in this life. Now, with taxes we can always try and avoid them – we can shelter our money, make less money, get a better tax advisor – you know – we can play the game and sometimes even come out ahead. With death there is no game, for it eventually finds every one of us. The only question here is what really happens when you die? Do you leave your body and go someplace or are you dead – really dead – as in not alive, not aware, just plain ol’ expired? As you already know, such a question has many different answers – stay with us as we attempt to establish a biblical perspective on the matter!

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