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June 10, 2012

Ep.713: What Can We Learn From Peter? (Part II)

Middle life through “Do you love me?”

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Theme Scripture: Matthew 4:19-20

We previously discussed this great apostle in Part I of our conversation. We covered his life from his being introduced in the Scriptures as a typical fisherman from Galilee, up to his proclamation that Jesus was the Messiah and his angst at Jesus saying that he, Jesus, would have to die. These three things typify the life of Peter: a regular guy of no singular background, impetuous – willing to speak up when others would not, and often getting into some kind of trouble for things he said or did. Stay with us as we look further into this utterly fascinating life of a man who would become one of Christianity's greatest leaders. When you are ready, finish the story with Part III.

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