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July 05, 2021

Ep.1185: What Are the True Reasons for Jesus’ Return to Earth?

Uncovering the remarkable and inspiring mission of Jesus’ return

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Does the return of Jesus bring Armegeddon?

Does the return of Jesus create a showdown with Satan?

What one word sums up the core reason for the return of Jesus?

Theme Scripture: Revelation 3:20

Jesus changed the world when he came to earth as a man over 2.000 years ago. His character, teaching, miracles and wisdom were and still are unmatched anywhere and anytime. As impactful as his first coming to earth was, he was very specific to let his followers know he would be returning again. Many who look at the prophecies of the second coming see them as foretelling a time of calamity and trouble. While these expectations do carry elements of truth, is the return of Jesus to earth for the purpose of mayhem and destruction? We believe the answer to this question to be an unequivocal no! Further, we believe the reasons for his return are wrapped up in the carrying out of God’s loving plan for all humanity.

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The plan of God

Every Christian will tell you that God has a plan and Jesus is the centerpiece of that plan. Yet, most of us look at Jesus’ return to earth as a wholesale destruction of those who did not accept him as their savior. Let’s evaluate this for a minute. Jesus’ first coming was to save the world. He offered his life as payment for sin. Since then, MOST of the world has not heard of Jesus, and therefore have no path to salvation. So, his coming to save the world was a failure for most of humanity. Does this sound right?  Further, many of us see his second coming as the final destruction for that mostly-failed first coming. There is obviously something very wrong with this approach.

Is the presence of Jesus in both timeframes two parts of the same mission?

What if we look at both advents on earth as two parts of the same mission? What if we looked more deeply into the Scriptures and found that everything Jesus did 2,000 years ago was connected to his return in our day? Let’s consider just one “what if” example. Jesus paid the price for Adam’s sin when he came the first time. Romans 5:18 clearly states that all humanity suffered the condemnation of Adam’s sin. They would, therefore, ALL be given justification because of Jesus’ sacrifice. What if Jesus’ second presence was for the purpose of applying that justification to all those who are not his called-out ones? What if the trouble that accompanies Jesus’ return was to destroy the satanic influences in the world - and not the people?

Whether this approach sounds intriguing or outrageous to you, please check out our July 5th, 2021 podcast, “What Are the True Reasons for Jesus’ Return?” for more. We look at several specifics of the mission of Jesus from two centuries ago. We examine:

  • the price he paid
  • the healing he did
  • the salvation he offered to Israel
  • the calling out of a people for his name

We trace how the Bible shows us each part of his ministry - as a precursor of or a preparation for - his return. Seeing Jesus’ second advent in this scriptural light changes everything. Join us and watch as God’s plan for all humanity unfolds!



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4 replies
  1. Andrew
    Andrew says:

    Good morning what do the scriptures Rev 13 and Dan.7 4-6 mean? I recently saw someone advertising New world order propaganda .The interpretation was a one man world leader .Do these verses refer to Christ or man in this timeframe?Thank you

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      Daniel 7 must be studied in context. Quoting just a couple of verses will miss the intended meaning. The chapter begins by explaining that the prophet Daniel had a dream about four great beasts that came out of the sea. First was like a lion with the wings of an eagle (verse 4). The second was like a bear with three ribs in its mouth (verse 5). The third was like a leopard with four wings and four heads (verse 6). The fourth beast was “dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly with iron teeth and ten horns” (verse 7). The next verse describes a “little horn” that came up and plucked out three of the other horns (verse 8). It would be difficult to interpret the meaning of all these beasts, except we are given a great start. In verse 15 Daniel was troubled by this frightening vision and asked one of the angels what it all meant. The key that unlocks the vision is the explanation, beginning in verse 17. “These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.” Daniel was especially interested in the forth terrible beast. Beginning in verse 23 the angel provides more details regarding the fourth beast. He says, “…The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 

      Verse 24  And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 
      Verse 25  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 
      Verse 26  But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. 
      Verse 27  And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.”

      The angel’s explanation reveals that the four beasts are four kings that arise out of the earth. Based on this, the correct understanding is that these beasts represent four world powers. It is helpful to know that Daniel 7 is often compared to the vision that King Nebuchadnezzar had in chapter 2. There he saw the giant statue of a man that was divided into four parts, a head of gold, the chest and arms of silver, the belly and thighs of brass, and the legs and feet made of iron mixed with clay (Daniel 2:31-35).

      We won’t go into detail regarding this vision except to say that Daniel revealed that this image was also a picture of world powers. He says that the head of gold was the kingdom of Babylon, the world power in Daniel’s day. The descending parts of the image were succeeding world powers. These are easily traced through history. Medo-Persia conquered Babylon. Greece succeeded and conquered most of the civilized world. The Roman came after Greece and dominated the world for thousands of years. Rome was pictured by the legs and feet of clay, the last universal world power. In Daniel 7 the fourth beast was also Rome. Making the parallel to chapter 2 then, the first beast, the lion, was Babylon. The bear was Medo-Persia, and leopard was Greece. These all preceded Rome. No one could have known there would be only these four universal empires from the time of Daniel to the Roman Empire.

      Rome was the largest, strongest and most feared of all the empires. The description in verse 7 fits Rome perfectly. It was terrible, exceedingly strong and devoured anything that stood in its way. The ten horns
      of the Roman beast represent various forms of government in Roman history. The little horn is a power that arose within the Roman empire that would “wear out the saints of the Most High” (verse 25). This is
      easily identified as the Papal system that persecuted any Christian that did not support the organization. The accounts of cruel persecution and burning people alive is clearly documented in the history of this
      corrupt system. What is most significant in this vision is that the Lord finally takes away the dominion of the Papal empire and gives it to the true saints. (verses 22, 25 – 27).

      Revelation 13 follows a similar line of symbolism. It’s important to observe that the beast here is a composite of all four of the beasts in Daniel 7. This beast is Papacy, which incorporated all the features
      of the four universal empires. Verse 4 describes how the dragon had “given his authority unto the beast.” This was fulfilled in the Roman Emperor Justinian elevated the Pope as supreme head of the Roman Church (Pontifex Maximus) in 539 AD. He then confirmed the Pope’s authority by writing it into Roman law so future generations would have to recognize his authority.

      For more, please listen to Episode 786: Why Do Historians Dislike Daniel So Much? https://christianquestions.com/current-events/786-why-do-historians-dislike-daniel/

      We hope this helps in your studies. Feel free to write us at [email protected] if you have additional questions on this or other topics. – Christian Questions

    • Christian Questions
      Christian Questions says:

      We are grateful you enjoyed the podcast. May God bless your studies. – Christian Questions


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