Ep.790: Is Your Life a Thankful Life?
Gratitude and the history of Thanksgiving
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Theme Scripture: Psalm 118:24
The Thanksgiving holiday – it is a most misunderstood and misapplied American tradition. We all love the day off, the gathering of families and friends, the abundant food and the design of the day for leisure, but what was it originally? What was the reason for that original feast back in 1621, and what was the intention of the United States government in maintaining the November celebration? Stay with us as we look into some history, some Scriptures, some music and even some humor as we focus on Thanksgiving. Is it just a holiday or is it a way of life?
The first pilgrims arrived in America in 1620 (Mayflower, plymouth rock, etc.). In 2020, it will be exactly 400 years from that time.
I am thankful that God allowed me to live to know His Great Plan instead of setting up His Kingdom earlier! I suppose that we can be thankful for the tarrying if we look at it in this light.