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July 15, 2024

Ep.1342: What Does “Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth” Mean? (Hellfire Series Part II)

Learning what Jesus meant by “weeping and gnashing of teeth”

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What does it mean when weeping and gnashing of teeth includes outer darkness in the description?

Why does weeping and gnashing of teeth sometimes include a furnace of fire?

What does weeping and gnashing of teeth mean all seven times Jesus used the expression?

Theme Scripture: Matthew 8:12

In Part I, we looked into what Jesus really meant when he talked about “hell" and "unquenchable fire.” Gehenna, the Greek word Jesus used for “hell,” describes a valley in which horrible acts of idolatry occurred. God proclaimed this valley would be known as a valley of slaughter, a valley that would symbolize utter destruction. Further, we discovered that when Jesus spoke of “unquenchable fire,” he was referring to Old Testament fires of destruction that would burn until there was nothing left to be consumed. While these realizations take the eternal torture and flames out of the concept of hell, we still have other words of Jesus to consider. What about all of the times that Jesus said some would experience “weeping and gnashing of teeth”? What was he describing?

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Seven times

Jesus specifically spoke about "weeping and gnashing of teeth" seven different times. This tells us several important things. First, we see he was relaying a very important message. His words were a warning to his listeners to be aware of themselves so they would be able to avoid having this reaction. Second, we need to know who was being addressed. It turns out there were several categories of people being spoken to. There were the Jews of his day, and Christians - both true and false - throughout the whole age of gospel message going forth. Then he also addressed those at the end of the age, when the "time of trouble" will descend upon the world. Jesus’ message was comprehensive and attention-getting!

What does it mean - and what DOESN'T it mean?

Next, we need to be aware of what this “weeping and gnashing of teeth” phrase meant and what it didn’t mean. This is a deeply important point, as many Christians instinctively associate it with the concept of a burning hell. The problem here is simple. As we discussed in Part I, the idea of torture in everlasting fire is not at all scripturally accurate. That being the case, we need to have a crystal-clear understanding of how Jesus used this particular phrase. By understanding the words and their context, this begins to become clear.

Next, we need to face the fact that most of the time “weeping and gnashing of teeth” is used, it is within the context of parables. Parables by definition are symbolic, and we need to honor that basis in our understanding. So many details and so little time! Check out our July 15, 2024 podcast, “What Does Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth Mean? (Part II)” for more. We systematically go through an overview of all seven times Jesus spoke these words. We identify the "who" and "why" of each instance. Finally, we then highlight the similarities and point out the differences as we compare them. What we find is a sobering and comprehensive lesson Jesus taught to anyone and everyone who would come to know him. Join us to see how weeping and gnashing of teeth makes incredible sense as a learning experience and not as eternal torture.


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