Ep.759: What Drives Christian Faith?
Finding the "faith factor" in the 21st century
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Theme Scripture: James 1:2-3
Is Christian faith different? Is it somehow more magical or extensive than the faith of other religions? Is it less credible than the faith we have in science or medicine? Is Christian faith based on long-standing traditions, feelings, the Bible, or what church you go to? Is Christian faith transformative? Should Christian faith be a recommended staple in everyone’s diet?
listen to you alot i agree on almost everything but faith is being tested now lots of pain found i have a type of cancer it attacks most of body maybe have a stem cell replacement need lots of prayers for endurement like woman that grabbed hold his dress that only thing i can dofor his stength keep up good work i like to hear from both of you and your love for him i know you do its just like to hear how he works in both your lives
Please comment of this question:
At what point in his life was Abraham deemed by God to be a Righteous (justfied, saved, etc.) man?
It appears that James is telling us (in James 2:21)that Abraham was Justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac.
Pertaining to Abraham’s Justification, the Apostle Paul (Romans 4:3) asked this question: what saith the scripture?
I also ask– what does the scriptures say about how Abraham became justified?
In Romans 4:3 Paul he continues and quotes Genesis 15:6…Abraham {Abram) believed God and it was accounted unto him for Righteousness.
According to Genesis 15:6, Abram (later Abraham) was declared a Righteous man by God while his wife Sarah was barren.
My question is about how we Gentiles today are deemed to be Righteous, Justified or Saved in the eyes of God?
Is it by Faith alone or by Faith with (any kind of) works?
Romans 8:33 tells us that..it is God that justifieth.
Man has no part or hand in the process except to teach the truth and the hearer either believes or does not believe. If the truth is heard and believed that person is justified as Abraham (Who is called the Father of all who believe).
As you know, the Law of Moses would come 430 years after Abraham believe what God had promised.
Abraham was Justified before circumsision, baptism or any other carnal ordinance that would eventually be imposed by the Law of Moses.
Of course, Jesus Christ fullflled every jot and title of that Law and nailed it to the cross, bringing mankind back to the original state in which Abraham was saved, with FAITH being the road to Justification, Salvation, Righteousness.
This is the “Good News” which Paul had revealed to him- which had been hid from ALL by God since the foundation of the world. Paul was the first human being to have these mysteries revealed to him and he preached those things to the Gentiles–Galations 1:11-18.
My belief is that doing good deeds is terrific and should be applauded by society and all alike…however, it appears to be a mute point when it comes to how God Justifies a person.
I would appreciate your comments.
Joe W. Burchell
Thank you very much for your thoughtful questions and comments. As did all mentioned in Hebrews 11, Abraham lived about 2,600 years before Jesus, in whom it is taught that belief is what saves. It wasn’t until Jesus’ first advent that he opened the “new and living way” unto life for those who will walk in his footsteps as consecrated followers. These faithful Christians are compared to John the Baptist as “greater than he” in Matthew 11:11.
Thus, all mentioned in Hebrews 11 have a different relationship with God. They were “justified” to be friends with God but would need further development as told in Hebrews 11:39 and 40.
These men and women demonstrated their faith by the works in their lives, yet they will need to be made perfect by the assistance of the Church.
Thus both Paul and James were both correct. Works demonstrate the faith in the heart and Abraham’s life was an excellent example of this.
We also recommend Episode #1155: Is It Faith or Works That Gets Us to Heaven? (Part I)
– Christian Questions