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March 08, 2021

Ep.1168: Could God Convict ME of Murder?

Unfolding Jesus’ challenging expansion of “You shall not murder”

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Did Jesus teach that speaking disrespectfully is like murder?

Did Jesus teach that judging others a way to murder them?

What steps can we take to change our thoughts, words and actions to better represent Jesus?

Theme Scripture: Exodus 20:13

The first four of the Ten Commandments all have to do with humanity’s relationship to God. These directives came first because our relationship with God should always be the driving factor in our lives. The fifth Commandment focuses on our relationship with our parents and is fashioned after the first four, with honor and respect being paramount. “You shall not murder” is the sixth Commandment.  This is the first of the Ten Commandments to focus us on our relationship with all other human beings. It is a simply stated, emphatic directive teaching us about the sacredness of human life. It sets the stage for the rest of the Commandments. But it is not as simple as it sounds.  Its importance cannot be overstated! Further, Jesus not only taught its importance, he also dramatically expanded its meaning for his disciples. We will find “You shall not murder” to be a life-governing principle in every corner of our experiences.

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Life under the Old Testament Law was in many ways a very black and white experience. The Ten Commandments were concise statements as to how we should act towards God, our families and everyone else. Obey the Commandments and God blesses you, break the Commandments and God is angry with you. “You shall not murder” seems like a no-brainer  We all should know this, right?  Few ever consider why God made this simple statement part of the ten most basic laws He ever gave to humanity.

Old Testament

First, this particular Commandment has to do with the taking of another’s life outside of acts of war, protection of person and property, and as a consequence of harsh crimes. It is all about an individual taking justice into their own hands. Usually, such an assumption of power is based on hate, jealousy or rage and is not just. Second, this Commandment is making obvious to all humanity that  God created humanity in His own image. It is as though God is saying, "You are My children. I directly created you to have dominion on this earth. Human life is sacred in My eyes, so do NOT haphazardly destroy it!"

New Testament

Understanding God’s perspective helps us dramatically when we fast forward to the New Testament and observe what Jesus taught. Jesus took the “You shall not murder” Commandment and explained it to his disciples in a higher and far more challenging way. He introduced the idea of murdering someone’s character or reputation by the way we talk to them. Not only that, he talked about the accountability for such words in a very pointed way.

Why would Jesus do this? Why would he make “You shall not murder” about what goes on in our heads and with our words? Check out our March 8, 2021 podcast, “Could God Convict Me of Murder?” for more.  We dive right into Jesus’ words to find the lessons. Then we look at all the things we as Christians need to be wary of. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to take the high road in preserving the lives of others rather than damaging them! Study the rest of the Commandments with us to see how they are still valid for Christians today.


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1 reply
  1. Tim
    Tim says:

    The message is that we are as bad as the worst.
    The message continues that we do not have the ability to change that.
    “Those who seek to save their lives will lose them.” —Jesus
    We are “Blessed while sad” because, though we are doomed, we are saved by Jesus.

    Very few if any Christians know what it’s really about.
    Jesus is sinless God-became-man, who paid the penalty of our sins and sinfulness, where the sins come from.
    In essence, all the wrong that we ever did and all the wrong that we are becomes the sin that Jesus did and the wrong that he is, in the eyes of God.
    Jesus was executed for sin and went to hell.
    Because what Jesus did for mankind was a heroic act he was acquitted and PERMITTED to leave hell and rise from the grave—-Romans 4
    So we see it was our salvation that saved Jesus; the heroism he did; the result that made him a hero.
    If anyone who trusts in this arrangement could afterward sin and lose this salvation then Jesus would no longer be a hero and would have to return to the grave and to hell.
    Since Scripture reveals that Jesus is on the throne in heaven forever it is the assurance that no one who trusts in Jesus can be lost.


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