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November 30, 2008

Ep.532: Did You Stop Long Enough to Really Give Thanks?

True thanksgiving on Thanksgiving

Theme Scripture: Psalms 100:3-4

So, did you overeat this past Thursday? It was great to have the day off, wasn’t it? Did you watch a lot of football? How about Friday - did you get that day off as well? Did you get out there and shop shop shop? Are you now focused on preparations for Christmas? Is your tree up yet? How about cards, decorations and guest lists? Is everything on schedule? Wow! If we didn’t know better, we would have passed off this past Thursday as just another day off. In actuality, it was Thanksgiving, a holiday set in place to stop andthank God for His overruling on our behalf. This program looks at Thanksgiving for its true meaning. Try and STOP so we can continue to live the ʺattitude of gratitude!ʺ

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